Laurels and Alts.
Just a little suggestion here from a person that enjoy alts.
Why not make dailies doable with each character and turn laurels into soulbound items? Just make Karma Jugs a once per day/account reward on the first daily you do.
This would ease up some of the restrictions thats currently there while playing alts. It would give no advantage over those with 1 character, since laurels would be soulbound so you couldnt hoard it with 10 characters per day to provide for your “main”.
All you would need to do to make sure it wouldnt get abused would be to make any “character enhancing item” i.e ascended items and such souldbound on aquire if obtained from the vendor. This way laurels would be soulbound aswell as the non vanity items you can obtain with them.
Altoholics would be happy and those with just one toon wouldnt notice a differance.
This is Anet’s way to make people stay and play longer if they dont plan to stick to one character. The longer someone plays, the better their chances to use the gem shop. If you are planning to play for many months, this shouldnt become a problem, only for those who need it right away.
Edit. Might I add, I have 4 Level 80s so I’m a alt machine also.
I don’t think that would be the best solution, I usually do my dailies on my low level toons for the xp and then send my jug to one of my 5 80’s. For someone that has 5 80’s that gives me the option to only farm Laurels on the toon I want to gear and then buy Shards, dye’s, ect on the other toons.
Leveling is already extremely easy especially if your an altaholic. I applaud your effort not I am going to have to give this suggestion a thumbs down, to many venues and abilities to exploit the Laurel system
@Himei: To play devils advocate, making it so that each alt can earn a Laurel would actually bring in MORE revenue than preventing it. They’d make a killing off of extra character slots. It wouldn’t even matter if they were high level or not because you’d get a laurel for a reward regardless.
Even by making them soul bound, they would have to make everything cost more laurels save maybe the mini pets. The entire market would be saturated with Unid Dyes (every 5 days a person with 5 characters would be able to purchase 50 Unid Dyes).
Essentially what I’m saying is that this would through half the ingame market completely out of whack just to make a quick buck. They’re doing people a favour by not devaluing the Laurel by making it per character soulbound.
Besides, I hate keeping track of Karma on different characters as is, throwing in Laurels would be salt on that wound for me personally.
I have found the time gated stuff to be a double edged sword, a lot of people have given up trying to get this stuff and are bored, moving on..they never believe they’ll get them…
Just because i got all my Ascended trinkets on all my alts wouldn’t mean i’d leave etc, it would mean i could focus on other parts of the game more as i’d be properly geared..
If I understand the original post correctly, it’s suggesting that players with alts should be able to get more laurels/karma via dailies than players without alts. This strikes me as inherently unfair. The OP tries to work around that by saying that the extra income will be character bound, but it still means that an account with more alts is going to be able to earn more.
While it does cost more to outfit multiple alts, those are one-time expenses. But the increased opportunities for earning from alts never expires: you can leave alts on nodes or JP chests, near world events, farm the same ori ore repeatedly on multiple characters and so on. In short, I think there are already plenty of advantages to playing alts; I don’t think ANet needs to offer any new ones.
If I understand the original post correctly, it’s suggesting that players with alts should be able to get more laurels/karma via dailies than players without alts. This strikes me as inherently unfair. The OP tries to work around that by saying that the extra income will be character bound, but it still means that an account with more alts is going to be able to earn more.
While it does cost more to outfit multiple alts, those are one-time expenses. But the increased opportunities for earning from alts never expires: you can leave alts on nodes or JP chests, near world events, farm the same ori ore repeatedly on multiple characters and so on. In short, I think there are already plenty of advantages to playing alts; I don’t think ANet needs to offer any new ones.
I read it that you get one karma jug/per account per day. Same as now. The change is that laurels are 1/character/day but soulbound. The purpose being that you would earn laurels for each character separately, you can’t pool them to use on one character. It would speed up outfitting your alts.
What are the drawbacks to the OP’s suggestion?
One drawback is of course the dyes. In five days you could get 50 or more dyes (depending on the number of characters you have) rather than 10.
I’m sure there might be other drawbacks.
This is a nice suggestion attempt at addressing the desire to gear up your alts faster than 1 laurel per day. I too would like to be able to gear them up faster. You need to address any drawbacks mentioned though with something that offsets them.
Honestly this would almost be worse for alts.
I have a bunch of alts because I like being able to change up what I’m doing at my whim.
The account laurel is awful because of its limited number trying to be split amongst a bunch of alts, but making them character bound would basically force me to play all my different characters every day or fall behind.
Not only does that up the time requirement to pretty ridiculous levels, but I also don’t FEEL like playing this or that character.
tl;dr time-gated laurels are awful either way, remove ascended stat bonus, best solution.
(edited by gimmethegepgun.1284)
Sorry OP, but no. Besides the dye argument, I could sorta see it screwing with lodestone production via Mystic Binding Agents.
