"Light Trapper Achievement" and a Ranger

"Light Trapper Achievement" and a Ranger

in Suggestions

Posted by: ChyrosNX.1834



Can we have an option to perma-stow my pet regardless if I get hit or not?

I’ve tried “Light Trapper Achievement” many times with my Ranger and keep failing due to my pet keep triggering nearby traps making the achievement almost impossible (if not impossible) to do on ranger. I then gave up, switched to Ele and get the achievement in just 1 try. Luckily, I have multiple professions but I feel sad to those who only have a ranger yet having a hard time doing it with pet in the way.

"Light Trapper Achievement" and a Ranger

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheBlackLeech.9360


I don’t feel that this is an issue of “make it so my pet doesn’t trigger traps”
as much as it is an issue of “make it so rangers can permanently hide their pets

When I first started playing Gw2, my main was a Ranger, and I found it very annoying at times when the pet would screw up whatever I was attempting to do.

"Light Trapper Achievement" and a Ranger

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ace.1726


I play a Ranger and we really really need this. Dungeons, PVP and roaming, this is a necessary change.

"Light Trapper Achievement" and a Ranger

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xolst.5412


Ranger in the original had to use up a skill slot to bring their pets. 9 times out of 10 the ranger ran without a pet and did perfectly fine. I would love to see them bring back the no pet archer archetype.

Monica Lost
Jesters of the Unknown [JsUn]|NSP

"Light Trapper Achievement" and a Ranger

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kendra Nightwind.8734

Kendra Nightwind.8734

I had no problems getting this with my pet, on the first try on my account. On my wife’s account it took about six tries to get it but I was able to do it. A friend of mine has tried ten times and is still unable to get it.

"Light Trapper Achievement" and a Ranger

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shiren.9532


I suggested that pets be immune to triggering all dungeon traps (blooms in Twilight Arbor etc) during the first month of the game. There was even a dev response recognising the issue (whether they agree something should be changed about it or not). We got a new dungeon which has a significant trap mechanic triggered by pets. It’s pretty clear the devs either don’t test anything with a ranger or don’t care (at least enough to make it a priority when designing content) about the numerous situations where the pet becomes a hindrance due to no fault of the ranger alone.

Issues like this one make discussing the ranger a perpetual cycle of frustration because they seem like simple fixes (like pets don’t aggro mobs not already aggroed) yet they either don’t get implemented or take forever.

They’ve made a strong stance on the perma-stow debate and they’ve chosen not to do it. Unfortunately they haven’t gone all the way to fixing all the issues a perma-stow option would fix. ArenaNet consistently fall short of designing for a pet class in the game. They’ve chosen to have one but they haven’t done the work to support it in the game.

"Light Trapper Achievement" and a Ranger

in Suggestions

Posted by: Andele.1306


You know there is this shout you can use as a ranger that forces the pet to stay put, especially if you swap to avoid combat, also just F1/attack ordering him to factank saladboy works.

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

"Light Trapper Achievement" and a Ranger

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tywele.7812


I didn’t have a problem with the achievement. I got it after the 2nd or 3rd try. You can do it easily if you take the one which is the nearest of the wisps. Stow your pet and hope that the Mossman doesn’t attack you. If the Mossman isn’t there, there is no other enemy in your way, so it should be pretty easy.

The word “ranger” does not originate from the
word “range” but from “to range”.

"Light Trapper Achievement" and a Ranger

in Suggestions

Posted by: MeTx.6712


I would suggest making the button into a cycle-through with adding a third option to perma-stow. So, ie. when clicking the icon; Active → stowed → perma-stowed → repeat.

Because I use the semi-stow in pvp, when hiding, but I want my pet to engage when I enter battle, so removing the semi-stow would be bad, too.

Ranger: My Main Man Ray

"Light Trapper Achievement" and a Ranger

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sheriff Bullock.3859

Sheriff Bullock.3859

I haven’t tried it, but maybe setting the pet to passive and using the “Guard” skill would keep the pet out of the way for this particular encounter.

I do strongly support a perma-store option, though. It’s quite aggravating to be doing a jumping puzzle only to take a little bit of damage and now there’s something blocking my vision.

The Night’s Watch [FADE] on Gate of Madness

"Light Trapper Achievement" and a Ranger

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Grabbing the weapon should disable your special skill, as only engineers, elementalists and guardians have a profession mechanic that can be used while grabbing the gun and still be useful.

Just hide the profession mechanic when grabbing the gun (which will stow the pet), and you’ll have no problems not unfair advantages derived from the profession mechanic regardless of profession.

No exceptions!

"Light Trapper Achievement" and a Ranger

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chrystolis.7349


Achievement or not, I’ve had a number of times when I’ve wanted to permanently stow my pet. Granted, the rework of pet aggro resolved a lot of those issues, but the option would still be nice to have around.

Regarding the achievement, is this the one in the Canach instance? As far as I could tell, pets triggering traps does not kill the achievement. My pet ran into a couple traps before I even engaged Canach, and I recall figuring it was a blown attempt, but still got the achievement. I even triggered a trap myself, but dodge rolled through the effect. I figured it must only fail the achievement if you personally get hit by the effect of one of the traps, but I could be wrong.

