Legendary Weapon updates

Legendary Weapon updates

in Suggestions

Posted by: Frozblade.2107


For once we shall not rant about how Legendaries should or should not be sold on the Trade Post.

And i’ll be talking about what i feel how Legendary weapons should be improved.
Legendary weapons are the most unique sets of weapons with mesmerizing visuals and effects. Weapons that you really run around a wield your achievement.

It should be every gamer’s goal to strive for one. But some people still thinks that getting one is actually ‘not worth it’ and ‘waste of time’..

1) Most importantly Legendary weapon’s damage range & stats should be scaled up rather than being the exact same stats compared to any sloppy exotic weapons.

2) Create a story for each Legendary weapons. eg. Description on the weapon itself, like how you did with precursors. (You get the point)

3) Please make ALL legendary weapons unique and do NOT be biased!
A few examples would be..

1. The Predator/Quip – Awesome visuals & sound effect but lack of presence till someone really hears it and began asking the user. And these are the very few weapons without footstep effects, which is extremely saddening (IMO this weapon is really under-rated and not as well known)

2. Eternity – I personally think this greatsword isn’t worth it at all. Come on? TWO legendary greatswords & we get lesser? Seriously? No bladetrails, footsteps. This sword is like the only legendary weapon which requires two legendaries to forge into this ‘ultimate’ weapon. It’s like the ultimate weapon of the whole game. IMO you guys should really brainstorm regarding this weapon. Like i posted before, maybe a brand new look to symbolize this weapon? Or a brand new footsteps effect JUST for the Eternity.

IMO the best legendary weapon out there would be ‘Bolt’
You get body particle effects, footsteps, & weapon wield sound effects. What can be better than this like seriously?

Really hope you guys imply ALL legendaries have their unique footsteps,sound effects, & body particle effects. This would really make them totally awesome!!

Please make it a great new year for us! XD


Legendary Weapon updates

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drako.6128


I agree with everything and would like to add “Please add a new staff….” on the first point I think they are already gonna scale the legendaries so they match the ascendad gear cant remember where I read this but its somewhere on their update info.


Legendary Weapon updates

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


Agree with everything short of Legendaries should be better than BiS.

If you meant they should be better in line with Ascended, I apologise

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

Legendary Weapon updates

in Suggestions

Posted by: dadance.1473


….. 1. The Predator/Quip – Awesome visuals & sound effect but lack of presence till someone really hears it and began asking the user. And these are the very few weapons without footstep effects, which is extremely saddening (IMO this weapon is really under-rated and not as well known) ….

+1 I have Predateur and i’m really sad, not enough effects compare other legendary, footstep fire effect for it?

please make something if you can

Have fun.

Legendary Weapon updates

in Suggestions

Posted by: jwaz.1908


Agreed, I really hate that legendaries are being sold on the trading post, completely takes away from the “legendary” aspect of them.

Brom Svánigandr – Druid
Nemata Sapshield – Dragonhunter
Lillian Estre – Tempest

Legendary Weapon updates

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eleah.7431


I also agree that legendaries should not be tradeable. Not only that but legendary aquisition should not be based on how much gold you can make nor how much time you have spent exploring and such. Legendary weapons really need to be aquired through skill and maybe have a storyline for each. I like the idea of a scavanger hunt though. I just hope that it is what I imagine it to be: challenging and unique to each weapon.

It would be great if legendary weapons were rather a sign of how well the player did in various trials such as puzzles, strategy, reflexes, discoveries, and making certain choices in the dynamic world. As of now legendaries are only a sign that the person put a lot of time into the game or they have a lot of money. Neither of those things are necessarily things to boast about. This is very sad indeed.

Legendary weapons should also be equal in effects. They are not equal at all as they are now. We all know how bright and noticeable the greatswords are. They are great. In contrast, the focus is not noticeable at all. The anomaly is much more “legendary” than the actual legendary.

Since I have the minstrel (only because it is the legendary weapon that best fit my character), I want to list out the things I think that should change.

