Keep the Minis Alive and Fighting!!

Keep the Minis Alive and Fighting!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: YoYoPete.6879


Dear ArenaNet…

On release of the new patch, there is a bug which is causing some of the minis to be alive, fight, and take damage.

I felt this was AMAZING!!

It gave the mini some life. I could wrap some of my character story around the mini. It could be a pet, friend, etc instead of a drone that just follows.

Then you said it was a bug and will go away.

I was sad. The functionality is there, why not just let it run? The damage the critters produce is negligible. Heck, even make them do no damage. The fact that they did stuff brought the world a little bit more alive.

Please keep it.

Fellow Tyrians, what say you?

(Image captured by Dulfy, created by ANet)


Olivia Sylvansong [FoS]
Gate of Madness – Fringe of Society

Keep the Minis Alive and Fighting!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zyphent.2967


Totally in favor of this, just fix it so they don’t desummon on death or something, but it gives them a ton more personality, its neat to see your little pet walk up and punch the leg of a dragon you’re fighting, even if its futile.

Keep the Minis Alive and Fighting!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: gwawer.9805


many cool things are discovered by accident

but anet is too big and official of a company to let this remain in game. u know, got to keep things neat and pristeen!

Keep the Minis Alive and Fighting!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


Yeah allow them to fight, even if they do no damage, have no skills or anything it would be kinda funny seeing a really small pet trying to wail on a huge monster/dragon lol

Keep the Minis Alive and Fighting!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: YoYoPete.6879


I’m guessing it’s an issue of server computational / rendering resources.

Something is keeping track of the mini’s and making them animate appropriately for the situation. Probably has more cost to the server.

That being said, figure out how to make this work. I love it.

Olivia Sylvansong [FoS]
Gate of Madness – Fringe of Society

Keep the Minis Alive and Fighting!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Six.8051


I definitely agree that they should make minis combat functional, however, I could see the issues if they did damage or accepted boons, so I’d be completely fine if their attacks were purely cosmetic.

I’ve been slowly collecting minis since launch, and the most fun I had with any of them was during the short period the new exotics were attacking mobs with me.

Having the minis fighting along side of me gave them character and a sense of purpose other than “hey everyone, look at this useless little thing that can barely keep up with me”, and it made me happy to buy more of them to see their various attacks.

I’m sure the BLTP mini market would boom, the gem store would see a increase in mini pack purchases, and more players would enjoy taking the time to find the mini that has the attacks and appearance that they enjoy most which would provide a “mini” sense of companionship in the game during solo or small group gameplay.

- options could be implemented to make minipet use easier much like the finishers pane. implement a way to dedicate a mini for account-wide use, then allow players to select a default mini.

- provide display options for whether the minis are always shown, in towns only, or in combat.

- provide options for people who don’t want to see them like personal only, groups only, show all, or maybe even provide culling options so you can only see a certain number of minis in a given radius around your character.

there is so much that can be done with the miniature system, and it just seems like such an untapped resource of enjoyment at this point.

(edited by Six.8051)

Keep the Minis Alive and Fighting!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: TurtleofPower.5641


They’d need to add an arena or something.

It could be fun, but in the open world it would just slow everyone’s computer down.

Keep the Minis Alive and Fighting!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


They’d need to add an arena or something.

It could be fun, but in the open world it would just slow everyone’s computer down.

That would be cool, where you control your Minis, they all have a different set of abilities and you win various things for winning duels and Detahmatch battles


Keep the Minis Alive and Fighting!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Six.8051


in the open world it would just slow everyone’s computer down.

there are ways anet could work around that to avoid causing framerate or lag issues for players by implementing display options for minis or simply adding some form of culling for them.

on a side note: people that complain about terrible lag, and they’re running the game on some old, low-budget laptop using the on-board Intel HD 3000 graphics. get a paper route or pizza delivery job, save for a month or two, and buy a decent desktop. decent mid-range desktops run for about $500-700 nowadays.

(edited by Six.8051)

Keep the Minis Alive and Fighting!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Voonith.2561


Nope. I want minis to be used for Polymock.
If my mini was fighting all the time in PvE, I’d stop using them.

All’s fair in love and Wuv.
[ART] Gate of Madness

Keep the Minis Alive and Fighting!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kuzzi.2198


This would be awesome. I’m even ok with them always doing 0 damage and dying if hit.

Keep the Minis Alive and Fighting!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Direksone.3867


Would be cool if they’d attack. Don’t have to even do or take damage. Since I recently started collecting them the thing I really want is POLYMOCK! Using mini’s we have in Pokemon style battles. 21 years old and I still love Pokemon, haha.

Would be cool to have them level, gain skills etc. I think that’d be a really fun addition to the game as another activity. Anyone else thinks such a thing is cool?! Then we should make a support thread.

Blood And Metal is a guild on Gunnars Hold that is all about metal, punk,hard rock etc.. Join us!

Keep the Minis Alive and Fighting!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Direksone.3867


in the open world it would just slow everyone’s computer down.

there are ways anet could work around that to avoid causing framerate or lag issues for players by implementing display options for minis or simply adding some form of culling for them.

on a side note: people that complain about terrible lag, and they’re running the game on some old, low-budget laptop using the on-board Intel HD 3000 graphics. get a paper route or pizza delivery job, save for a month or two, and buy a decent desktop. decent mid-range desktops run for about $500-700 nowadays.

That applies to 16 year olds living at their parents. Most people, like me, have plenty of fixed costs every month and ‘saving for a month or two’ is kitten near impossible. Please get your head out of your kitten .

Blood And Metal is a guild on Gunnars Hold that is all about metal, punk,hard rock etc.. Join us!

Keep the Minis Alive and Fighting!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Emmet.2943


Yes please do this Anet please! Once I heard about this my interest in Minis shot up idc if they do no damage having them fight with me just feels awesome. It would allow me to create a companionship with my mini and actually bring them out.

Minis need a major overhaul(deposit all collectibles depositing the minis i like to have out making me go back to the bank to get them….)but having this would be a great start

They’d need to add an arena or something.

It could be fun, but in the open world it would just slow everyone’s computer down.

Make an option in the menu that has it so you don’t see minis and/or make it so minis auto despawn when large groups of people get together.

(edited by Emmet.2943)

Keep the Minis Alive and Fighting!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Six.8051


That applies to 16 year olds living at their parents. Most people, like me, have plenty of fixed costs every month and ‘saving for a month or two’ is kitten near impossible. Please get your head out of your kitten .

I’m a bill collector, so I understand what you’re saying, but I can still pull a quick $500 out of the blue if needed. It’s called savings, financial stability, making intelligent decisions in life and with daily expenses, and it’s proof that hard work pays off. The people I deal with on a daily basis are mostly people with fixed incomes and collect some form of government assistance, and yet the majority of them can afford decent cars, houses, and clothing while supporting whatever addiction that some of them have whether it shopping, gambling, gaming, drugs and alcohol. With proper money management, even a dead beat can save up some money; the difference is where they end up spending it. if a 16 year old or scum bag could do it, so could you.

(edited by Six.8051)

Keep the Minis Alive and Fighting!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lamorak.2568


All we want is the animation. This “bug” is potentially one of the best updates you could have made for minis. Don’t take it away.

Sorrow’s Furnace

Keep the Minis Alive and Fighting!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Six.8051


All we want is the animation. This “bug” is potentially one of the best updates you could have made for minis. Don’t take it away.
