Kings, Queens and Kingdoms!

Kings, Queens and Kingdoms!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nero Sanctum.5203

Nero Sanctum.5203

Would love to see the possibility of players/guilds/alliances being able to own a kingdom or part of the map of Tyria. It would be similar to guild wars factions, just a bit more elegant/structured. Or perhaps having a King/President/Prime Minister of all of Tyria that is an actual player. Something involving us being something more in Tyria.

Kings, Queens and Kingdoms!

in Suggestions

Posted by: arcaneclarity.5283


I would like to see a open world PVP continent where players actually build and own their own keep until it is taken from them, but I am of the opinion that only sandbox can truly give lasting content in MMORPGs.

Kings, Queens and Kingdoms!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Donari.5237


You’ll run into the same problem as with open world housing. There are far more players than real estate. The moment you make part of the game “owned” by one person or a small group, you are denying it to everyone else.

Trust me, the level of greed, backstabbing, and flaming will be astronomical. GW2 is meant to prevent those things wherever possible, so I see no way that any tiny fraction of the player base will ever get a chance to “own” Tyria.

Kings, Queens and Kingdoms!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nero Sanctum.5203

Nero Sanctum.5203

Perhaps splitting up Tyria into various kingdom of which guilds/alliances (WE NEED AN ALLIANCE SYSTEM!) fight each other every month for control. Each kingdom would have the ability to change certain visual aspects of its land and its people. Maybe even go as far as buff, items, etc.

Kings, Queens and Kingdoms!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sollith.3502


What they could do is have certain forts and castles, etc. for guilds to take over across Tyria. If a rival guild wants to take that area they declare a “Guild War” on the guild that currently holds that area. Players from each of those guilds can then attack each other (but only in the area that war has been declared in. However, a guild that holds a fort can declare war and assault other forts to capture multiple forts, but can only battle guilds of areas they want to capture in the are that guild owns).

No problem with real estate when you only have certain places that can be capped, and no problem with random pks and ruining the overall unity of the game when only guilds that choose to take part in it are allowed to attack each other.

Kings, Queens and Kingdoms!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aveneo.2068


Aren’t you guys just talking about WvW? You know you can claim it for your guild if you invested in upgrades and the keeps and castles will then fly your colors…

Or are you talking about a more peaceful setting where one can only attack the other after a gentleman’s agreement?

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Kings, Queens and Kingdoms!

in Suggestions

Posted by: poe lyfe.5879

poe lyfe.5879

i think they should just make a collosieum area of the map where the game has quests hearts and pking. or a pk server. dont get me wrong . i hate pking. i dont do it and dont like having it done to me…. but i do like running away=D. and questing with an element of danger is more fun … for a little while anyway.

Wintersday is for the Charr, also Meatober.

Kings, Queens and Kingdoms!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Roven Leafsong.8917

Roven Leafsong.8917

I agree, any variation of this kind of thing would be a lot of fun.

(For anyone interested, I made my own version of a similar suggestion too – Tyrian Politics & Guild Conflict)

Kings, Queens and Kingdoms!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mordikaiin.5496


I like the idea, but I would like it to be a dungeon type place. Instead of owning a part of tyria, we can have our own Guild Kingdom Dungeon. Similar to what we already have for the Player Home Towns, where what your guild achieves shows up in the dungeon. Example your guild clears a boss with 3 or more guildies in the group the head of that boss goes on a trophy wall. Also can we do something similar to how Rift is doing player houses, where we can choose what our kingdom looks like. A snowy Kingdom with a Tower, Foresty Kingdom with Tree houses or even Plains with a Castle. Also make them interchangable and bought with infulence.

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US – Anvil Rock

Kings, Queens and Kingdoms!

in Suggestions

Posted by: castlemanic.3198


I like the idea, but I would like it to be a dungeon type place. Instead of owning a part of tyria, we can have our own Guild Kingdom Dungeon. Similar to what we already have for the Player Home Towns, where what your guild achieves shows up in the dungeon. Example your guild clears a boss with 3 or more guildies in the group the head of that boss goes on a trophy wall. Also can we do something similar to how Rift is doing player houses, where we can choose what our kingdom looks like. A snowy Kingdom with a Tower, Foresty Kingdom with Tree houses or even Plains with a Castle. Also make them interchangable and bought with infulence.

I would suggest using some buildings already in the game as guild houses. Just make some of them instanced and voila, guild homes that update accordingly. No need for land grabbing, since there is instancing tech used for players instances available already. Just extend that to certain places, say a place near every races starting zone, have a dude outside that sells the guild house for influence and voila, non-invasive guild housing with no land grabbing problems.

Kings, Queens and Kingdoms!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Quantum.8950


Perhaps guild houses in instanced maps related to the main towns which are non-invasive, along with claimable places in instanced maps related to the open world for those that wish to engage in guild v guild ? Would be a great avenue for a guild to actually feel way more engaging and satisfying.

Kings, Queens and Kingdoms!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nero Sanctum.5203

Nero Sanctum.5203

It would be like WvW except more in depth with the rulers of kingdom having some influence on its visual aspect while introducing the economy and such. Would be loads of fun.