1. The purple glow should be more noticeable. The rest of the weapon should also have a shine to it and not be so dull and ordinary as it is. The whole instrument should have a subtle glow or shine to it including the gold rimming.
2. I would like a footstep animation or a trail. For example, leaving behind a purple trail of stave (musical lines) with notes written on it like the picture I posted below.
3. The sound effects are very sad indeed on this legendary. It doesn’t even sound like a harp but rather a hardly noticeable hum. Me and my husband were joking that it sounds like a toot or a stomach growl. Not only that but the sound plays really rarely during ability usage and it plays when the weapon is first equiped. I suggest that the sound be more noticeably harp, higher pitched, and more of a CHORD found in something like danse profane by Debussy.
4. The barely noticeable notes that come out of the strings are not always there. I would like these to be more noticeable and prevalant, maybe even raise the quantity of notes.
5. The “gold” rimming is not a pure gold color but rather the color of the “spring moss” dye. This makes my dye options for my armor seem slim, at least to me. I like things to match and “spring moss” is not really a neutral color, or at least not as neutral as a true gold or silver.


(edited by Eleah.7431)

Legendary Weapon updates

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mirkin.6851


Totally agree with above posters, all legendaries need to be brought up to scratch please, like bolt they all deserve the full range of experience.
At least start with footprints/effect trail for all.
Then then more shinies for when they’re in hand like the torch and axe, the user gets a bracer/guard made of fire or ice on the arm wielding it – very cool.
Some sort of extra detail to casts/attacks like some have – the dagger comes to mind…

I hope this is something you can get sorted….

Legendary Weapon updates

in Suggestions

Posted by: DreamOfACure.4382


I do not agree that their damage should be increased. Legendaries are meant to be a visually appealing reward.
ANet specifically wants to avoid having top-tier items causing feelings of inferiority amongst players, and I support them in that notion.

However, I do agree that there should be story-elements involved with attaining one.
That’s why I look forward to the precursor scavenger hunt event and I’m hoping they implement better ways to attaining “Gifts”.

And I, for one, believe they could do a lot better with the graphics.
They should just be making each weapon equal in properties to the Twilight (adding footsteps effects and such)
Each set of graphics should be undeniably epic and flashy.

-Sunrise should cloak you in a blazing light and each profession should get at least 1 unique animation
-Bolt should create thunderclouds on certain swings and summon lightning from the sky on top of itself
-Quip should be releasing cartoony animations whenever its projectiles hit like “BANG”, “GOTCHA”, and “SURPRISE!” with much more silly-string and goofy animations that the current animations have going.

ANet said they wanted to make thousand-hour labors accumulate to visual rewards, but in other games, the rewards come in both visuals and stats. (Tons of top-tier damage items are unique in their skins as well.

So I believe ANet needs to really up the ante on Legendary items if they are to be worthwhile despite the lack of major stat-upgrades

“Bleeding, Poison, Confusion, Torment, they all look delightful on you.”

Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~

Legendary Weapon updates

in Suggestions

Posted by: PsDh.2471


I agree that some (if not all) legendary weapons should have an update.

I once saw a person with The Minstrel and another with Immobulus (a scepter crafted from the mystic forge. Not legendary) and Immobulus was more appealing than the legendary..

Of course the main hand weapon should be appealing, but to an extend where the legendary focus seems like “another focus” is to underrate the legendary in my opinion. I’m not saying that Immobulus or any other weapons beside the legendary weapons should be changed as I like those skins and graphics. But more attention to the legendary weapons would be appreciated

I do not own the Minstrel or any legendary weapon, but it’s saddening to see some of these weapons (that players spend precious time and energy to acquire) goes unnoticed and do not inspire others to try and craft these mighty weapons.

Legendary Weapon updates

in Suggestions

Posted by: Oglaf.1074


Bottom line is that even the off-hand Legendaries require just as much time, effort and dedication to get as the more awesomer main-hand Legenadaries.