Also, the changes made to the daily system were supposed to make it more accessible and doable. I like the changes. They’re interesting. What you’re suggesting would actually make the daily take longer for altoholics, longer than its ever been. Having to switch to every single character, do the EXACT SAME DAILY CRAP, just so they aren’t missing out…
Altoholics would be happy and those with just one toon wouldnt notice a differance.
I would not be happy. Not at all.
Gimmethegepgun hit the thing that would be most wrong with this: the time investment each day. Despite my great interest in not grinding, I find myself working to do the daily even though I don’t particularly need anything the laurels will buy. I have 7 alts. I don’t want to do the daily 7 times a day or get forced to do it with a specific character, I want to do it once with whatever character is best suited to the task (eg thief for dodging) and pick which alt gets stuff.
In fact, I’d be more up for it moving to a weekly system where you can do the daily 7 times any time in the week, as others have suggested, so it can be knocked out when convenient.
Well I guess some wouldnt be happy and I’m fairly sure some people didnt even read my original post, but jumped the gun and answered out of the blue.
There are a few drawbacks, like the dyes and loadstones, but the market would solve that by lowered demand and price due to more being available.
I’m also not saying my system would be optimal. But it would sure be nice to be able to work on more than one character at a time. It would also bring more to do for us altoholics.
It would still be optional. I probably wouldnt do dailies on all my characters each day, but maybe work on a few of them.
No matter how you look at it, it would be faster for altoholics to gear up alts along side a main compared to how it is now.
This is also just an idea I would like to see devs work with, something to open up the alt gearing a bit more. Right now the laurel system is horrible IMO.
Well I guess some wouldnt be happy and I’m fairly sure some people didnt even read my original post, but jumped the gun and answered out of the blue.
There are a few drawbacks, like the dyes and loadstones, but the market would solve that by lowered demand and price due to more being available.
I’m also not saying my system would be optimal. But it would sure be nice to be able to work on more than one character at a time. It would also bring more to do for us altoholics.
It would still be optional. I probably wouldnt do dailies on all my characters each day, but maybe work on a few of them.
No matter how you look at it, it would be faster for altoholics to gear up alts along side a main compared to how it is now.
This is also just an idea I would like to see devs work with, something to open up the alt gearing a bit more. Right now the laurel system is horrible IMO.
If it is ascended Items you are going for it really isn’t that hard to get them for your characters. I have two characters at Fractals level 22 and 53, yest out of all 8 of my toons 5 of which are 80, 6 of them have 2 ascended rings already and are infused with +5 agony resist. 2 of the 6 have infused rings. I have only bought a amulet and 1 ruing with laurels.
TL;DR laurels are not the main source of getting Ascended items for your alts, Fractals are as every ring I have gotten has been in fractals. If your trying to only depend on Laurels to get them your doing it wrong. Also if you don’t want to do fractals then there is no reason to even get ascended items.
Also if you don’t want to do fractals then there is no reason to even get ascended items.
Except of course the higher stats and… oh great it’s Kaimick.
Here, let me skip over the days long conversation that would be had:
Me: Stats.
Kaimick: Stats don’t matter.
Me: 13% more damage matters.
Kaimick: Nope.
Me: /headdesk
Mod: Lock.
Also if you don’t want to do fractals then there is no reason to even get ascended items.
Except of course the higher stats and… oh great it’s Kaimick.
Here, let me skip over the days long conversation that would be had:
Me: Stats.
Kaimick: Stats don’t matter.
Me: 13% more damage matters.
Kaimick: Nope.
Me: /headdesk
Mod: Lock.
So you make a personal attack because you have this hatred for me that must only be that I point out the flaws in your thought process logically. What ever makes you happy.
No Stats don’t matter, does it give you a 13% more damage? YES
Can you complete any dungeon or content out there with all yellows on? YES
So where you are correct that it does give you a little bit more damage, the fact still holds true that the 13% doesn’t matter, cause if you can do the same content with out it just fine and successfully then my statement is true.
Don’t confuse your need to be an elitist in demanding that every group has the top stats top gear top everything to run a dungeon smoothly, with the reality that someone not in the best of the best gear and stats can achieve the same goal.
::NOTE:: I don’t know if your an elitist I don’t even know if that is how you view your groups, although seeing as you have followed me around to at least 4 different threads and made a similar comment like the one above, makes me think your mentality in the game is just that, or your a troll.
When I quoted that line what I typed was what I thought. I typed the response, realized that it was familiar, and then looked at the name and saw it was you.
Maybe, instead of pulling out the stalking card, you could realize that I respond in many threads regarding laurels, ascended gear, and Magic Find, as do you, which results in us crossing paths in them.
Also, we’ve had too many of these conversations. I just accidentally typed out a rant against MF instead of ascended :/