Let us rebind half the stuff from the F key

Let us rebind half the stuff from the F key

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


No seriously. I want an answer to this very simple question:
What the actual hell were you thinking when you were making the “use” key do so much stuff? How did this get past an alpha test? It’s obscene.

The F key has
Talking (to npcs)
Looting (from monsters)
Picking up (bundle items)
Reviving (teammates)
Interacting (Certain objects)

With NO option to rebind any of those things to individual keys.

Normally this isnt a gigantic problem (except when NPC’s decide they have to teabag your latest kill, causing them to tell you stuff no one cares about when you’re trying to loot stuff) But you have situations where you have to pick up a crucial item, then interact with a crucial object, only to find that you’re stuck reviving your teammate who didnt have the good sense to find somewhere not important to off himself.

Oddly enough, a large majority of these kittenty situations come from fractals. In which there are plenty of key bundle items that players like to die on top of.

Would it really be so challenging to split at the very least, the revive key to something else? It would save so much frustration.

Let us rebind half the stuff from the F key

in Suggestions

Posted by: domxnik.1453


Yes, please! I didn’t even have to read the whole post to agree. Looting, for example, is really annoying when NPC are around. Also, where is the aoe looting? >.<

Anvixy- 80 Ranger

Let us rebind half the stuff from the F key

in Suggestions

Posted by: ThePahkage.2684


bump any post related to this…monumental failure of user interface.

Let us rebind half the stuff from the F key

in Suggestions

Posted by: ATMAvatar.5749


Rebinding the revive function to something else would be great.

Equally good, though, would be to give us an option to kick a downed player aside so we can pick up what we need to. I leave it to the devs to figure out how an Asura like myself would kick a Charr or Norn very far without mechanical assistance.

Let us rebind half the stuff from the F key

in Suggestions

Posted by: Silver.8023


I can see how this is frustrating but I think you’re over-reacting a little. “How did this get past alpha?!”, really? It’s not that big a deal, it’s not like it’s some kind of huge bug or even a bug at all.
Sure, it certainly would be nice to have to option to change some of those or at least have their priorities a little different whilst in combat etc but wow guys, chill. I’d rather they focus on more important stuff to be honest, I’m almost out of keyboard real estate as it is anyway…

Silver Stormshield – Guardian
Kaimoon Blade – Warrior
Fort Aspenwood

Let us rebind half the stuff from the F key

in Suggestions

Posted by: DreamOfACure.4382


I’m fine with the “Interact” function working with so many features.

I only want one change:

  • While in combat, you cannot speak to NPCs; with the exception of special cases such as skill-point consumable dispensers, dynamic event item collectors, etc..
“Bleeding, Poison, Confusion, Torment, they all look delightful on you.”

Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~

Let us rebind half the stuff from the F key

in Suggestions

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Yes. I usually try to get loot while still in combat. It’s annoying to suddenly have your screen covered with the NPC chat screen that you have to get rid of while you are still fighting. I would like either the chat with NPCs to be disabled while in combat, or better, move it to another key.

Let us rebind half the stuff from the F key

in Suggestions

Posted by: smekras.8203


should be a simple matter of priorities actually… looting first, then npc talk, etc

Server: Kaineng | Guild: Blackflame Legion [BFL]
Perhaps the only RP-oriented guild on the server
Main Character: Farathnor (sylvari ranger) 1 of 22

Let us rebind half the stuff from the F key

in Suggestions

Posted by: Iavra.8510


Just implement some kind of priority list. Everyone could be able to change the “F” priority in your own way.

Let us rebind half the stuff from the F key

in Suggestions

Posted by: gimmethegepgun.1284


I leave it to the devs to figure out how an Asura like myself would kick a Charr or Norn very far without mechanical assistance.

The same way they can launch Ettins by jumping and Stomping the ground.
They just do.

Let us rebind half the stuff from the F key

in Suggestions

Posted by: Silver.8023


should be a simple matter of priorities actually… looting first, then npc talk, etc

It actually works like this already, the problem is, most people have auto loot on and just spam F during fights, which picks up all the loot and then talks to the npc. I don’t really have a problem with it but remapping options would be nice.
A smoother solution, if you ask me, is just to make it so npc’s don’t bring up a dialogue when in combat.

Silver Stormshield – Guardian
Kaimoon Blade – Warrior
Fort Aspenwood