Laurel Ascended gear refundable/salvageable?

Laurel Ascended gear refundable/salvageable?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

So I have a suggestion as to making Ascended items that are acquired through Laurels to have an exchange option for a different item. Or being able to salvage the ascended item and get back some of your Laurels as a possibility.

So here is my issue. With my current elementalist being my funnest character to play and with the upcoming changes it looks as though the playstyle is going to be altered some. I am not complaining because the ele could use some toning down. What I am saying is the changes will definitely affect the way this character is played and the build you currently run(not in all cases though).

I have gotten my ascended gear through laurels on this character and now would like to change the build with the announced changes. I mean really do I have to farm laurels for the next 3 months to get different stats on rings/accessories/amulet for the same character?

I guess there are a couple of things that would work for me…

1. Make laurel acquired salvageable for a return of some laurels

2. Make laurel acquired items exchangeable at the vendors for different stat item.

Anyways I am sure most people are going to hate this idea or maybe it has already been suggested but any thoughts are appreciated.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX