Legendary Particle Effect Components

Legendary Particle Effect Components

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


I’ve seen several suggestions already for Legendary armor, but as someone who likes to mix and match armor pieces from all different sets, I find the thought of having Legendary armor sets somewhat limiting. So, I propose Legendary Particle Effect Components.

Legendary Particle Effect Components would be soulbound on use, so that they can be traded. Recipes would be spread among the crafting disciplines, so that crafters finally have useful ultra-high-end craftables. There are already too many recipes given to the Mystic Forge that crafters should have had access to, IMO.

The components would act like the HoM skins, where you double click to apply the legendary particle effect to an existing piece of armor, except in this case it would not change the base appearance of the armor.

This allows people to have their legendary-style particle effects without diminishing the possibilities of mixed armor sets. The various recipes allow players to select the color and/or style of the particle effects they want for their armor sets independently of the armor skins they like best.

Imagine adding a red heat effect surrounding a set of Flame Legion armor…or a black mist aura around your Thief’s trenchcoat…or adding a colored aura on top of Juggernaut’s quicksilver armor effect.

TL;DR – Add crafting recipes for high-end consumables that add various particle effects to existing armor skins.

Legendary Particle Effect Components

in Suggestions

Posted by: andrew.4309


You have a good idea here. Maybe have a proffessional particle effect. Guraisian blue flame mesmer can have some purple pink butterflies. Ranger some flowers. And so forth.

Legendary Particle Effect Components

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


Profession-related effects would certainly be nice, considering right now there’s very little to tell them apart as far as armor goes.

Legendary Particle Effect Components

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dakiaris.2798


Honestly they need to add auras like gw1 had for preorders…. During emotes you would get a profession color aura… I wouldn’t be against this but if it was active 100% of the time I would find it kinda obnoxious after 1-2 years of play when a ton of people have them…. The main thing I wanna see atm is unique helms not racial like gw1 had with the blindfold/glasses/dread mask/crown/bandana http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Common_armor That link is the common head armor all classes had access to…. Really we need more head gear I don’t like seeing everyone use the same 4-5


Before someone brings up the blindfold we have I would like to point out that it looks like a masochist kitten mask on the male models due to the gag.