Having them being so much worse is a slap in the face for everyone who doesn’t like Greatswords.

I can do thirty Five-Dolyak Arm Curls.

Do you even lift, bro?

Legendary Weapon updates

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

I agree with all of the above, These weapons need a complete re-think. I am just about to start on my epic voyage for Sunrise (once i have my norn to 80 that is) I would like to think of it as an epic voyage, not something i could buy of a trading post.

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Legendary Weapon updates

in Suggestions

Posted by: Frozblade.2107


Good job Anet for implying footsteps+awesome particle effects on the Predator!!!
Anyone has effects on a Quip?

Legendary Weapon updates

in Suggestions

Posted by: Retsuko.2035


Glad to see that legendaries are being worked on. But hopefully the rest of the legendaries won’t take too long. We’ve simply spend too much time on getting them, and it would be fair if everyone gets a taste of a real legendary after so much effort.

Legendaries i think needs work:

Meteorlogicus (no body effects, no footsteps)

The Minstrel (no particle effects, no body effects, no footsteps, needs a huge polish upgrade)

Flameseeker Prophecies (no body effects, no footsteps)

Maw of the Deep (not sure about this one?)

Retsu ~ Inner Monkey [IM] ~ Piken Square

Legendary Weapon updates

in Suggestions

Posted by: Frozblade.2107


I just hope they give Eternity a footstep effect or it would be my biggest regret.

Legendary Weapon updates

in Suggestions

Posted by: Firebird Gomer.9563

Firebird Gomer.9563

This from the January updates:

Visual effects on some legendary weapons have been polished:
Eternity: Fixed a bug that caused the Sunrise effects to play on the Twilight version of the sword.
The Moot: Added visual-effects polish and footfalls.
Kamohoali’i Kotaki: Added visual-effects polish.
Frenzy: Added visual-effects polish.
Kraitkin: Added visual-effects polish.
Quip: Added visual-effects polish and footfalls.
The Predator: Added visual-effects polish and footfalls; updated projectile and hit effects to match the weapon’s look.
Howler: Added visual-effects polish and footfalls.
The Dreamer: Updated the projectile effect.

Legendary Weapon updates

in Suggestions

Posted by: Feni.4306


Probably a meaningless question but do they have any intentions on allowing predator users the ability to go back to purple? Like how you can check off shoulders/helm. The footprints and aura around myself is great and all, but I don’t care for the new bullets color.

Warrior – Ríse[MoM]. Guardian – Ekria. Necro – Reimia. Engi – Feni Navi
Tarnished Coast.

Legendary Weapon updates

in Suggestions

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

1) Most importantly Legendary weapon’s damage range & stats should be scaled up rather than being the exact same stats compared to any sloppy exotic weapons.

Yeah, no. Why would I want to be forced to work my kitten off to craft a legendary weapon only to transmute something over the skin so it’s not kittening visual mess and only need the stats?

Legendary Weapon updates

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fyrebrand.4859


I think the Legendaries are a disaster, personally. The way you obtain them is a joke, both in terms of what you do and the astronomical amount of tedium you have to go through. Only a tiny fraction of the requirements are actually legitimate gameplay accomplishments that you should feel proud of — the rest is endless farming/grinding on a scale that ArenaNet should feel ashamed to be associated with. No offense intended, I love GW2, but working on a Legendary is what really evil gamers are forced to do in the afterlife.

I agree with 100% map completion, max-level crafting, badges of honor (to a degree), and throwing tons and tons of skill points and karma into it. Heck, I can even agree with a reasonable amount of crafting materials and money (read: way less than 250 of everything). Frankly, if the rest of the requirements aren’t anything really interesting or something to be proud of, maybe it should end there. That’s still nothing to sneeze at, on its own.

