Legendary emotes would be cool

Legendary emotes would be cool

in Suggestions

Posted by: Black Dragon.3784

Black Dragon.3784

Each legendary weapon is worth over 1000 gold, but has the same states as a normal 1-3 gold exotic weapon. Even if they are going to be upgraded when ascended weapons and armour come out, they will never be in it’s own league, so all that could be done really is to improve the way they look, right? In fact the only reason I obtained my legendary is for showing off and the looks.
So what I am now suggesting is to make each legendary have its very own emotion.
This could be activated by typing /Emote or even /Legendary emote.
So I have come up with a few motions that could go well with some legendary weapons!

.Incinerator legendary dagger
The wielder would start off playing around with his/her dagger, maybe juggling accidentally dropping it leading into a ring of fire around them. The player then starts to loose his mind, looks in pain and starts to turn into something fiery or even the devil himself xD.

.Bolt legendary sword
A huge monster could spawn in front of the player who has bolt, which seems like a tough challenge. The player could raise his sword up to the sky and summon a huge lightning bolt which strikes down the monster. Maybe at the end the player could put a foot on top of the monster just to show who is boss.

.Eternity the ultimate legendary great sword
The person wielding this could put the sword standing up beside him as if to show how tall the sword is itself. Then try to enter the sword slowly(as if it is a portal, which it does look like a portal leading to the sky or space) once the person is fully in the sword, the sword drops and the person falls from the sky. He then picks it up again xD

.Frost fang legendary axe
Depending on your race leader would depend on who spawns (human is logan thackory) so i will use humans for this example. Logan spawns thinking he can do anything as usual, so he tries to wield frost fang and turns into ice. Your player then takes frost fang from him and gets a flamethrower to melt the ice

Since I do not know every Legendary weapon I am stopping there but you get the picture. Something that gets peoples attention around you. That makes them say WOW, now I want a Legendary!
Of course I don’t think these should be the actual emotes because i spent around 5 minutes thinking for each one, this was just a basis for your understanding.

Please post what other crazy fantastic emotes could go well with other legendaries or the same ones I have mentioned if you want to.

The idea of an emotion to come with a legendary is basically a celebration for all the time, sweet and blood that went in. I hope you at least read this ANET and as usual sorry for all spelling and grammar mistakes, I will try correct them all

(edited by Black Dragon.3784)

Legendary emotes would be cool

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

This.. Would be entertaining at the very least. But it would be nice.

I ? Karkas.

Legendary emotes would be cool

in Suggestions

Posted by: Black Dragon.3784

Black Dragon.3784

It would really be a nice way to show off and celebrate getting a legendary. Rather than just swinging your sword or what ever weapon to make people notice the effects.

(edited by Black Dragon.3784)

Legendary emotes would be cool

in Suggestions

Posted by: Black Dragon.3784

Black Dragon.3784

Just something I want to change in my suggestion without editing anymore of the original idea.

Overnight i was just thinking of any flaws that this suggestion might’ve had and I thought of one. Say if I was wielding 2 different legendaries at the same time like bolt and incinerator. Me typing /legendary emote would not work because which legendary emote would The game choose? My incinerator emote or my bolt emote. One way over this could be just to type /the legendary name, so if I wanted to activate my incinerators emote whilst I am wielding bolt as well, I could type /incinerator

Legendary emotes would be cool

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adminir.8140


Just something I want to change in my suggestion without editing anymore of the original idea.

Overnight i was just thinking of any flaws that this suggestion might’ve had and I thought of one. Say if I was wielding 2 different legendaries at the same time like bolt and incinerator. Me typing /legendary emote would not work because which legendary emote would The game choose? My incinerator emote or my bolt emote. One way over this could be just to type /the legendary name, so if I wanted to activate my incinerators emote whilst I am wielding bolt as well, I could type /incinerator

Or it could just default to the main hand weapon.

Legendary emotes would be cool

in Suggestions

Posted by: Clloydio.3524


Kamohoali’i Kotaki – The wielder summon seven sharks which proceed to fight in a shark combat scenario. The winning shark then bows to the player then gets eaten by the spear.

Legendary emotes would be cool

in Suggestions

Posted by: alexjolly.1463


The Predator – A wild apex predator (possibly one of the alien Predators from the movie franchise if Anet can obtain the necessary trademark/copyright rights) chases the player down and stalks them, turning invisible and appearing around every corner and becoming visible at every new WP either behind or infront of them. If the predator catches up with them they receive a permadeath.

