Legendary weapons are far too hard to obtain

Legendary weapons are far too hard to obtain

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ash Flamerazor.8243

Ash Flamerazor.8243

Ok so at this point in the game I’ve got a few 80s fully setup, so I was thinking about perhaps trying to get a legendary weapon next, I knew the requirements were quite high but looking at the wiki page, its actually ridiculous, particularly having 2 crafting profs maxed and 230 mystic coins, those coins you can only get once per day so therefore it takes nearly a year per weapon, or you buy from other players, which means other players are denied the opportunity to achieve this, which seems wrong to me.
Crafting is not something I’m interested in doing, its a sideline and doesn’t really involve any strategy, just grinding for ages, its no use to me apart from creating legendary, so why would I want to max 2 profs ?

Removing these two aspects of the creation process would certainly make it a lot easier, many players will be bypassing this ( major ) aspect of the game because its simply not sensible to attempt it.

Legendary weapons are far too hard to obtain

in Suggestions

Posted by: Catisa.6507


legendary = excel at all aspects of the game. If its too much don’t do it, its only an ugly skin anyway.


Legendary weapons are far too hard to obtain

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ash Flamerazor.8243

Ash Flamerazor.8243

So legendary is supposed to be for the minority of ‘elite’ players that are prepared to go to insane lengths ? Exotic weapons are so easy to get though that everybody can get them, there is no challenge there and they often don’t look good, where is the midpoint in between those two extremes ?

Legendary weapons are far too hard to obtain

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zach.2618


many people have tried to complain and failed.. so just settle for a pearl weapon like me:D

Legendary weapons are far too hard to obtain

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pure Heart.1456

Pure Heart.1456

It is not that legendaries are “too hard” to obtain, it is that the random component to making them is silly—and unnecessarily time consuming, disheartening and boring.

In fact, I would prefer more difficult skill-based methods of acquiring them—doing away with the random component completely or almost completely.

Legendary weapons are far too hard to obtain

in Suggestions

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


There isn’t. All of the nice exotics take up to 250 ecto or gifts and 50 skill points. They are insane to get as well.

Guild Wars isn’t a game about skill. It’s a game about how much time you spend playing it. If you interested in any of the cool weapons get ready to grind for hours everyday for maybe a month. Could be less if you lucky. But be prepared to have to sink hours and hours of time to get that one cool weapon. Exotic or Legendary.

This is pretty much the legendary section for everyone. Still a ton of farming but far more sensible then the legendaries. Which is starting to get tougher now since they just added new things that require ecto.

Legendary weapons are far too hard to obtain

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaiwen.1520


The legendaries aren’t easy to get. That’s kind of the point.

I agree that it might be nice to have more choices in beetween exotic and legendary. I’d say fractal weapons/gear are a good step.

As far as the mystic coins and the crafting professions, I have to disagree. That really isn’t that bad. If you haven’t been selling all your mats as you levelled, you should be able to max crafting easily in a few hours. That’s a seriously minor commitment compared to the hours to get 500 badges of honor, map completion, or to farm the ectos and other high-level materials.

If you have sold all your mats… oops. I hope you still have the gold you earned selling them.

The real hard part is getting a precursor. Frankly, I have the resources to get everything but the precursor. And with minimal skill. But the precursor is just luck of the draw. This is the only part of the legendary process that I find somewhat objectionable.

I would say that you should be able to get a precursor in multiple ways. Perhaps a ginormous number of badges of honor, or by completing all paths of all dungeons, or by reaching a certain level in fractals, or a certain (very high) rank in PvP. Or perhaps two of the four of these goals.

Legendary weapons are far too hard to obtain

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ash Flamerazor.8243

Ash Flamerazor.8243

Ah ok so there is actually some sort of weapons that are between dungeon and legendary, which can be created in mystic forge, I wasn’t aware such things existed,
that does help with the issue, though I still think my point about mystic coins is valid.

Legendary weapons are far too hard to obtain

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sad Swordfish.9743

Sad Swordfish.9743

So legendary is supposed to be for the minority of ‘elite’ players that are prepared to go to insane lengths ? Exotic weapons are so easy to get though that everybody can get them, there is no challenge there and they often don’t look good, where is the midpoint in between those two extremes ?

ascended weapons, but these are ways off.

Have you taken a look at some of the other rare very cool mystic forge weapons? they will still be very hard to get, but you can get them without the crafting.. weapons like foefires essence and volcanous.

Legendary weapons are far too hard to obtain

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sad Swordfish.9743

Sad Swordfish.9743

Ah ok so there is actually some sort of weapons that are between dungeon and legendary, which can be created in mystic forge, I wasn’t aware such things existed,
that does help with the issue, though I still think my point about mystic coins is valid.

you can buy mystic coins of the TP. I sold 80 coins I had accumalated over a long period of time to a guildmate. those coins are not the problem at all. go back and see how much oricalcum ore you need. how many t6 mats you need. and how many octoplasm you need. not to mention hundreds of lodestones and 500 badges of honor in WvWvW. and the 500 dungeon tokens.

and then you got the entire mess with the precurssor.

Legendary weapons are far too hard to obtain

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sad Swordfish.9743

Sad Swordfish.9743

Legendary weapons are far too hard to obtain

in Suggestions

Posted by: YzermanCpt.9375


Your point about mystic coins is actually not very valid. They are easy to get. You get 1 per day and 20 for the monthly. As others have said, you can also get them on the TP, which doesn’t deny others any opportunities. They made the choice to sell the ones they have, meaning they probably don’t need them for a legendary to begin with.

The things you asked to be removed from legendary farming are actually the easiest things to get done.

Take a look on the TP at Charged Loadstones and see how much gold you need for 100 of them.

How about 1.5 million karma?(not as hard as it sounds btw)

Mystic Clover RNG?

I won’t even go into the precursor nightmare.