People get mad that legendaries are on the Trading Post, and can be simply “bought,” but the way I figure it grinding 2000+ gold is actually more realistic than doing it the normal way. Besides, if you see someone walking around with a Legendary now, do you think that person “earned” it by doing something amazing? Do you think you’re doing something amazing now, farming for hours a day and playing RNG slots at the Mystic Forge? Should a person be rewarded for doing something like this?

Legendary Weapon updates

in Suggestions

Posted by: Feni.4306


Coming from a legendary owner I still agree with most of that. Honestly the parts about legendarys that bother me the most is still the way-too-costly precursor(I think I payed 400g for the hunter at the time) and mystic clovers.

I don’t gamble in real life, I HATE gambling. The fact that I was forced to do RNG is still a thorn in my side even after I completed it.

People claim that changing the precursors would be an insult to those that bought them for profit purposes and those that acquired legendarys the hard way. I don’t know if others with legendarys will share my view but I whole heartedly endorse changing precursors to something quest related. So what if I blew 400g on a broken system? I don’t know if it sounds odd but I wouldn’t feel insulted in the least if it changed.

Warrior – Ríse[MoM]. Guardian – Ekria. Necro – Reimia. Engi – Feni Navi
Tarnished Coast.

Legendary Weapon updates

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fyrebrand.4859


People claim that changing the precursors would be an insult to those that bought them for profit purposes and those that acquired legendarys the hard way. I don’t know if others with legendarys will share my view but I whole heartedly endorse changing precursors to something quest related. So what if I blew 400g on a broken system? I don’t know if it sounds odd but I wouldn’t feel insulted in the least if it changed.

What’s so funny is that everyone who still needs the precursor agrees wholeheartedly that that specific part of the process needs to be improved. If all the other grinding and RNG nonsense that they’ve already suffered through were lessened, we’d be seeing so many complaints about how “Legendaries are for casuals” and “everyone and their grandma can have one.” They’d feel that anyone who got one afterwards didn’t “earn” it, simply because they personally had to suffer through a terrible slog. By that logic, no elements of the game should ever be improved, because the players who had to put up with broken mechanics in the past should get their “revenge” on the rest of the population.

Legendary Weapon updates

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


Guys, for me the legendary should really look “out of ordinary”, something that makes people ask: Where did you get this?
None of the current legendaries are really up to the game overall standards. They are basic re-models of the current weapons with some “not so interesting” new looks.
Come on a pistol shooting confetti and a bow shooting rainbows?
These are good as “vanity weapons” equip-able as such in the “Costume window”

I see real legendaries similar to these:

Legendary Swords/ Long swords = whip swords
Legendary pistols = Uzi’s
Legendary rifles = machine guns
Legendary daggers – bladed gauntlets


Legendary Weapon updates

in Suggestions

Posted by: Oglaf.1074



How about no?

It is neither a modern day nor sci-fi game.

You do, however, get +1 points for those Klingon blades.

I can do thirty Five-Dolyak Arm Curls.

Do you even lift, bro?

Legendary Weapon updates

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


they can remodel them to fit the culture. After all we have flame throwers and turrets and grenades, bazookas etc. You can be a more imaginative then this, can’t you?

Oh, and I forgot about the chain sword :P

(edited by Ronah.2869)

Legendary Weapon updates

in Suggestions

Posted by: Frozblade.2107


Frankly speaking, legendaries would be fun if precursors are ‘attainable’ and not gambling with the forge or bought from ridiculous prices in the TP. I have friends who have Gift of Mastery/Fortune for ages. Without a precursor.

Legendary Weapon updates

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tipsy.5802


perhaps involve arenanet point in the cost of the legendary stuff as well.
People ask what arenanet points are good for at the moment and honestly I cant give an answere to that…Its also the question who deserves them?Both casual players/loyal fans?
Or only players that convert lots of gems into gold?and the ones that play 24/24 each and every day?
If arenet points would give a small discount for legendary if you reach certain amounts of anet points, the points would get a meaning
Reward those who are loyal fans of gw2 and not just the weirdos that play 24/24 and convert their whole salary to get a legendary