Level 80 not for a loner

Level 80 not for a loner

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ming.8139


I was having a blast doing the quest and joining things I saw as opening maps. By level 80 I thought I had lots of money and Karma so bought nice armor.

Then it hit me.
1. No more things like ‘how many levels can I accomplish today.’
2. No more ‘wow, so much money I made today.’
3. The higher the map the harder to run across maps opening it for if I try running I get too many after me and as they all seem to be able to stop me or yank me to them I get gang R.ped. Cost of armor repair takes all the money I made while joining others doing special quest that pop up. And killing each thing a few at a time as I cross the map works only if I can void too many re-spawning or in the most places too many already gathered together.
4. If I try to warp to join others the cost takes away any money I would get for the quest they want to do. And again armor repairs.

1. Make it possible for a loner to accomplish things after level 80.
2. Perhaps, Stop all the mobs being able to stop us from running or give us skills to break out of the stuns, knockdowns etc that can be used without 45 sec delays etc. We are attacked every 2 sec in the harder areas.
3. Or Give us more ways to get around. Fly, a mount or a least stop charging so much
for the warp. It would be fun to run across a map joining all the awesome things you have popping up and have money after. And in some cases just make it there with all my armor on.

I know I could join a guild and run the maps killing everything in our wake but I would like to relax and run my own chosen direction and feel I have accomplished something at the end of my day.

Level 80 not for a loner

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ming.8139


After level 80 I need karma and money not large amounts of experience.

I guess it is called Guild Wars for a reason. But you said it was a game for solo lovers too. Set up a guy in your teams for us.

(edited by Ming.8139)

Level 80 not for a loner

in Suggestions

Posted by: asperbianca.3196


I like to do a lot on my own, or in small groups. as well. My boyfriend and I are on the last stage of the story quest and we can’t finish it without getting a group of people to help us with it; I feel that we should be able to finish it without needing the extra help.

Basically what I’m saying is the game should be more loner friendly. The dungeons should scale, in difficulty, according to the number of players in it. I hate the fact that I am required to get a group of people to take me through a dungeon, especially for the story quest, when I would rather do it on my own or with one or two other people.

Level 80 not for a loner

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vasyl.5314


well as far as dungeons go it shouldn’t be too hard to get a group together.

As far as the higher lvl area’s I don’t know what to tell you other than to hope you can get with a good group. I agree it should be solo-able but sadly that’s not what happened. You don’t have to join a guild, just hope that a good group is in the map taking care of business.

Level 80 not for a loner

in Suggestions

Posted by: RenaissancE.3501


That is so true. Level 80 monsters can just destroy you, and just when you think your running away to save yourself, guess what you run right into another one, there so many that’s its practically impossible to get away especially when your an Ele.

Level 80 not for a loner

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mars.6319


If you’re getting destroyed at 80 by 80 mobs then why not go redo some lower level zones? GW2 needs zones that are more difficult (especially for us who enjoyed BWE1 & 2 and cried for BWE3)… the starter zones are painfully easy, why not go do those, again?

Level 80 not for a loner

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kasei.8726


For context, I solo everything.

I was having a blast doing the quest and joining things I saw as opening maps. By level 80 I thought I had lots of money and Karma so bought nice armor.

Then it hit me.
1. No more things like ‘how many levels can I accomplish today.’

It’s not like levels matter much anyways, and there’s always been a level cap so it shouldn’t surprize you. I don’t understand this sentiment.

2. No more ‘wow, so much money I made today.’

Sure the waypoint costs are higher, but you should still be making a good amount of money. I do just fine without touching dungeons, and I don’t grind orr events either, I just play.

3. The higher the map the harder to run across maps opening it for if I try running I get too many after me and as they all seem to be able to stop me or yank me to them I get gang R.ped.

That’s why it’s a high level zone. Orr wouldn’t feel dangerous if the mobs were all spread out.

Cost of armor repair takes all the money I made while joining others doing special quest that pop up. And killing each thing a few at a time as I cross the map works only if I can void too many re-spawning or in the most places too many already gathered together.

I don’t know what class you play, but you might need to redo your traits for defense if you’re dieing a lot.

4. If I try to warp to join others the cost takes away any money I would get for the quest they want to do. And again armor repairs.

1. Make it possible for a loner to accomplish things after level 80.

It is possible, there is a ton of stuff to do solo. Heck, you can make a guild with only 1 member and get all the rewards by yourself. However, you can’t expect dedicated group content to be easily soloable.

2. Perhaps, Stop all the mobs being able to stop us from running or give us skills to break out of the stuns, knockdowns etc that can be used without 45 sec delays etc. *We are attacked every 2 sec in the harder areas.

So, just make the game easier?

3. Or Give us more ways to get around. Fly, a mount or a least stop charging so much* for the warp. It would be fun to run across a map joining all the awesome things you have popping up and have money after. And in some cases just make it there with all my armor on.

I agree waypoint cost are too high, but being a GW1 player I love that we don’t have mounts.

I know I could join a guild and run the maps killing everything in our wake but I would like to relax and run my own chosen direction and feel I have accomplished something at the end of my day.

No one’s stopping you from going into a lower level zone is doing things there. The entire game is endgame.

(edited by Kasei.8726)

Level 80 not for a loner

in Suggestions

Posted by: HtFde.3856


But for the rare materials – you HAVE to be in the 70-80 zone to get the one or two trees and the one node oricalcium that exist in these areas … or Orr if you want a slightly better yield of highest level mats.

