Largos must be a new race
Yeah, first time i saw them i said the same thing to myself…hopefully it will be a playable race in the future.
then they ll have to include flying in the game the polar bear people are also nice.
then they ll have to include flying in the game
the polar bear people are also nice.
No, they don’t. Largos use their “wings” to swim, not to fly.
They don’t fly, they swim. I want to know what their faces look like under those masks. :<
I want to know their story. What’s their culture, their history, why did they come to tyria? Who are they?
I’m not sure I would want those wing things showing all the time. Would only like to be able to play them if I could hide/unhide them on command. Would rather be able to play as a Tengu/Skritt/Quaggan-/Kodan (in that order) before I play as one of them.
Please give us a keyring…
AHHHHH not swimming ! I feel like I’m in a time warp well under water . We really need submarines to gain some quickness and fire power .
They are basically manta ray people crossed with elves. I think they had a few “Sidhe” models in game from the time before they replaced the Sylvari with tree folk. They probably reused those to create Largos. That’s my guess anyway.
It would be interesting to have a race that had to wear their aqua breather when on land, and could take it off underwater. A cool reversal.
Just as a side note, I believe something is happening with the Largos, possibly in the next content in mid-November. Two different times now, in totally different zones and areas, I have encountered a dynamic event that spontaneously spawned out of nowhere… a veteran Largos warrior pops and challenges me to a duel. When you defeat him, his bar turns green, he gives you a compliment on your fighting, and then disappears.
Something’s afoot.
Of all the races in the game; this is the one I feel is second worst designed (Risen being the worst of all time). :/
My first impression, when I saw one in some DE in one of the Norn areas was “Oh brother… Aion is that way!”
I know they are underwater “Drow” and all that, but such a cliche.
But then… I don’t like the Tengu either – so that may show where my personal tastes fall.
However; as it appears there some interest in these things being playable character, anything that keeps people in the game is a good thing IMO.
Please lets not add a winged dark elf assassin race to the game. Everyone, and I’m certain I do speak for everyone here, prefers to play quaggans. Quaggans coo, Largos foo!
I want to make one. To hell with Quaggans.
Largos came from the Deep Ocean after Bubbles was being mean to everybody. So I bet they will become more relevant when we can access the Deep Ocean and scumbag Bubbles
oh heck no. They’re generic “fantasy-RPG” garbage, and I don’t know why they were added in the first place. I want unqiue races that are created for the GW universe, not something that looks like its the culmination of every elf race every made.
Deep Sea Manta Ray Assassin Elves. Their dialog is always too cryptic for me. They aren’t cool enough as a race to take out a Dragon, but they always say, “normally if you were to see me it would be the last thing you saw.” To which I say, “Whatevs, DSMRAE. How come you are too chicken to fight me in SPvP?”
I would rather have Tengu, Mursaat, Forgotten, Centaur, or Kodan as playable. I would rather these guys be an enemy. I have a feeling that “The Lost Shores” will have a few of these in the content, and I will see them and they will speak cryptically, and I will want to introduce them to my hammer.
They look awful, and I hate elves, they are in every single mmo. Any race that looks like an elf should not be in the game
then they ll have to include flying in the game
the polar bear people are also nice.
The Kodan are Norns,they just stay in their bear form their whole life.The norn are descendants of Koda
Not dying for their russian accent, but I cant see why not.
Who knows next expansion/content patch takes us to an adventure to their lands?
oh heck no. They’re generic “fantasy-RPG” garbage, and I don’t know why they were added in the first place. I want unqiue races that are created for the GW universe, not something that looks like its the culmination of every elf race every made.
This is funny because it’s still a game where you put on armor or robes and swing giant swords or shoot fireballs at dragons. We already have the biggest cliches in the history of fantasy story telling.
Also, asura fit the gnome archtype, Norn fit the orc/half-orc archtype and Sylvari cover the elves. Tiny inventors. Massive shallow thinking brutes. Wise tree hugging magic-y people.
