Level scaling: Why it's a horrible mechanic.

Level scaling: Why it's a horrible mechanic.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Top Gun.3689

Top Gun.3689

Before you read this: Yes, I have searched the forum for topics on level scaling, but none turned up.

We all should know by now that whenever a player of a high level enters an area designed for lower levels, the stats of the character would be lowered to whatever level the area is. I can understand why the developers would want a mechanic like this, to make low level areas still challenging to higher level players. However, this mechanic tends to be risky as it never really quite works how the devs would’ve wanted it to.

The very first problem with level scaling is that it instantly removes the sense of accomplishment to the player, as all the time spent grinding the XP farms would’ve gone to waste since they’re almost no different to what they were when they started playing the game, so the real difference is being able to waste money on fancy weapons and/or armor.

Then there’s the XP gain scaling itself. Most forms of XP gained are also scaled to the players level so that leveling would always take the same amount of time. While this can be considered a good mechanic, there are flaws with this system. Firstly, when anyone completes an event, regardless of difficulty, the player will be rewarded with a small chunk of XP filled in their bar. This means that people will tend to farm the easy events instead of the more challenging events since there really isn’t much of a point, even if someone who is level 10 and enters a level 20 event succeeds in the event, he will still be rewarded as if they were still level 10, which removes the point of attempting the more difficult events/challenges and causes overpopulation on the dreadfully easy events for the purpose of farming XP.

The flaws of this level scaling system can also be explained from the purpose mentioned at the top of the post. If the devs wanted to keep the game challenging to higher leveled players, then they should’ve created more areas designed for higher leveled players.

Then there’s the armor repair costs. Yes I know that when you’re high enough level you’re supposed to be punished more for dying, but this clearly doesn’t apply, since your stats get watered down to the equivalent of a wet noodle. It would make more sense for armor repairs to cost to whatever the repair fees were for that certain level. Seriously, because the same boss that one-shotted you before one-shots you now you have to pay a larger fee because your “true” level is higher?

Level scaling: Why it's a horrible mechanic.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Psycho Robot.7835

Psycho Robot.7835

I disagree. First of all you’re scaled down to several levels above the actual level of the area, so you’re almost never fighting an enemy that is an equal level as you. Plus, while your weapon stats are scaled down to a low level equivalent, they are scaled down to a low level equivalent of equal quality. If you go to queensdale in exotic, you’re using the equivalent of level 4 exotic gear, which doesn’t exist. So you’re better in that regard. I’m also pretty sure your traits make you more effective than you actually were at low levels. Finally, farming events in high level areas is more rewarding than low level areas, especially now with champion loot bags. People who farm in queensdale are handicapping themselves, and if they wish to do thakittens up to them.

Level scaling: Why it's a horrible mechanic.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

1) This is a sandbox. There is no reason to grind XP. No matter what you choose to do you level up at roughtly the same speed. The point is to do what you want where you want. You grind to get better LOOKING armor, not necessarily better armor. Since it’s far easier to get the stats you want than the look you want. Again, this is a Sandbox. The Achievement is not your level, it’s making the character you want it to be.

2) The point is that no matter what you do, how you choose to play, and where you choose to do it, you level at roughly the same speed. I have never, for instance, had a character reach Orr before they were already level 80. The point of moving on is not because you have to move on, it’s because you want to move on. Once again, this is a Sandbox.

3) The point of the system is not to make the game challenging for higher level character. If it were they failed misserably because level scaling doesn’t really account for the stat differences between a fully geared level 80 vs lower level zones where characters don’t even have as many stats available to them.

4) If you’re actually getting defeated in low level zones, you’re a terrible player. Period. You should be soloing champions and ripping the place apart without a concern in the world. Armor repairs really shouldn’t be a significant conern at all. Besides for the fact that the charge isn’t typically much more than waypointing. Lastly, if you’re repairing before something has broken, you’re doing it wrong.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

Level scaling: Why it's a horrible mechanic.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Llyren.3904


See this thread “lvl 80 in a 1-15 land?” from 4 days ago for more thoughts.


Level scaling: Why it's a horrible mechanic.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chrispy.5641


1) This is a sandbox. There is no reason to grind XP. No matter what you choose to do you level up at roughtly the same speed. The point is to do what you want where you want. You grind to get better LOOKING armor, not necessarily better armor. Since it’s far easier to get the stats you want than the look you want. Again, this is a Sandbox. The Achievement is not your level, it’s making the character you want it to be.

2) The point is that no matter what you do, how you choose to play, and where you choose to do it, you level at roughly the same speed. I have never, for instance, had a character reach Orr before they were already level 80. The point of moving on is not because you have to move on, it’s because you want to move on. Once again, this is a Sandbox.

3) The point of the system is not to make the game challenging for higher level character. If it were they failed misserably because level scaling doesn’t really account for the stat differences between a fully geared level 80 vs lower level zones where characters don’t even have as many stats available to them.

4) If you’re actually getting defeated in low level zones, you’re a terrible player. Period. You should be soloing champions and ripping the place apart without a concern in the world. Armor repairs really shouldn’t be a significant conern at all. Besides for the fact that the charge isn’t typically much more than waypointing. Lastly, if you’re repairing before something has broken, you’re doing it wrong.

I agree with every point you made.

Level scaling: Why it's a horrible mechanic.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Justdeifyme.9387


1) This is a sandbox. There is no reason to grind XP. No matter what you choose to do you level up at roughtly the same speed. The point is to do what you want where you want. You grind to get better LOOKING armor, not necessarily better armor. Since it’s far easier to get the stats you want than the look you want. Again, this is a Sandbox. The Achievement is not your level, it’s making the character you want it to be.

2) The point is that no matter what you do, how you choose to play, and where you choose to do it, you level at roughly the same speed. I have never, for instance, had a character reach Orr before they were already level 80. The point of moving on is not because you have to move on, it’s because you want to move on. Once again, this is a Sandbox.

3) The point of the system is not to make the game challenging for higher level character. If it were they failed misserably because level scaling doesn’t really account for the stat differences between a fully geared level 80 vs lower level zones where characters don’t even have as many stats available to them.

4) If you’re actually getting defeated in low level zones, you’re a terrible player. Period. You should be soloing champions and ripping the place apart without a concern in the world. Armor repairs really shouldn’t be a significant conern at all. Besides for the fact that the charge isn’t typically much more than waypointing. Lastly, if you’re repairing before something has broken, you’re doing it wrong.

This sums it up perfectly. Guild Wars 2 is not your average Grind Game. It’s a game about doing whatever you want, and keeping everything in the world attractive. Downscaling is a great mechanic, it makes Low Level content still challenging but you’re still stronger than everyone of the level of the area.