Let Necromancers use Swords or Greatswords

Let Necromancers use Swords or Greatswords

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rok.5260


Since Necromancers are one of the bottom classes that needs buffing and fixing, also with people asking for Shadowknights/Deathknights in this game even though it’s unlikely ArenaNet will add Shadowknights or Deathknights… Why not give Necromancers Swords and/or Greatswords?

Let Necromancers use Swords or Greatswords

in Suggestions

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Necromancers are at the bottom? Well I guess I don’t actually go to the necromancer section anymore to many people complaining. But since I play a Necro as my main I’m not to sure if I fully agree with you.
I do agree with you on one thing, more weapon profession combos. There doesn’t logically seem to be much reason why only specific weapons belong to specific profession. I understand that ANet couldn’t implement everything in one go since it’s a lot of work to think up interesting variations and balance it out, but still it feel like the sort of thing they can slowly start to introduce.

Let Necromancers use Swords or Greatswords

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rok.5260


I’ve gotten my source from forums and in-game chat. It seems mostly everyone agrees that Engineer, Hunters and Necromancers are at the bottom of the barrel. I’m leveling a Necromancer atm and I want to use swords and greatswords. I want to be an awesome Swordwielding Necromancer

Let Necromancers use Swords or Greatswords

in Suggestions

Posted by: Duke Blackrose.4981

Duke Blackrose.4981

Weapon selection has nothing to do with class tiering and Necromancers are most definitely not at or near the bottom of the barrel. The best Necromancer players are some of the best and most effective players in the game because the profession is strong despite its poor traits and low build variety.

That said, I would love to see more weapons added to all classes with a limited selection. Necromancers getting Greatsword, Greataxe, OH Axe, MH/OH Sword… Elementalist getting GS/Hammer/Longbow/Rifle/Sword/Torch/etc. Mesmers getting a MH pistol. Thieves getting melee (Bo)Staff. Etc. Etc.

Let Necromancers use Swords or Greatswords

in Suggestions

Posted by: DreamOfACure.4382


Necromancer is suppose to be an attrition based class.
That’s why even the axe is a ranged weapon for the Necro, and probably only included to reflect the style of an executioner / evil-butcher.

Frontal-assault type weapons like the sword and greatsword aren’t in ArenaNet’s idea of what it means to be a necro.

(Oh, and no, the Mesmer isn’t a contradiction, they’re just the exception that proves the rule. Mesmers are intentionally misleading by design.)

“Bleeding, Poison, Confusion, Torment, they all look delightful on you.”

Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~

Let Necromancers use Swords or Greatswords

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rok.5260


But what about Dagger/Dagger necros?

Let Necromancers use Swords or Greatswords

in Suggestions

Posted by: DreamOfACure.4382


Daggers represent a more underhanded way of killing, and is often depicted as the tool of choice for the collecting of necromancy resources (like blood or guts).

Swords and Greatswords are frontal-assault weapons. Tools of honorable warriors like the Warrior, Guardian, and Ranger, and not something a necro would ever use. (again, Mesmers are the exception that proves the rule)

And ArenaNet isn’t seeking to mash up profession styles.

“Bleeding, Poison, Confusion, Torment, they all look delightful on you.”

Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~

(edited by DreamOfACure.4382)

Let Necromancers use Swords or Greatswords

in Suggestions

Posted by: Argon.1563


If im honest, I think a Hammer would suit a Necromancer quite nicely, and Maces or Torches could work as well, but I really only think we need 1 or 2 more weapons.

Hammer – Maybe mid-range support weapon?
Mace – Close range AoE?
Torch – No clue for this. Like I said, we only really need 1 or 2.

Let Necromancers use Swords or Greatswords

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeivu.3615


Necros are far from the bottom. IMO, Engineers are the bottom. While I don’t agree with the weapon sets released for each class, WoW fanboys should either except gw2 for what it is or go back and pay real money to nuture your pandas.

Let Necromancers use Swords or Greatswords

in Suggestions

Posted by: Duke Blackrose.4981

Duke Blackrose.4981

Necros are far from the bottom. IMO, Engineers are the bottom. While I don’t agree with the weapon sets released for each class, WoW fanboys should either except gw2 for what it is or go back and pay real money to nuture your pandas.

Wait, so people are WoW fanboys for asking for more weapon sets for each class? There is no reason why alternate ways of looking at a character (such as “Deathknights” for Necromancers) should be viewed as fanboyism to another game.

If anything, it’s the loyal Arenanet fanbase – the Guild Wars 1 fanboys that want more weapons.

Let Necromancers use Swords or Greatswords

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sabertooth.2374


I see necros as casters and IMO , I don’t think casters/ light armour wearers should wield great swords , I play as necro and I’m fine with x2 daggers / staff

Let Necromancers use Swords or Greatswords

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeivu.3615


OP is asking for a Deathknight or to recreate one here by changing the Necro entirely. Pull your head out of your bum.

Necros are far from the bottom. IMO, Engineers are the bottom. While I don’t agree with the weapon sets released for each class, WoW fanboys should either except gw2 for what it is or go back and pay real money to nuture your pandas.

Wait, so people are WoW fanboys for asking for more weapon sets for each class? There is no reason why alternate ways of looking at a character (such as “Deathknights” for Necromancers) should be viewed as fanboyism to another game.

If anything, it’s the loyal Arenanet fanbase – the Guild Wars 1 fanboys that want more weapons.