Less mobs in Orr.
It is an MMO. If you want to play solo ALL the time get a single player game.
That being said, a lot of areas are underpopulated so unless you have a buddy or guildie willing to join you, you are on your own. That is really what needs to be fixed.
I remember in the early days when you could go anywhere and there would be players around. Not any more.
Beeing able to solo this game was one of its selling points so your comparison makes little sense to me.
Getting people to join you to get random map nodes someone may or may not have is a hassle not worth having. Why would I have to be forced to find party for that kind of stuff. Theres no added value in that what so ever. I have a clan and I can find people to help me out, but thats besides the point that one should be able to do this alone.
I never said i want to play solo all the time either.
Soloing by not formally grouping was I think what they meant. People naturally want to help because there is no more killstealing xp sharing etc.
There are already too many people who say Orr is no challenge. Afterall it is endgame. It should not be as easy as the lower levels.
I fished pretty much my entire story arc solo, apart from the last because thats a dungeon. Also 95% of the world, save from the WvW maps. So i do think they mean solo as in the actualness of solo…
Regardless, I would agree. But walking to the grocerystore and going to mars to form a colony are not the only two things out there that you can aim for in terms of difficulty in my opinion. Especially when it comes to benine things like map-completion.
@NinjaKnight: making it harder would mean make the mobs harder to kill to me. Not just crowd the area and have insane respawn timers. There are people/classes that need more space for kiting and time for killing mobs than others.