

in Suggestions

Posted by: Stimz.6057


I have a quick suggestion, and I’m sure others have made this…, but I think you guys should completely change the system to get a legendary. Now don’t get me wrong, its an awesome system….in theory.. in game, its near impossible to get one, unless ya want to spend a ton of money, I mean, most of the items don’t drop, not in the numbers that you need, its extremely difficult, and I’m not saying make it super easy so everyone gets one, I mean, why not try this.

Change the system to where a legendary is a EPIC reward from an EPIC quest line. This is a suggestion a Guild mate of mine suggested, and I love the idea. Lets say that this quest is huge, maybe starting from lvl 20 or so, and continuing through to 80, and it should definitely take some effort, we don’t want every single person to have a legendary,( I mean it wouldn’t be a legendary then, now would it?) and its fine to keep some of the materials even, to finish the quest line, like maybe ya need to turn in a ton of blood or something. I think a cool part would be, that you need to defeat a boss in a dungeon with a certain weapon, say for a legendary pistol, kill him with a pistol (Should only work for the main hand weapon I think). Also, I believe that the legendary should be bind on pickup. I think it should show that you worked hard, to get it, you stuck with it, and you made it through, with a cool skin. I’m not going to go and congratulate someone who spent a money buying a legendary,( Not that I don’t spend money to get stuff on the gem store, but I wouldn’t buy a legendary), but I would definitely congratulate a person with one under the system I just suggested.

I mean, I feel like that system would be great, make it difficult, make it time consuming, but for gods sake, please don’t make it take real money. My idea of fun is working towards something huge, to show off and such. Not spending a ton of money on gems to buy it.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Cloud.7613


Has been suggested before – bottom line is it’d be unfair for those who have spent that amount of gold.


in Suggestions

Posted by: David.4821


Make the quest 1 year long and give everyone that crafted a legendary a second one of their choice.


in Suggestions

Posted by: chindi.8146


I logged in a few days ago after coming back from a trip and saw that people are now able to buy Legendaries in the AH.

Now: Legendaries = worthless

Why work for one when you can buy one? I am very disappointed about this. I no longer have the drive to get one since it can simply be paid for with gems. Bad move.


in Suggestions

Posted by: frostflare.6390


Why not just give the rest of us the option? The pay way is fast, and expensive. Thats waht it is. The Story way could be long, 2 months long( a year is a little over exscesive). This does not deminish the legendaries for those that have them. They can still just buy more. If your a gold jockey, and sold your left kindey for a legendary you can buy another. Whatever thats fine.

Give the rest of us a way to HAVE FUN whilst getting it. As current its just patheticly redundnet. In Fact, If anet backs there belief this is so doable. I want to see them video tape it, day 1-finish with a brand new character. Seriosly. ANet can just cheat and give themselves one if they watned to. I want to see one of the devs sit down and grind through it. That would make me shut up actually.