LFG system implementation
lol, I had to click on this thread. Its title is just so desperate.
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
I agree that the current system sucks, but I’m happy they have no intention of adding any kind of dungeon finder.
I agree that the current system sucks, but I’m happy they have no intention of adding any kind of dungeon finder.
Someone suggested the other day a dungeon lobby. I think this could work in Lion’s Arch by adding in an area that has mini-gates to each of the dungeons (that cave up top where all the inactive gates are could work).
Anet could add a gate inside the instance as to not disrupt the outside appearance. When you click on the portal from Lion’s Arch, you’ll go directly into the dungeon. Place the dungeon vendors around the gates and boom, you’ve got a place to find groups without adding a dungeon finder.
I agree that the current system sucks, but I’m happy they have no intention of adding any kind of dungeon finder.
Someone suggested the other day a dungeon lobby. I think this could work in Lion’s Arch by adding in an area that has mini-gates to each of the dungeons (that cave up top where all the inactive gates are could work).
Anet could add a gate inside the instance as to not disrupt the outside appearance. When you click on the portal from Lion’s Arch, you’ll go directly into the dungeon. Place the dungeon vendors around the gates and boom, you’ve got a place to find groups without adding a dungeon finder.
Love the idea they should do this!!
Haha, that would be cool if they did.
Give us back the heroes from GW1 so we could solo those dungeons without the desperate need of LFG and waiting for hours in lobbies, outside dungeons or any other type of ques.
I want to do that dungeon WHEN I HAVE time not when others have time.
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The idea of the lobby sounds pretty good. But it would still force you to stay there in one place doing nothing, which is just wasting time if no-one else wants to run that dungeon…
So you could stay there for 2 hours, and get nothing. I would prefer just somewhere we can list ourselves, or our group, and that can be accessed from anywhere. No need for autogrouping, or autoporting, just a list where we can see interested people so we can contact them, while still playing WvW, or leveling out in the field.
Does not need a LFG system it already has the ability to search for players who have set LFG on themselves its under the friends list labeled LFG what more do you want.. er nvm scratch that I already know what you want, you want to be more kittening lazy and auto group.
No, that LFG says nothing. I have no idea what they are looking for, and as far as I know, it is not world-wide.
So it does need a little more to it. Something like that, but where we can list what we are interested in running. And it also shows partial groups. As I said on my post, it does not need any autoporting, or autogrouping capability. Just something we can browse from anywhere on the map, and has as much info as people shoting “LFG AC exp”.
I just don’t the see the point for it at all sorry, All you have to do is walk to the dungeon you want and start calling in chat most of the time you will find plenty of people sitting out side the dungeon doing the exact same thing and after a group.
So, I am supposed to waste my time, change maps and hope someone is there to make you happy? No thanks!
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I just don’t the see the point for it at all sorry, All you have to do is walk to the dungeon you want and start calling in chat most of the time you will find plenty of people sitting out side the dungeon doing the exact same thing and after a group.
So your solution if I want to run a dungeon, is to go to an area, and hope to find some people that want to run that same dungeon, without anyway to know if there are even people interested in the same dungeon by constantly spamming chat for an undetermined amount of time (could be hours), only to find in the end that there was no one interested in running that dungeon, so all I did in the end was waste 1 hour, and bother all the people in the map with a constant “LFG AC exp” every couple of minutes?
Sorry, that’s no solution at all. There needs to be a way to easily find other people interested in the same thing as us, without having to spam chat, or sacrifice a lot of time where we could be doing other things. Something like the “classifieds” sections in the newspaper, it has been in use for decades, and works pretty well…
So, I am supposed to waste my time, change maps and hope someone is there to make you happy? No thanks!
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I don’t see it wasting your time, Your heading to location your calling out for a group as u travel by the time you get there you have a group. I would hardly call it a waste of time anyway since you can teleport right there, by change maps I assume you mean from anything but the PvE world which in that case your in the kitten lazy category. You should not even be looking for a group for a dungeon if your not in PvE world.
Further more your already wasting your time just by going to a dungeon because your chances of getting something Truly amazing are just not going to happen the game is not designed that way I can get the same chance as you out killing some random monster while wearing a full set of MF gear in fact I can probably get the gear I want faster just going to the TP and buying it and save myself all the heartache of even doing that.
I just don’t the see the point for it at all sorry, All you have to do is walk to the dungeon you want and start calling in chat most of the time you will find plenty of people sitting out side the dungeon doing the exact same thing and after a group.
