Keep class nerfs/buffs serperate from PvE and PvP

Keep class nerfs/buffs serperate from PvE and PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aevitas.4503


I wish developers could keep their nerfs/buffs serperate from PvE and PvP.

As of now, all the fun skills are being ruined in PvE because of PvP balance issues. It definately is more work, but it would be so much better if these changes would be kept serperate. For instance, all the ‘fun’ abilities in the game have already been nerfed to the point that there are almost no fun abilities left anymore.

-The Elementalist skill ‘Ride the Lightning’, my friend used to be able to get the vista in LA on the rock (which you get by talking to the NPC who then gives you a launcher), by using this skin and being launched across to the vista. Stuff like this no longer works. The skill itself still works, but the fun part of the skill is gone.

-Basically all teleports (for elementalist atleast) have been nerfed so much that they basically only work to be casted on the ground. In the beta (like shown in one popular elementalist spvp video) you could cast them on higher level stuff and tp there. Another fun skill gone.

-Mesmer portals will most likely be ruined, probably because they’ve been abused in WvWvW to move slow kitten golems 20 times faster across the maps by having multiple mesmer casting the portal. So that’s another fun skill down the drain.

It’s not just these fun skills, but also in general the strength or effectiveness of some classes in PvE that are affected. Unfortunately PvP, as usual, is the reason these skills get nerfed to the ground.

If in the future a MMO developer desides to serperate class changes from PvP and PvE they should get a bloody nobel price. I wish ANet would do this, but I doubt it.

Thanks for reading my little rant,

Keep class nerfs/buffs serperate from PvE and PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: FWB.1704


Exactly. The PvE Thief has been getting ground into the dirt because of all the nerfs they’ve received due to PvP imbalances/complaining. You’d think they would have learned from GW1 and every other MMO that you need to balance the two styles separately least you ruin them both.

Keep class nerfs/buffs serperate from PvE and PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aevitas.4503


Indeed, this would almost completely get rid of balancing problems. Some things are OP in PVP but not in PVE and the other way around.

In every MMO with both playstyles theres this never-ending problem. You’ve made it possible to let people have a seperate gearset/traits in The Mists and SPVP, so this could be possible to do aswell right?

Sure its alot of work, but it will avoid alot of trouble.