Larcenous Strike suggestion

Larcenous Strike suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Enenion.8127


In a recent update Larcenous Strike was changed to steal only 1 boon where previously it stole 2. I feel this makes the skill’s utility too weak when compared to other possible thief builds. With the other coming changes to sword, it may push sword out of the thief meta.

In light of this, and the fact that stealing two boons all the time was too powerful I suggest making Larcenous Strike steal two boons, but only if it hits the target from behind. If the skill hits the target from the front or sides it would still steal one boon.

This would raise the skill cap for the weapon, and reward the thief’s positioning more. If the skill only steals one it encourages spamming the skill to remove the boons you want, whereas stealing more boons from behind would reward careful use of the skill and discourage spamming. This slight boost would also help alleviate the other changes to sword that may be coming on December 10th. I think this would be a happy middle ground between stealing two boons every time and stealing only one boon every time.

Fort Aspenwood

Larcenous Strike suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Requiem.8769


Seems reasonable to me.