Level 80 exotics with the Soldier prefix?

Level 80 exotics with the Soldier prefix?

in Suggestions

Posted by: FirebrandFrog.7603


It saddens me that, as someone who wants a Warrior that focuses on Power/Vitality/Toughness, I can’t do that with my armor.

I can’t craft Soldier armor, I can’t find it in the market… the only ways to get the stats this prefix provides is by doing dungeons or joining the Vigil (which I, unfortunately, did not).

As someone who wants a goal for getting max armorsmithing, being able to make armor with my most wanted prefix would be really, really nice and it’d give people like me the Power they need for hitting stuff but the double survivability of Vitality and Toughness. Is that so bad?

Briar Stoneheart, 80 Warrior | Erik Haptem, 80 Necromancer
(currently leveling: a Mesmer, an Engineer, and a Guardian)

(edited by FirebrandFrog.7603)

Level 80 exotics with the Soldier prefix?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Flyfunner.2093


Do AC, dredge, or orr. All 3 have sets with power/tough/vit. I’m getting AC right now because it has more focus in power which i like. It’s not hard, if you do each path twice a day (6 total paths a day) then u can get the full set in 3/4 days

Level 80 exotics with the Soldier prefix?

in Suggestions

Posted by: zbrkesbr.4173


or you can buy Invader’s armor set from WvW vendors for karma/badges: those have power/toughness/vit too.

War doesn’t determine who is right, only who is left.

(edited by zbrkesbr.4173)

Level 80 exotics with the Soldier prefix?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Flyfunner.2093


If you want to see stats, go to like gw2spidy or gw2database