So your solution if I want to run a dungeon, is to go to an area, and hope to find some people that want to run that same dungeon, without anyway to know if there are even people interested in the same dungeon by constantly spamming chat for an undetermined amount of time (could be hours), only to find in the end that there was no one interested in running that dungeon, so all I did in the end was waste 1 hour, and bother all the people in the map with a constant “LFG AC exp” every couple of minutes?
Sorry, that’s no solution at all. There needs to be a way to easily find other people interested in the same thing as us, without having to spam chat, or sacrifice a lot of time where we could be doing other things. Something like the “classifieds” sections in the newspaper, it has been in use for decades, and works pretty well…
AC eh, well you have already wasted countless hours of your time if you even think about running that one as it is the worst and most unrewarding of the them all. I never posted would be solution to begin with I never once said hey here is your solution.
(edited by LED Head.2439)
So, I am supposed to waste my time, change maps and hope someone is there to make you happy? No thanks!
Sponsored by the Give The Player What They Want Foundation
I don’t see it wasting your time, Your heading to location your calling out for a group as u travel by the time you get there you have a group. I would hardly call it a waste of time anyway since you can teleport right there, by change maps I assume you mean from anything but the PvE world which in that case your in the kitten lazy category. You should not even be looking for a group for a dungeon if your not in PvE world.
Further more your already wasting your time just by going to a dungeon because your chances of getting something Truly amazing are just not going to happen the game is not designed that way I can get the same chance as you out killing some random monster while wearing a full set of MF gear in fact I can probably get the gear I want faster just going to the TP and buying it and save myself all the heartache of even doing that.
I just don’t the see the point for it at all sorry, All you have to do is walk to the dungeon you want and start calling in chat most of the time you will find plenty of people sitting out side the dungeon doing the exact same thing and after a group.
So your solution if I want to run a dungeon, is to go to an area, and hope to find some people that want to run that same dungeon, without anyway to know if there are even people interested in the same dungeon by constantly spamming chat for an undetermined amount of time (could be hours), only to find in the end that there was no one interested in running that dungeon, so all I did in the end was waste 1 hour, and bother all the people in the map with a constant “LFG AC exp” every couple of minutes?
Sorry, that’s no solution at all. There needs to be a way to easily find other people interested in the same thing as us, without having to spam chat, or sacrifice a lot of time where we could be doing other things. Something like the “classifieds” sections in the newspaper, it has been in use for decades, and works pretty well…
AC eh, well you have already wasted countless hours of your time if you even think about running that one as it is the worst and most unrewarding of the them all.
It DOES waste my time, if I get there and find out there was NO ONE interested to begin with!
If I could go into a listing, and find out there were 10 people interested, then it would not be a waste of time. But if no one is interested, it was a huge waste of time.
The other problem is that I cannot just go into the area for 1 second, and then leave. Since I have no way to demonstrate that I am interested in the dungeon other than spamming chat, that forces me to stay in the area and spam chat to get anything done.
That’s no solution, it’s a workaround, and a lousy one at that… We need some kind of listing, or classified ads for dungeons. And something that works anywhere on the world.
I never said it doesn’t need to be better your all assuming I said that, All I said was it pretty lazy to not make the effort to do those things if your really interested and that’s basically my whole point. My other point was that dungeons are not really worth the time full stop they have been altered again and now we have lame tokens or are going to get tokens which means now I get no reward at all and need to keep doing the dungeon again and again and again to get anything worth using. Before even though the loot role rate was pretty shocking for the amount of times you would most likely need to rez or respawn and fit the bill for gear dmg no matter how skilled you were you could at least get about 10s a run and maybe 1 item of use or usable items to salvage.
But no Anet once again shoot us in the eyes and tells us we cannot actually farm a dungeon, Well that just defeats the whole point of being at end game imo.
I never said it doesn’t need to be better your all assuming I said that, All I said was it pretty lazy to not make the effort to do those things if your really interested and that’s basically my whole point. My other point was that dungeons are not really worth the time full stop they have been altered again and now we have lame tokens or are going to get tokens which means now I get no reward at all and need to keep doing the dungeon again and again and again to get anything worth using. Before even though the loot role rate was pretty shocking for the amount of times you would most likely need to rez or respawn and fit the bill for gear dmg no matter how skilled you were you could at least get about 10s a run and maybe 1 item of use or usable items to salvage.
But no Anet once again shoot us in the eyes and tells us we cannot actually farm a dungeon, Well that just defeats the whole point of being at end game imo.
Then you are mixing up the discussions. This is about some kind of dungeon finder assistant, not about dungeon rewards, So I will only answer the first part.
