Just a quick question to the Devs.

Just a quick question to the Devs.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Krono.2918



Will we be seeing more variety in weapons, i.e. new weapon types?

I know I cannot speak for the overall populace of GW2, but I’m certain plenty of players would love a little more variety. I feel that adding new weapons would bring about some variety more people would appreciate.

My personal desire would be scythes, preferably 1-handed scythes that certain classes, e.g. thieves and warriors, could dual wield. Also, 2-handed scythes that function as a melee weapon, not as a staff.

Most weapon sets in the game seem to have a predetermined design to them. For example, when playing a warrior, the 1H swords cause bleeds, the 1H maces cause stuns, and the 1H axes are focused around critical strikes.

I would like to see scythes possibly mix bleeding damage, cripples, and critical damage into one set. Any feedback from the player-base on what they feel a scythe class should offer players is a plus. I look forward to everyone’s input.

I just hope that if in the future they do get added to the weapon rack, that they’re designed appropriately. Scythes should never function as a staff as that is a waste of a perfectly good, razor sharp edge. And that edge should be designed to be long, sharp, and menacing, much like the Reaper’s scythe itself.

Anyone feel like adding to this?

Just a quick question to the Devs.

in Suggestions

Posted by: RoflandRoll.2810


I would love to see Polearms.

What about a ranged weapon that hits more than just one target? Perhaps a Blunderbuss? Though finding a bow equivilant would be difficult.

Just a quick question to the Devs.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Krono.2918


I don’t think it’d be all that difficult to make something up with ingenious Asura weapon-masters on the job!

A handheld catapult! A buckshot slingshot! A boomerang?

Just a quick question to the Devs.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Krono.2918


Ah, c’mon! No one else wants to see new weapons in the game?

Let’s hear some other ideas!

Just a quick question to the Devs.

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


I would like a +5 Wand of Correct Player’s Grammar and a +10 Staff of Banish Idiot Painfully.

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Just a quick question to the Devs.

in Suggestions

Posted by: adragon.1234


I said it from the very beginning that they’ll start with the mundane weapons the game already has.
Then they’ll add more exotic weapons like scythes, nunchucks, whips, dual blades, and throwing stars.
Finally they’ll add the bizarre weapons like broken bottles, rusty poles, and… oh wait.

“The only lasting peace is the peace within your own soul.” ~Ventari

Just a quick question to the Devs.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jenvo.3578


I do understand that adding weapons would be a lot to do, seeing as multiple professions would be using each weapon, thus creating new skills to balance out among the professions.

However, if the developers do plan on adding any new weapons at all with expansions and such, that would be cool to look forward to.

There are already plenty of weapons to use though.