"Light Trapper Achievement" and a Ranger

in Suggestions

Posted by: ThePahkage.2684


i’ve had an 80 ranger since september. the pet is great. i know how to use the pets and the controls are very simple. 99% of the complaints i’ve read about the pets could be alleviated by having a higher personal skill level at gaming.

i have a looming suspicion that many ppl are complaining about the pets who basically just suck at gw2…not calling out ppl in this thread obviously because we’re not playing together.

perma-stow = terribad idea…it just enables noobs to be more nooby
a keybind for pet stow, lets just hook that up instead

"Light Trapper Achievement" and a Ranger

in Suggestions

Posted by: AlexOfSpades.6805


It actually surprises me this hasnt been implemented yet. Its one of those decisions that wouldnt harm any player – it would only bring good.

Players that like their pets always around would still have the option – as default, even. Everything works the same. However, players that would like to have their pets perma-stowed would have the option, too. Having options is always good. Dont like it? Dont use it. No one can complain.

Its not just for the trap activation, its also for jumping puzzles (sometimes they lure turrets and other objects), its for the challenge – the thrill of soloing a Champion without a bear pet holding your hand. Maybe its even for the roleplayers – we do have a big RP community, and i’m sure some of them would like to roleplay as “lone wolf” rangers.

Arena Net, please implement this. It will only bring good!

"Light Trapper Achievement" and a Ranger

in Suggestions

Posted by: Carnagh.1687


Okay, I might be a n00b. It may well be that I suck too badly to excel at a Ranger. Luckily I’ve also levelled a Warrior, Mesmer, Thief and Guardian to 80 and it would seem that I don’t suck so terribly bad so as not to be able to feel comfortable with those classes.

LOTS of Rangers ask repeatedly for permanent pet stow and end up playing a different class even when Ranger is their preferred choice simply over this mechanic. The amount of requests I have seen for this feature alone indicates to me it’s an issue of flawed design and not “nooby” Rangers. The Ranger playerbase is no more or less skilled than that of any other profession.

Moreover Ranger pets are not well regarded by the broader playing community in dungeons, regardless of how skilled the Ranger is.

Sooner or later ANet will get over themselves and implement perma-stow with Ranger buff if pet stowed. It would just be nicer if they got around to it sooner rather than a couple of years down the line. It’s a broken mechanic that worked well in concept by not in live game.

"Light Trapper Achievement" and a Ranger

in Suggestions

Posted by: jubskie.3152


Oh this thread again.


There have been some calls for perma-stowed pets, and while I have said this in other areas I will say it again here. I don’t think we will let you perma-stow pets – the main reason being we want the player to be interacting with the pet, and the pet to be part of the identity of the player. The role of ranger is to to have a pet in our game, and with that comes a bit of extra micromanagement that comes with the package. Right now the micromanage is difficult and more tools are desired, and I honestly feel that once we make micromanaging pets easier, more responsive, and better in general that players won’t mind that they don’t have perma-stow capabilities.

Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG] Desolation
Doing It With Style

"Light Trapper Achievement" and a Ranger

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheBlackLeech.9360


i’ve had an 80 ranger since september. the pet is great. i know how to use the pets and the controls are very simple. 99% of the complaints i’ve read about the pets could be alleviated by having a higher personal skill level at gaming.

i have a looming suspicion that many ppl are complaining about the pets who basically just suck at gw2…not calling out ppl in this thread obviously because we’re not playing together.

perma-stow = terribad idea…it just enables noobs to be more nooby
a keybind for pet stow, lets just hook that up instead

You are funny, and I hope that (for your sake) you are kidding.

I can give several examples of where a pet will completely screw things up for you or your team.

Want to line of sight a group of dredge in fractals into a shallow corner?
Your pet has other ideas.

Stealthily making your way through an area… say the room right before Lupicus in Arah, and you drop down a 10 foot ledge to avoid aggroing an entire room full of gold and silver trim enemies…
Watch in amazement as your pet runs all the way around to find the handicap ramp down, aggroing all enemies in its path to get to your location.

Running through a minefield in Arah or CoE?
Watch in amazement as your pet runs 3 steps ahead of you, triggering every single mine so that they detonate in your face as you are running.

Want to view that vista?
Wait patiently while your pet finishes fighting something halfway across the map so that you can finally get out of combat.


The list goes on and on and on and on.

Why should the ranger be forced to “babysit” while other classes play normally?

"Light Trapper Achievement" and a Ranger

in Suggestions

Posted by: jubskie.3152


^ I guess its too hard for you to learn how to micro your pet?

Everything you mentioned can be avoided by setting your pet on passive. I just finished arah and it was mesmer clones that pulled in mobs, not my pet.

Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG] Desolation
Doing It With Style

"Light Trapper Achievement" and a Ranger

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheBlackLeech.9360


^ I guess its too hard for you to learn how to micro your pet?

Everything you mentioned can be avoided by setting your pet on passive. I just finished arah and it was mesmer clones that pulled in mobs, not my pet.

As i stated earlier:
“Why should the ranger be forced to “babysit” while other classes play normally?”

"Light Trapper Achievement" and a Ranger

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gabby.3205


I got my achievement with my main (she is a Ranger) and I had no problem with that. I had to try three times, that’s true, but only because the achievement didn’t trigger the first two times (I have no idea why, I’m sure it wasn’t my pet’s fault).
Set my wolf on passive, choose three bombs that were next to a part that had no bombs and kept flipping them until Canach was defeated. My pet is mostly my extra DPS, since my build is not pet-dependent, and since DPS didn’t matter against Canach, I had no problem.

Tarnished Coast
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”

"Light Trapper Achievement" and a Ranger

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ozone.9370


it all boils down to an AI issue. pets, mobs, and most bosses/npcs never cease to amaze me with their flagrant idiocy. ArenaNet will not fix this issue because it would require some serious game engine rework. 3-4 patches a week for new event? Doable….