The thing what makes them “GW” is the culture, history and attitudes of the races. Those things really prevent them from just being the usual tropes in disguise. This is something that seems to have resonated well, since lots of players in GW really dig the races for their backgrounds and unique attitudes rather than racial perks. There is more “race pride” than I typically see in games.
So why do the Largos give off an elfin vibe? Because the Largos are lithe, and well spoken? So are the Tengu. In general I can’t think of any elves ever wearing iron masks, having scaly textures to their skin, phosphorescent extra appendages, or Eastern European accents. And since we know virtually nothing about their culture…I can’t see where you are drawing any sort of parallel. Especially considering how neatly the Sylvari already fill that role.
The more new races the better IMO, so long as they are introduced with the same care, detail and depth as the originals. Largos would actually be preferred for me. I don’t really dig the way the Tengu have changed in the last two centuries. And I did wanted to see the Kodan as playable until I tried some of the more complicated jumping puzzles and played in some of the more tightly corridor-ed dungeons as a Norn.
All things considered though, what does a new race add? A capitol city that will likely be abandoned for Lion’s Arch. A short personal story branch that just converges into the same as every other races story around the time of the “Orders” arc. A few flavor racial skills that are intentionally less effective than profession skills. Around the mid levels, from a mechanical and storytelling perspective, your race ceases to matter.
New professions are the things I get really excited about, since those add skills, weapons, profession utilities and traits. A new profession is like a new 200 hours of playtime added to the game for me. A new race is about 20.
The Largos race sounds cool. A “Largos Neophyte” profession for the existing races sounds much cooler.
Of all the races in the game; this is the one I feel is second worst designed (Risen being the worst of all time). :/
My first impression, when I saw one in some DE in one of the Norn areas was “Oh brother… Aion is that way!”
I know they are underwater “Drow” and all that, but such a cliche.But then… I don’t like the Tengu either – so that may show where my personal tastes fall.
However; as it appears there some interest in these things being playable character, anything that keeps people in the game is a good thing IMO.
I agree with you. Which is weird because I don’t see the problem with Risen and I’m waiting for the Tengu to become a playable race.
The Largos are such a missed opportunity -I don’t understand the fascination with “dark elves.” I hate the super pointed ears and the fact that a deep sea creature has flowing locks of hair.
They could have been so less obvious and more of it’s own thing like the rest of the Guild Wars races:
lose the ears, make them have something that looks like hair but isn’t (kind of like the sylvari) and the wings should be one piece like an actual manta ray (although maybe that design choice was a workaround for armor).
On another side note -I believe the Kodan and the Norn are both descendants of a common ancestor.
(edited by Rain King.5914)
I can see it now. They add this race, then hear the people complain when they cant do jumping puzzles because they cant see. Also think about trying to do the Mad Kings Clocktower with one of these in front of you.
Well, the first time I saw a largos I laughed and said “Who the hell thought that was a good idea?”
I don’t particularly fancy underwater bondage gear wearing assassins with butterfly wings that sound like Mass Effect aliens. But hey, I’m not 13.
—Tarnished Coast
Two Order of Whispers NPCs in Mount Maelstrom talk about “using” largos, so I suspect we’ll at least see more of them. Their current model is certainly a placeholder, much like the model we see used for tengu. I think both will be playable in the future. I hope at the same time, because they play off one another very well.
(edited by Moderator)
Largos would be a cool playable race, but I’d pick kodan over them. I NEVER play bestial races in mmo’s, but I would play a kodan for sure. They just look SO COOL.
I’m sorry but when and where do I first encounter a Largos? <- Serious question.
I want more female largos.
Dem Sayeh al’Rajihd tights.
Yes please, playable Largos in the future!
We know they have a society divided in houses, so there is room for the “playable race evil group” other races have, aswell as biography option to chose which house you belong to.
I loved their design from the very beginning and I really want to play as one of them
I’m not sure I would want those wing things showing all the time. Would only like to be able to play them if I could hide/unhide them on command. Would rather be able to play as a Tengu/Skritt/Quaggan-/Kodan (in that order) before I play as one of them.
Tengu are probably a future race. But I doubt the rest will, Skritt and Quaggan are races that you help in your story because they can’t really help themselves from high threats, not to say about producing a large number of powerful individuals. Kodan are a problem for character creation, it’s nearly impossible to make one of them different from each other, they don’t even have different color patterns, only polar bears, and the Norn racial skill is similar enough to them.
Well hopefully they will be eventually but to be honest I’d rather have the Tengu than blue assassin elves.
I’m not sure I would want those wing things showing all the time. Would only like to be able to play them if I could hide/unhide them on command. Would rather be able to play as a Tengu/Skritt/Quaggan-/Kodan (in that order) before I play as one of them.
I don’t see us getting Quaggan or Skrit. Quaggan because of getting the attacks and armour to work with them and the fact that they’re so non violent. Skritt because they are meant to be incredibly stupid unless in a large group.
(edited by Demented Sheep.1642)
I really don’t much like the largos we got in the game. Their concept art was far more alien and appropriate:
More manta ray, less night elf
Garnished Toast
Good point about the Kodan all looking the same. They could easily get a Charr style make over and have different patterns, facial feature proportions and accessories. But that would be sort of out of left field since we have had at least three major sanctuaries around and they all looked the same.
The Tengu drive me nuts. They are hideous. I just can’t get their appeal at all. IMO their design in GW was much better. In the last 250 years were the original tengu invaded and their genes totally diluted with the physical traits of the chicken people from the realm of nightmare fuel?
Largos I think would be the most enjoyable race to add. No too big problems, no too small problems, not some grotesque looking chicken mutant that even Charr would think twice about putting in their mouths.
I’m sorry but when and where do I first encounter a Largos? <- Serious question.
During the main quest and you fight one for a SP in Mount Maelstrom.
Given that the Largos are mysterious and very private, I can’t see them being added as a new race. They verge on xenophobic. I can’t see them integrating themselves with the world in any large way, unless ANet slowly builds them up into far more than what they are. Currently, it would clash with the lore in a distinct way.
I can see the Tengu or the Kodan because of how pervasive they are in the game, and the fact that they interact with the world in a deep way.
On top of that I personally don’t particularly like the Largos, nor the idea of them.
For those that are saying that they hate elvish characters… you do know that Sylvarri have an elvish outline, and were originally supposed to look even more elvish than they do now right?
Anyways I think it’d be cool to have a playable aquatic race. Then the main city could either be entirely underwater or mostly underwater. Although if the race was the largos I think they would have to redo the wings to make them customizable in character creation so that not all Largos have the same set of wings. I would also like it if they released more underwater weapons so that players have more options than just 2 weapons.
I’m sorry but when and where do I first encounter a Largos? <- Serious question.
During the main quest and you fight one for a SP in Mount Maelstrom.
You can see and fight one much earlier in a Brisbane Wildlands dynamic event: a group of Durmand Priory are being attacked by a stealthy underwater assailant who turns out to be a Largos. The character of mine that encountered this event was underleveled for it, so I don’t know if there’s any narrative built off it as there is in the Mount Maelstrom quest chain.
TBH they look a bit underdeveloped.
The design/textures on em just look bad imo.
Pretty much vampire, underwater, assassin, drow things with really ugly wings.
Just my opinion. I’d rather have Dredge as a racer over Largo. Or if you want underwater, I’d also rather take Quaggan. =p
For those that are saying that they hate elvish characters… you do know that Sylvarri have an elvish outline, and were originally supposed to look even more elvish than they do now right?
I fail to seee how that changes anything.
…Pretty much vampire, underwater, assassin, drow things …
I have to agree that they seem to be sort of just a lumping together of various elements considered cool by some parts of the market.
But I ain’t gonna hate. I’m very confident that the Tengu will be the playable race introduced at the first expansion in any case.
Largos as playable race. They’d have an all underwater start area, imagine how well your average player would like that!
