Lengthen Night/More drastic difference in cities

Lengthen Night/More drastic difference in cities

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mechangmenow.9364


A buddy of mine bought the Ascalonian dungeon shield. As you may or may not know, Ascalonian dungeon weapons emit blue flames at night. The reason why I mention this is because he uses this shield as a “night-time detector” because the night effect isn’t especially dramatic in towns. Basically, there is very little difference whether it is night or day in Lion’s Arch.

It’s a real shame that night isn’t longer because the night sky is absolutely gorgeous. I’d love to see more of it!

Lengthen Night/More drastic difference in cities

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blacklight.2871


Regrettably, the night time effect isn’t very pronounced anywhere in Tyria. Sometimes it’s even hard to tell that night has fallen unless you’re actually looking at the sky. The light quality hardly diminishes at all. It’s only the tone of the sky that gives any real indication. Sometimes the swamps and marshes undergo a fairly dramatic visual change due to the luminescence, but not really anywhere else in the world. And even that’s because of light being added to the environment, not subtracted from it.

A shame. A dark night environment could make for some incredible screenshots and vids. Shatterer at night (real night) would be glorious.

(edited by Blacklight.2871)

Lengthen Night/More drastic difference in cities

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arghore.8340


I have to agree here, well maybe not on the length of the night (as with the current setup i have no clue of how long it actually takes :/ ) … but for as far as the ‘darkness’ of the night goes, YES! i could so be much darker at night, it would realy add to the atmosphere of the game and likely the tension at night

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25 okt 2014 – PinkDay in LA