LFG tool and group stat improvement

LFG tool and group stat improvement

in Suggestions

Posted by: Anchoku.8142


Please consider adding notes to the LFG tool and group stats to indicate total attack and defense for each member so players can more quickly determine group strategy rather than find out in the first few fights who takes more aggro and who is set more for support rather than dps.

LFG tool and group stat improvement

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ettanin.8271


If this thing is going to be instated, then please give us an option to hide these stats. We don’t need gearchecks. Thanks.

Gearchecks will lead to more elitism. More elitism will cleave the community. A cleaved community is two-tiered. A two-tiered community is bad for any MMO (Closed community, retiring members cannot be replaced by new members; new members are avoided due to n00bphobia). See what elitism did to WoW.

(edited by Ettanin.8271)

LFG tool and group stat improvement

in Suggestions

Posted by: Anchoku.8142


Ettanin, I understand and agree with your concerns but right now PUGs already do profession checks and specify a few requirements. I hope that future balancing efforts for PvE (ok, laugh here) can reduce this. I have been in many PUGs where players are kicked for having the wrong profession, drrping, or other reasons.

My suggestion for rough stat-checking was meant to help refine party tactics before the first fight but if it causes elitism, then I agree it is no good.

LFG tool and group stat improvement

in Suggestions

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


So instead of people just kicking people for having the “wrong” profession people should also start kicking people for having the wrong build or the wrong gear?

Don’t really see how that will help anyone tbh.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square