I have no problem with putting effort towards something, if I can get something back. The problem is that the current (non-existant) system does not guarantee that. I have to go to an area, spam chat, but there is absolutely no guarantee that there is even someone interested in what I’m looking for. So all that effort to get there, spam chat for one hour, and just stand there for one our is completely WASTED. There is no fun in that, there is no social aspect in that, there is nothing gained with that.
Effort is fine if I can get something for it. If I get nothing for it, it is wasted effort. So if I can see a list, I can list myself as interested, but see no one else, no biggie. I’ll just go do something else and check the list in a little while. When I see 4 others, I can contact them to get a group going. That’s all I want, some listings so people stop wasting time.
We have a trading post so we do not have to try to sell something over chat. We need something similar to the trading post, but for dungeons. Simple as that.
Well I’m all for that, but I don’t want some click and forget button to join a group. Though I don’t know why it ever takes an hour to get a group I normally only have to mention it twice and I get 5 whispers in under 3mins.
Yeah, I’m also against the autoport, autogroup, auto-all-that-jazz. Just some kind of listing is good enough for me.
It has not happened to me either, but I have been in those areas (I’ve only ran AC), and have seem the same person spamming LFG for more than an hour… I’m sure it’s not fun for him, and that’s why we need something…
Nah it is just because AC is not very popular, it is the most annoying and hardest of the first couple of dungeons and I am not sure how it stacks up now with tokens and things like that but it probably does not help its clause. I mean I ran AC at level 36 and as you know its a recommended level 30, We died so much just to trash that we all left most people give up doing that place. Then we hit level 40 and get CM and we can breeze that in under 60mins if we have nice sensible group setup and be out and ready to go again.
AC you can easily waste an hour just getting too the first boss. Let alone the rest of the boss like challenges that exist in story mode. CM is just a lot faster to run and because of the way loot works its more efficient to run that one then AC which is why everybody is normally sitting outside the dungeon gates at CM but u need to spam chat for AC. Which brings me back to my other posts but we can at least agree that it would be nice for a straight LFG >Tick dungeon your keen for box > wait for whispers.
(edited by LED Head.2439)
LED Head is dead wrong on this issue. What he has said has shown me a distinct lack of awareness on the issue. (not his most recent comment)
Simply announcing you are looking for people while on your way to the dungeon and expecting a group by the time you get there, isn’t a real solution. The reality is you warp directly to the waypoint next to the dungeon entrance. /Map chat reaches the whole zone. Usually that zone is far below the level range of the dungeon, meaning a large portion of the small population you advertise to isn’t even able to accept.
Showing up to a Dungeon and having nobody be there is quite common. Waiting around for an hour is common. These issues go under reported because the player simply logs off or leaves, and doesn’t actually get to go to the dungeon. This game has a very high failure rate for getting people into dungeons.
Some times you get lucky and find people without waiting so long.
The LFG Tool only works in the area you are in. It doesn’t cross to other overflows or world zones. So in order to advertise anything remotely approaching a sizable group of people requires you travel between Lions Arch and the dungeon, spending money each time, constantly spamming LFG, and portal jumping in Lions Arch between capital cities. It also means staying in the overflow map, since that’s where new people will appear.
The LFG Tool when/if you actually see another person using it, doesn’t mention what they are grouping for, or what build/strategy the person is using. So even if it was used commonly you would literally have to message everyone on the list to find out what they wanted. It also doesn’t show the size of the person’s group.
Another Issue: WOW Group Finder.
I hated it when they came out with that, because I didn’t like auto teleporting. I’ve seen a lot of people complain about it too. People complain it makes people not talk to each other, because grouping is too easy.
Here’s the thing… Guild Wars 2 does this. It has streamlined this.
Every time you participate in a dynamic event, people sort of stream in and out without talking. Even worse than WoW. You say Hi, and people don’t even reply. So remember this when someone complains about WoW’s group finder. Remember this when you’re there alone at the dungeon entrance waiting for a group.
(edited by neocatzeo.7485)
I’m not wrong mate, I have already corrected all previous attempts to foil my posts that suggest I made an attempt at a solution to the problem which I have not, furthermore I have already agreed to a lobby like selection for the dungeon similar to what WoW minus the auto join and teleport part.
I also share your pain GW2 is becoming the most ANTI social mmo I have ever played ever.
The only thing I can be of guilt for is saying that your lazy for not manually finding the group in a way currently supported, I never said it was perfect.
(edited by LED Head.2439)
LED Head is dead wrong on this issue. What he has said has shown me a distinct lack of awareness on the issue. (not his most recent comment)
Simply announcing you are looking for people while on your way to the dungeon and expecting a group by the time you get there, isn’t a real solution. The reality is you warp directly to the waypoint next to the dungeon entrance. /Map chat reaches the whole zone. Usually that zone is far below the level range of the dungeon, meaning a large portion of the small population you advertise to isn’t even able to accept.
Showing up to a Dungeon and having nobody be there is quite common. Waiting around for an hour is common. These issues go under reported because the player simply logs off or leaves, and doesn’t actually get to go to the dungeon. This game has a very high failure rate for getting people into dungeons.
Some times you get lucky and find people without waiting so long.
The LFG Tool only works in the area you are in. It doesn’t cross to other overflows or world zones. So in order to advertise anything remotely approaching a sizable group of people requires you travel between Lions Arch and the dungeon, spending money each time, constantly spamming LFG, and portal jumping in Lions Arch between capital cities. It also means staying in the overflow map, since that’s where new people will appear.
The LFG Tool when/if you actually see another person using it, doesn’t mention what they are grouping for, or what build/strategy the person is using. So even if it was used commonly you would literally have to message everyone on the list to find out what they wanted. It also doesn’t show the size of the person’s group.
Another Issue: WOW Group Finder.
I hated it when they came out with that, because I didn’t like auto teleporting. I’ve seen a lot of people complain about it too. People complain it makes people not talk to each other, because grouping is too easy.
Here’s the thing… Guild Wars 2 does this. It has streamlined this.
Every time you participate in a dynamic event, people sort of stream in and out without talking. Even worse than WoW. You say Hi, and people don’t even reply. So remember this when someone complains about WoW’s group finder. Remember this when you’re there alone at the dungeon entrance waiting for a group.
Totally agree. The people against a good grouping tool makes no sense.
If they wan’t to group with friends/guildies or another “LFG chat Lover” they can.
But a game that is against grind, against wasting time, Against farming, and most important: In favor of enjoying the entire World, and being “social” the lack of that tool is a big failure. I need to stay in one zone, spaming the same message over and over again.
I’m not wrong mate
, I have already corrected all previous attempts to foil my posts that suggest I made an attempt at a solution to the problem which I have not, furthermore I have already agreed to a lobby like selection for the dungeon similar to what WoW minus the auto join and teleport part.
I also share your pain GW2 is becoming the most ANTI social mmo I have ever played ever.
The only thing I can be of guilt for is saying that your lazy for not manually finding the group in a way currently supported, I never said it was perfect.
I respect your opinion, and we are pretty much in agreement on what would be an improvement.
I don’t understand the argument against.
You don’t have to use the thing. Everyone that still wants to stand around and spam for it still can.
They already have a system, they just need to implement it to dungeons. There PvP grouping works really well.
Agreed. As you have all said very well, the system is horrible and shouldn’t have been released like this.
I recommend the system used by Aion. It was a server wide ‘board’ accessible from the UI where players could post small messages to help form and join groups of any purpose. I think this is appropriate because Aion had nearly the same structure as GW2, it was an “open” world divided up into zones. Gw1 also had this sort of party board feature, but it was zone restricted. GW2 and Aion are published by the same company so there must be some connection/sharing of resources possible.
Whatever the case, something needs to be done. I am in disgust and disbelief if its true that Anet has no intention of fixing this.
Zulu Ox Tactics [zulu]
You do realize LED that after a few “LFG —- w/e w/e w/e” your chats start to get blocked because the system recognizes it as “spam” so then what?…. Why should i have to hop around from map to map to map wasting money to see if people are around to group?! I would like to flag myself in Lions Arch for a dungeon and have someone in cursed shore see it… Why is that so much to ask for? I’m not suggesting some multiple que server thing, all I want is something easier than this (might as well be) non existent form of lfg system. Cause honestly lets use common sense, if I have to pop into a map and spam myself LFG why use the system at all? cause the only people that can see my flag are the ones reading my spam…
Yes i agree, LFG must listing all dungeons and be cross server
Yes i agree, LFG must listing all dungeons and be cross server
Id actually rather not have this
this is the only flaw in the game, i cannot stress this enough to arena.net to implement some kind of system here
Can you imagine playing dota 2 with lobby only, times have changed, we need lfg system. Why would i sit there typing lfg when i can just go play dota 2 straight away?
The funny thing is, even with lfg systems, it’d hard to get a group in aussie time zones sometimes, so getting them together like this, it’s not worth even trying.
I have not done a dungeon yet, how do i know the dungeon levels? Why arn’t the dungeons in their actual leveling areas, from the the mail i received they look like they are all in the starting area’s.
DO NOT make it cross server as that is the worst mistake they make it ruins the servers community.
I wouldn’t mind a lobby, LOTRO, had no lfg system to start with but had a lfg global chat, is there a global lfg chat in this game? if not ugh geesh……