Karma armor? Too much farm for it... :s

Karma armor? Too much farm for it... :s

in Suggestions

Posted by: Leeain.2431


If you want an exotic armor, you have 3 options:

1 – Buy it in the action house.
You need a little bit of gold, but you can do it.
Every piece costs from 2g to 4g (more or less). So you need just to farm, play, enjoy and collect 2/4g to buy one piece.
How long it takes?
Something like a couple of hours for gain 2g.
Easy… fun.
Two days of farming and you can have full set.

2 – Token.
If you do the dungeon the first time in a day, 60 token each path, so 180 for 3 paths.
Some dungeon are fast, 20min each path, easy go (1h total)… some others are slow, and for all the 3 paths you need a couple of ours or more (dipends on the team).
One piece of armor set is around 250 tokens (some pieces more, some pieces less).
So, if you farma bit, in 2/4 ours you can take one set piece.
In 3 days, maybe less if you farm lot, you can be full set.

3 – Karma.
42.000 for take one piece?
Are you kidding
? o.o
Every event is something like 350 karma points… and it takes around 5 min.
There are not event every single moment, some times you need to whait.
So… The average is 4 events every 30min.
4 × 350 = 1400 karma points every 30 min…. it means 2800 in 1 hour.
The problem is that we need 42.000 for one single piece…
How many 2800 (1h) you need to reach 42.000?
15… it means 15 hours for one single piece!!!!
I hope no normal human play 15h no stop… so it means 2 day for a single piece.
6 piece is a full set… it means 10 days of karma farm no stop.


Make it cheaper…
30.000 or 20.000 karma.

If i can take 1 armor piece in 2 hours (farm gold or tokens), why i can’t do it with the karma and i need 15 hours??

(i know, there are karma booster, but is expencive and you will gain around 500… it means not 15 hours but 9… instead of two hours as the other)

Sorry for the spelling mistakes, is not my language. :P

Karma armor? Too much farm for it... :s

in Suggestions

Posted by: M Luminos.2613

M Luminos.2613

interesting, though im refraining from judgement, anyone want to check the numbers? I know its possible to farm faster than what he says when it comes to the 80 areas, pop a karma booster and stick around the cursed shore you can do easily more than listed.

What do you all think?

Karma armor? Too much farm for it... :s

in Suggestions

Posted by: zerospin.8604


I thought the karma armor was expensive, but then I played WvW for a while and now I’m above 600k karma..

Karma armor? Too much farm for it... :s

in Suggestions

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


Take you time and enjoy the game. Exotic armor is a long term goal.

Karma armor? Too much farm for it... :s

in Suggestions

Posted by: Leeain.2431


@M Luminos
The youtube’s link you posted is not good… i tryed before… It doesn’t works.

The event in the south no longer exist.
So you have just to make the “holy trinity” event… but the restart timing is slow, some times you have to whait 10 or 15 min between one event and the other… some times they get broken (npc bug)…

Yes, you can use karma buster… but is expensive and if you farm too much in the same place the drop rate decreases… so no gold = no karma booster (i have 20 silver!)

As I said… if you are lucky, 4 events in 30 min.

Nice idea… I did it just one time.
I focused on arena and team pvp.
I have to try.

I have all exotic (armor, weapons and accessory)… I was a beta player and a prepurchase… :P
I want to make 2° gear and, for an appearence question, I like the Karma one so I can see the difference between support gear and dps when I wear it.
I was shokked when i saw the karma price!

Sorry for the spelling mistakes, is not my language. :P

Karma armor? Too much farm for it... :s

in Suggestions

Posted by: M Luminos.2613

M Luminos.2613

The maggot event was there when I looked. Though it was like a week ago, I know some things like mistwrought were broken in the patch. Anyone know if the event was removed or broken?

Karma armor? Too much farm for it... :s

in Suggestions

Posted by: saul.6893


I’m sorry that karma armor requires effort to obtain it… They require working for things for a reason. If it was easy to get everyone would have it.

Tears Of The Ascended [ToA] – Dragonbrand