The Moot – everyone in the map starts dancing uncontrollably when this weapon is unsheathed and is not able to move or do any other act until the weapon is sheathed, Even mobs friendly, hostile and neutral begin dancing.

The Dreamer – every so often the players in the holders party slip into ‘dream with in a dream’ (basically an overflow of the current map with weird stuff happening) if multiple people have ‘The Dreamer’ equipped they can slip into further levels, if you die with in deeper levels of the dream you will be sent to permanent limbo where you get a choice to decide if you are in limbo or not, if you think you are in limbo you may try to kill yourself if you are in limbo you are returned to the normal map, if you are not in limbo you are permabanned.

Kraitkin – the snakes roll off the trident and multiply into the map until there are 1000s, they surround the players killing them until someone shouts ‘I am sick of these motherflipping snakes on this motherflipping plane’.

Bnok – [EXG] Desolation
“A leader leads by example, not by force.” – Sun Tzu

Legendary emotes would be cool

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aravis.9541


Dreamer – John Lennon appears in front of you and proceeds to sing Imagine

Legendary emotes would be cool

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kantos.1730


These could be additions to a legendary that would cost additional skill points and whatever. Thus, after spending 100 skill points and another Gift of Metal you have a legendary ++ weapon that does a unique emote. More difficult to get and thus more prestigious.

Legendary emotes would be cool

in Suggestions

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


It would really be a nice way to show off and celebrate getting a legendary. Rather than just swinging your sword or what ever weapon to make people notice the effects.

Most people have seen legendary weapon spamming 100 times over so I don’t think many notice or care. If you spend time in any populated area the effects spamming is a very common thing. Someone spamming junk in my face just to say, “Hey look at me!” gets on my nerves really fast. The last thing I need is some goofball spamming some legendary emote in my face or spamming it at trading posts and banks.

If you want people to notice you and your legendary have them notice while you are actually using it in combat.

Here is an interesting and long thread with differing views related to being or not being impressed by legendary. It’s worth a read.

The Burninator

(edited by JustTrogdor.7892)

Legendary emotes would be cool

in Suggestions

Posted by: Black Dragon.3784

Black Dragon.3784

The last thing I need is some goofball spamming some legendary emote in my face or spamming it at trading posts and banks.

Then maybe put cool downs on emotes so they can’t spam?

Legendary emotes would be cool

in Suggestions

Posted by: Midnight Gypsy.9360

Midnight Gypsy.9360

Interesting idea. This and dyes that give armor effects, more than just changing the color.

Legendary emotes would be cool

in Suggestions

Posted by: srbijausrcu.3685


This isn’t Runescape honey…

Legendary emotes would be cool

in Suggestions

Posted by: Evans.6347


Or perhaps we can have giant neon billboards floating above our heads exclaiming which legendary we’re wielding.

…Aren’t they special enough already? Do you really have to scream to the entire map “Hey look at me, I have expensive stuff!”?

Joy to the world, ignorance is bliss

Legendary emotes would be cool

in Suggestions

Posted by: Black Dragon.3784

Black Dragon.3784


…Aren’t they special enough already? Do you really have to scream to the entire map “Hey look at me, I have expensive stuff!”?

yes they are already special, but is there anything wrong with making them even more special?

Legendary emotes would be cool

in Suggestions

Posted by: Black Dragon.3784

Black Dragon.3784

This isn’t Runescape honey…

Yes this is not “runescape” but it would be better than just having bow, wave and sleep as emotes

Legendary emotes would be cool

in Suggestions

Posted by: Black Dragon.3784

Black Dragon.3784

Oh and arenanet, you could go so far with this emote idea, even sell emotes on black lion company etc

Legendary emotes would be cool

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mind Catalyst.6350

Mind Catalyst.6350

I’ve always wanted more GW2 emotes. Runescape (as ‘different’ as it is) has tons of emotes. They are fun to use.

Legendary emotes would be cool

in Suggestions

Posted by: The Mage Oz.9621

The Mage Oz.9621

a tad later from OP, but i would also really really like to see some over the top emotes on Legendarys

Legendary emotes would be cool

in Suggestions

Posted by: Elrey.5472


The last thing I need is some goofball spamming some legendary emote in my face or spamming it at trading posts and banks.

Then maybe put cool downs on emotes so they can’t spam?

Actually /rank emote has a cooldown. Would work nice.

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