Sadly about the only thing I liked about the Largos is the one in the story sounds like Tali and has a very similar mask to probably help them adapt outside of water. But it seems like they are supposed to be a pretty rare species in Tyria. Not sure how well making it player available will fare. But I’m not against it, the more races to choose from the better I say.
I still don’t see where people are making a connection to elves. The only elf thing I see at all in them is the pointy ears. Lots of creatures in fantasy and scifi have had point ears.
There’s no indication they see infrared, Drow have black skin and not blue, Drow have white hair and the Largos seem to be able to have a variety of colors, the Largos have a scaly texture to their skin and Drow do not. Finally, the Largos have giant freaking wings and the Drow do not. There are a few more, but do we really need to go further?
There’s no indication the largos are a matriarchy. The Largos seem honorable and have respect for all of their houses, the Drow don’t. Largos go out and hunt the most terrifying things they can for fun, Drow do not. Largos are bound by oath and have no gods. The Drow don’t give a kitten about oaths and worship a spider.
I think one person made some sort of vague connection and a handful of others said “…yeah, ok, I can see that.” and jumped on board without actually thinking about it.
(edited by AcidicVision.5498)
An underwater capital city would be super neat. Not sure if I actually like the design of the Largos enough to want to play them though.
I would love an underwater city. It would certainly make getting all the vistas easier.
About the only thing I like about the Largos is the voice. A lot of polishing up will have to be done to their designs to make a good playable race.
I can see it now. They add this race, then hear the people complain when they cant do jumping puzzles because they cant see. Also think about trying to do the Mad Kings Clocktower with one of these in front of you.
If the ‘wings’ are used for swimming, I think it would be rather cool if they folded up and just became unobtrusive protrusions on the back when they were on land and only spread out when they were actually underwater.
Would be a nice way to add some depth to the underwater content, since it’s currently more of a chore than something fun to do.
Goal: To have one character of every race, gender, and armor class combination at level 80.
Current progress: Human 4/6 | Charr 1/6 | Norn 1/6 | Sylvari 1/6 | Asura 1/6 | Total: 8/30
I like the swimming. I mean, not as much as land combat. But I don’t thinks its bad. My character plays pretty much the same but with the addition of another axis of movement. Then I also liked games like Endless Ocean.
A lot of people really don’t pay attention to their water gear and end up getting frustrated when they aren’t doing as much damage as they want and are taking more than they think they should. There are even more that min/max their characters for a specific gimmick and get zero benefit from it underwater.
It shouldn’t be surprising that the who people kitten themselves for a decent sized chunk of the games content end up not having a good time with it.
I think a proper underwater city would be neat. The art and design teams would probably have a field day with that. The Quaggans have plant like hobbles and the Krait just tie together whatever junk they can find. A race with some actual significant architecture would be pretty welcome.
Quaggans > Largoes for playable race!
Let the Largoes remain mysterious, its their flavour. Quaggan underwater city hoo! Quaggan coo!
But please, make the ‘doors’ (or more accurately, holes) to their buildings bigger. Such a pain to get inside
I want a Hylek before anything else.
I have nothing against Largos being a playable race but they don’t really interest me that much. I mean they are pretty much yet another human race. As for Quaggans. I don’t particularly like them as they are mostly annoying (except I have to admit the Quaggan ghost and pirate in LA were adorable).
I’m not that interested in Tengu either. Give me Naga as playable race!
I want a Hylek before anything else.
As a former EQ Froglock Wizard, I would LOVE playable Hylek, actually.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t really seem like any of the ‘tribal’ species are going to become available (Hylek, Skritt, Quaggan, Ogre, Grawl).
Despite the cries of ‘Cliched Fantasy,’ I think the idea of the Largos would actually be quite entertaining to play.
And as someone already pointed out, we already pretty much have every fantasy cliche in existence. Just take a look at the TV Tropes page for GW2. :P
Goal: To have one character of every race, gender, and armor class combination at level 80.
Current progress: Human 4/6 | Charr 1/6 | Norn 1/6 | Sylvari 1/6 | Asura 1/6 | Total: 8/30