Lab Lamb // World vs World suggestions

Lab Lamb // World vs World suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lablamb.2419


Please give constructive criticism to these.

World vs World

  1. Prior to entering or accepting an invite players are able to enter as another character. The window would have all character icons from the character selection screen. This let’s players play on their alternate character and join something with their main.
  2. Keeps and the Stonemist Castle contain more frequent events for scouting players.
  3. Siege can have multiple players manning them to increase damage and rate. Multiple players hasten cast and increase damage but must act similar in power to gain this bonus.
  4. Tier 4 upgrades are added to structures: dolyaks (camps), guards (all), patrol (non-camp), double lord (non-camp), and fortify (non-camp).
  5. Add a spec for when a player enters their builds change similar to SPvP. All players become level 80 like in SPvP.
  6. Add a Eternal Battleground for each server for the top two tiers (top 10 servers including suggestion below). Rotate the Border Keep colors.
  7. Increase the amount of space between structures.
  8. Maybe have five servers against each other instead of three.

Lab Lamb // World vs World suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


1) Character Changing in WvW should be possible without having to leave the WvW, if thats the point your suggestign here, then I agree

2) WvW needs alot more Events in GENERAL, not only stuff for Scouts. Scouts anyways are only a byproduct of WvW and nothing, that is really integrated in the whole gameplay of WvW… they are a byproduct of the players which set up this role so that there is someone, who warns the others, if danger is incoming, cause of the game havign yet no integrated system/way that lets the game do this.
If the game would provide integrated scouting mechanics, then there would be no need for players do to this boring stuff and the problem would be solved.

3) No, bad suggestion. Anet just has to finally improve alot of all the siege mastery skilsl to have also 10 tiers. I don’t get it, why they added over the last year every x month a new siege weapon skill, instead of implementing first one after another, after the previous skill would have been raised to 10 tiers.
Currently have only 2 skills 10 tiers and that are the ones for killing guards.
Before anet adds any new skills and I know they do, stuff like Reinforcement Mastery is for example on the plan to be added somewhen…they should first raise all the other skills to 10 tiers first. Because thats the easiest method to make siege weapons like catapults, trebuchets ect. more effective.

4) Theres alot of things that can be improved to WvW to give us a better feelign of WAR and that strategy should play a bigger role in WvW in regard of Upgrades.
There need to be also STREETS to become upgradeable, so that Street Guards become better/more/stronger ect. and better protected so that it becomes harder to claim the streets. Streets should also make Dolyaks faster, once being upgraded, because if a streat is protected by your guards, dollies feel more safe and due to this move alot faster

5) This already happens, only that your gear doesn’t get pimped up to lvl 80 max gear.
No to this, WvW is partwise bonded with PvE, you play with your PvE characters and their PvE equipment, so it makes no sense to pimp up their equipment instantly to max. There needs to be an incentive for badges of honor to be there. You can buys max equipment through badges very quickly, if you make enough runs in a zerg…

6) I don’t understand what the sense of this suggestion should be.
In regard of the borderlands, /maps, ANet should add finally more WvW Maps in general. Soon we will receive finalyl its first new map, the Edge of the Mists.
I go further and say, anet should merge finally the 3 borderland maps into 1 single new redesigned borderland map. It makes no sense that every server has its own border land map, which looks exactly the same.
The concept of each server havign its own borderland map would at least make more sense, if each border land map would look unique and completely different. Then it owuld make also alot more fun to play on each different border land.
However, I prefer the idea of merging all 3 into 1 big new maps, because this would generate more free space for complete new maps

7) Again, what is the sense behind this suggestion? If you mean by this, that structures, like Keeps (Walls) should become bigger, than I totally agree.
Walls should provide more space and should become a bit bigger, that that they can’t be totally clustered full of AoEs so that you can’t move around on the walls anymore without running every second into like douzens of AoE from your foes.
Defending places needs to become easier, because when defending a place, defensers are at ADVANTAGE from high places. But therefore need to be made also other fixes, like that ranges from bows and other ranged weapons should INCREASE, if you stand higher than your foe. and the maximum range of ranged weapons should decrease, if you stand lower than your foe.
These changes should leed to the pount that foes should require more oftenly to build sieges liek catapults or ballistas to attack enemies on the walls for serious damage instand of cluster bombing the walls full with their AoEs…
Somethign that I suggested already a very long time ago, but sadly nothign yet has changed about that issue

