Legendary Weapon Titles per weapon

Legendary Weapon Titles per weapon

in Suggestions

Posted by: SnowHawk.3615


New titles should be added to the “titles” regarding equipping a SINGLE Legendary weapon instead of having to equip two legendary weapons to get a very small amount of AP- -what’s so legendary about that?

Have unique titles for each Legendary and each give at least 50 AP, that’s legendary.

For having soul bound the Legendary great sword ‘Sunrise’- “Keeper of the Sunrise” or something as the Title

Anyone pitch your ideas.

Legendary Weapon Titles per weapon

in Suggestions

Posted by: jwaz.1908


Hmmm, while your suggestion is cool, I don’t see how practical it is, also shouldn’t the legendary show itself off enough? :p

I would agree, though, that the Legendary Collector achievement should give a title when completed (equipping 5 unique legendary weapons), and that the Legendary Treasures account medal should have at least 5 stages too.

Brom Svánigandr – Druid
Nemata Sapshield – Dragonhunter
Lillian Estre – Tempest

Legendary Weapon Titles per weapon

in Suggestions

Posted by: Illogical.6218


Legendaries are show off weapons..
So there is no need for a show off title

Legendary Weapon Titles per weapon

in Suggestions

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


There’s nothing legendary about legnedaries anyway. The moment they made them bind on use and sell-able on the trading post they took any potential prestige associated with these weapons.

Oh look Joe Schmo who makes a ton of IRL cash bought a bunch of gold and was able to buy a legendary. how prestigious

Legendary Weapon Titles per weapon

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


The titles should be “Credit Card Warrior”