PMI – Dzagonur Rallybot :)

Level 80 not for a loner

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rika.7249


This is more of an inexperienced player issue than a game issue.
There is a ton of stuff to do at level 80, solo.
Also, I rarely, if ever, die. It must be something on your end. You have stun-breaks built into at least one utility skill, AND you can just dodge the yanks.

Level 80 not for a loner

in Suggestions

Posted by: dottek.3461


Please do not listen to those players… I play Mesmer in PVE and it is just too easy!
How is it possible that i should solo kill group event boss?
I can freely move around whole map I was able to komplete whole map without killing any monsters while traveling.

This is L2P issue. /endthread

Level 80 not for a loner

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

ok not being funny, but i am a lvl 80 ranger and i soloed the whole game including storyline with the exception of the end part (Not going into depth as it might be classed as a spoiler). I spend a lot of time in Orr and manage to farm with ease. this game is soloable albeit a little difficult if you run into veterans or champions. you just need to evade and run the hell away from them. dungeons are designed for groups so unless you are conan or armed with a SAM missle system i would’nt suggest you go in there alone. As another person has suggested, try changing you traits. As for mounts, there is not need for mounts in tyria, we (The GW1 faithfull) have enjoyed the fact that tyria has no need for mounts, please lets keep it that way.

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Level 80 not for a loner

in Suggestions

Posted by: HtFde.3856


As long as the centaurs still head the anti-quadruped-diffamation league we will not see mounts in Guild Wars – and it is good so.

PMI – Dzagonur Rallybot :)

Level 80 not for a loner

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rich.9503


Please do not listen to those players… I play Mesmer in PVE and it is just too easy!
How is it possible that i should solo kill group event boss?

Im not sure i believe you. You must be playing a different game than me. If you can solo lv80 bosses on a mesmer then that class definitely needs a nerf. I sometimes struggled with lv8o trash mobs on a Guardian. Some can hit you with enormous damage. And now that the Guardian got nerfed again i dont have a chance in hell.

Level 80 not for a loner

in Suggestions

Posted by: dottek.3461


Dear Rich.8503…
I dont need you to believe me. I need A-net to do so.

If you have problems to kill thrash there are some tips of the day:
Do you know that you have 70 trait points to spend in your trait tree? (something like talent tree)
Do you know that Glass canon’s are really weak? Try to stack some +vit or + toughness.
Do you know that you can dodge attacks with using your movement keys twice?
Do you know that Armor for LVL20 is too low for LVL 70-80 area? (suggestion: buy crafted LVL 80yellows)
Do you know that LVL 60 is too low for lvl 70-80 areas?

Level 80 not for a loner

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rich.9503


Dear dottek…

Oh i see your one of those “i know everything about guild wars” types.

Naturally i must be wrong.

…Walks away.

Level 80 not for a loner

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

lol, Dear Dottek, i would love to see you solo an event boss, that would be great to see. I dont care how great a player you think you are. there is no way on gods earth you can solo an event boss. Just to clarify, when i mean solo, i mean take on an event boss by yourself, no other players around you.

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Level 80 not for a loner

in Suggestions

Posted by: dottek.3461


Actually I am at work so I cant film it myself but there is Warrior! who can kill group event champ and this one seems pretty easy to kill and is for sure in lower lvl Area. There are some that could be soloed In 70-80 areas too…

Level 80 not for a loner

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

ahhh ok, well that makes sense, i can solo a lower level event boss at lvl 80, i assumed (my apologies) that you were talking about level 80 event boss or a World event boss. again apologies

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Level 80 not for a loner

in Suggestions

Posted by: dottek.3461


no prob I write boss but they are only champions thats my mistake…

Level 80 not for a loner

in Suggestions

Posted by: asperbianca.3196


@ Vasyl and Kasei:

As far as I am aware, Guild Wars 2 was designed for players of all types; at least I believe that that was said at some point while the game was still in development. This would be inclusive of solo players as well. While I agree that world event bosses, and possibly even ‘end game’ champions, should not be solo-able, I will go on to state that dungeons should have a difficulty toggle of some sort so that players who wish to solo, everything, can do so. Even though I have come to terms that I am being forced to find a group to finish my story quest, I do not agree with that fact; it has been just my boyfriend and I the entire length of the story, thus far, and I would like it to be just me and him upon completion as well.

Level 80 not for a loner

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blude.6812


Have to agree with asperbianca. You should be able to complete your personal story solo.
However they did say this"
Guild Wars 2 provides players both the social, fully interactive feeling of a multiplayer game as well as the customized, choice-based story one expects from a personal role-playing game. "
A little ambiguous—it only implies solo playis available—not that you actually get to have that option to play and successfully complete all aspects of the game solo.

Level 80 not for a loner

in Suggestions

Posted by: Caramel Ham.4891

Caramel Ham.4891

While i respectfully disagree about making lvl 80 areas soloable (this is a mmo for a reason and 1-79 is already soloable which is a big problem) I definitely agree that mobs should not have such heavy handed cc. Dying because 3 mobs decided to infinitely cc you to death….is the cheapest death ever. Its also a bit of a lazy design.

“so how can we make lvl 80 mobs harder?”
“oh i know!”
“CC them to death!”

Level 80 not for a loner

in Suggestions

Posted by: Caramel Ham.4891

Caramel Ham.4891

Actually I am at work so I cant film it myself but there is Warrior! who can kill group event champ and this one seems pretty easy to kill and is for sure in lower lvl Area. There are some that could be soloed In 70-80 areas too…

haha this is a pretty easy world boss. I actually tanked him a few day ago with the same weapons. Just have to dodge, dodge, and shield block. Sometimes he will stomp too quickly but he would only take half of my health down (i was level 80 with crappy greens). It was pretty fun!