8) 5 is too much, 4 is the right amount of servers I think that should fight eagaist each other.
Blue, Red, Green and Yellow. It would also reduce the problem around way to powerful servers dominating everything, if they had to fight against 3 other servers instead of two, if those 2 servers are so underpopulated, that they stand no chance against that one server, even together when cooperating through TS with each other.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Lab Lamb // World vs World suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lablamb.2419


  1. No, that’s not what I wanted, but it is close and sounds good. I was saying I could queue up on an alt for WvW and join as a different character.
  2. I would like to give more benefits to scouts because not many want to do it.
  3. Siege is kind of boring to be honest. This was a way to make it more difficult to max out the damage to give more of a higher skill cap. Coordination would be important. This suggestion is mainly towards the ram than the others.
  4. I never played Warhammer. Streets? Do you mean the patrols that follow roads?
  5. Just because you get the base stats as a level 80 doesn’t mean it happens. Up-levels are terribly weak.
  6. The sense of this suggestion is to help queues. With more maps there would be more inviting. ANet is actually doing this with the overflow WvW map that is coming soon.
  7. I would like to see more to the walls such as it being a hallway throughout the ground floor of the wall. This suggestion was giving more room between structures—space out the structures throughout the borderlands. This is probably the least important suggestion that I have.
  8. Reason why 5 servers? It’s an odd number. If it was 4 then the servers would team up making it 2v2 or in short it’ll be even. We need the odd number.

Lab Lamb // World vs World suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


1) I think thats basically the same…

2) Player Scouts become instantly the moment obsolete, once anet would integrate into the game a serious ingame scout mechanic, that takes over the job of the player, so players wouldn’t have to bother anymore with doing such borign stuff like standing around for hours over hours lonely at some places just to overview them and warn the commanders for various enemy activities nearby.
It would give also an incentive to improve WvW in general too.

There could be something like creatable stealthed Warning Signal devices that a player could place on the map for 10 supplies, which could also inform the player, if a foe is near those devices and into which direction the foe is moving and how many foes are near that device exactly at the moment where the warning signal recognizes nearby foes in range.

3) Again, just raising the Ram Mastery to 10 tiers would just have the same effect, theres no need to put multiple players on the rams.

Tier 6 could for example increase Flame Ram Damage by 25%
Tier 7 could for example add a new 5th Skill “Gate Breaker”, a very powerful slam that is only 1 time usable per Ram,which lets for 5 seconds gates receive 100% more damage from normal player damage that attack the gate with their normal attacks
Tier 8 could for example increase the duration of Iron Hide/Will by 3 seconds and increase its range from 300 to 600 with its targets increased from 50 an aditional damage reduction of 25% lesser damage (50 > 75% damage reduction)
Tier 9 could increase the Player Health that uses the Flame Ram by + 5000 and reduce condition durations by 20%
Tier 10 could increase the Fear Duration of by 1 second and create a shielding Flame Aura around <your, that protects for a few seconds against projectiles like arrows.

4) With Streets I meant those Street Guards (those with the Flag Symbols) which protect specific points on the roads or Patrols as you say.

5) Upleveled Players maybe weeker compared to a max geared level 80 player, but thats how WvW was designed to work from the begin on.
Upleveled players were never to be designed to be balanced against experienced and max geared WvW players, thats where the masses of players come in to balance that out.

6) If they would finally remove 2 issues with LA travel from WvW& SPvP, then there would be automatically also alot lesser queues. Just to mentioned that.

7) So you want the structures in WvW to be just alot more present all over the map?
Larger keeps? or just more keeps/towers ect. in general to be implemented.
What I personally would like in WvW to see is more strategetical gameplay element, that all the structures of Wvw are not at fix points, but are instead something, that players have to BUILD UP first.
Towers, Keeps, Camps and all this should be just there from the begin on.
Each server should just to first successfull specific DE’s in those maps first together to build up those locations (enemies could naturally disturb the progress)
WvW needs to become more of a war strategy simulation with lots of RPG elements with class specific roles/skills that supports more also group play of smaller groups also and not only the huge zergs. In a real war, you’d never ever run around with your whole army around at the same spot.
You would split up your army into many different divisions that are responsible for various different things in your war strategy.

8) Where do you want to know, that when its a 4 server system, that it would always end up in 2v2 situations. It could also easily end up in a 1v3 situation, if 1 server is super dominant or stay at a All vs All.
However, sometimes also even situations can be also good, because it can balance out a match perhaps so that both sides get to a similar power level that could lead to the match becoming more interesting.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside