Karma - Account wide

Karma - Account wide

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kyma Grey.9410

Kyma Grey.9410

Is there are reason, why the Karma points are not available to all the character of one account?

I think, it should be shared across every toon of your account. What can you do, once you hit the 1min mark? Get a legendary, sure.. in a year or two. By then i have 10mio. Karma and can´t use´em for notin except for 1x armor set in the Orr region with a somewhat-weird design.

My inquiry is :

Can we expect Karma to be shared among all toons of one account and why can we not buy every dungeon set with Karma?

You could even trade Tokens for Karma, for those that love to farm dungeons and make it worthwhile for them (ex : 100 tokens give 10k karma).

(i reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallly need 2x Noble Man sets or maybe even 3, but i don´t have the time with Wv3, alts to farm dungeons)

We need more Armor sets, that can be bought via Karma Points – this is a fact (1x set only right now and few vanity ones), so allow players to buy dungeon sets via Karma for the 42k Karma per piece or even more (100k per piece).

Just a thought,

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Karma - Account wide

in Suggestions

Posted by: mage.3570


I agree that karma should be account bound. My example:
I do dungeons on toon # 1 (which brings tokens in for my other toons)
I have another toon stationed permanently in cursed shore (because I absolutely hate WP costs, but that’s another issue)
—> Need a way to combine karma so that I can buy prerequisites for legendary without burning my eyes out playing a single toon

I don’t think karma should be used to buy dungeon armors – there’s tokens for that.

Been there, done that. What’s next?

Karma - Account wide

in Suggestions

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


I can’t really get to my conclusion on this.

“Karma is a form of non-tradeable currency that allows players to purchase useful and high-end items from certain NPCs. It is earned by participating in events, dungeons, and both monthly and daily achievements.
It is earned by doing events and dungeons, these can’t be done by all your characters at the same time. That’s why it should be character bound.
But you also gain it by completing daily and monthly achievements.
Daily and monthly achievements can be progressed and completed by any character! This is why karma should be account bound.

And what about ‘Jugs of Liquid Karma’ ?
You can simply put them on your bank and use them on another character.
This means you can use ‘Jugs of Liquid Karma’ account wide… Logic?

In my own personal opinion I think there is no reason making karma character bound since it’s ‘karma’ that you’ve earned by many possible reasons.
Just like the achievements that you earn; they’re not character bound like in WoW, but account bound (and it’s a big improvement!).

Let’s hope for a good answer from the staff.

(edited by MeneerZondervan.5943)

Karma - Account wide

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gao Gao.4973

Gao Gao.4973

I have over 200k karma that on a character and I don’t know what I’m going to do with it. I have no intention of going after a legendary, and it would be nice if I could deposit my karma into my bank for use on another character.

Baiyun – Necromancer
Member of Talons [BT]
Fort Aspenwood

Karma - Account wide

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bluee.1425


I’m sure Karma will not sit for too long. In the future, they could possibly add more use for them. It’s an untapped currency that ArenaNet could potentially use. As of now, karma is used to get the obsidian shard and recipes or crafting materials. Everything else is secondary.

Commander Champion Magus Bluee of Rata Sum Security [RSS]