Larger Party/Warbands in WvWvW
All valid points. I have raised this issue in other posts as well. I keep trying to figure out why they haven’t implemented a better grouping system, but I can’t really come up with a good reason. I suggested too that they implement a WvW roster window that you can pop up once in a zone. It would show you;
1. Who is in the zone from your server, what guild they’re in, etc.
2. What commanders are in zone and who is in their group.
3. It could also show smaller groups and each group leader could set their current objective. (ie. defend Blue Lake Tower, harass supply lines, etc)
The possibilities are endless when you start to think about how much this would enhance WvW. Everyone wants to be a part of a group trying to accomplish something. Currently, it tends to have a lost feel to it and leads to more zerging and less strategy.
Maybe somebody reads these suggestions. Maybe something is already in the works.
You do realize that a major problem in WvW right now is that players form into groups so massive that the game can’t load them all on the screen. Until that is fixed, any change to encourage larger groups is not very beneficial.
The Lost Shores should have stayed lost.
At least allow us to see other folks in the guild we are currently representing on the map and mini map…
Level 80 Guardian, Thief
Minions of Grenth, Jade Quarry