Let Soldier, Shaman, Rabid prefix armor to be crafted please.

Let Soldier, Shaman, Rabid prefix armor to be crafted please.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sarius.6983


Just suggesting hopefully. Currently , the only way to get items with these prefixes and stats would be grinding horrendously or lucking out on TP. Personally crafters should be able to make these items aswell. I know we’re lacking the trophies requirements and I personally wouldn’t want added trophies, so what could be done would be they would require two different trophies.

For example, Shaman, you could make the insignia or dowel take 3 bones and 2 totems, or for the jewelry alternative 3 chrysocola and 2 sapphires.

I know there’s some people that really want the armor with those stats and they shouldn’t be hindered to having to farm specifically a dungeon or www and should be able to be crafted aswell.

Let Soldier, Shaman, Rabid prefix armor to be crafted please.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rivenguard.6740


The power/vit/toughness armor/weapons and trinkets are hard to get. Armor you can get 5 of the 6 pieces from Orr karma vendors, but the others are mostly invaders (WxWxW set) and just the trinkets cost around 2000 badges…

Let Soldier, Shaman, Rabid prefix armor to be crafted please.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sarius.6983


Yeah, hence why the suggestion. Mats could easily be a combination of two trophies somewhat sharing their general stats for their pure alternatives and the suggestion is just not for armor, but everything crafted, armor , weapons, jewelry.

Let Soldier, Shaman, Rabid prefix armor to be crafted please.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Calcifire.1864


oh yes, +ALL the 1’s