Any post containing anything that can in any way be misconstrued as off-topic by a bored moderator (moderators are people, people get bored, bored people act with little discretion — it’s basic psych), even if its context is perfectly within the bounds of the topic, appears to be deleted and given an infraction lately.
Now, I understand the need to moderate boards. I understand the desire to try extra hard to keep them tidy. But this is…well, excessive. I’m an active member of dozens of message boards and have been a member of many more in the past. In all of my years, I’ve never had to complain about moderation. It bugs me that I have anything to say now.
More and more it just seems like Anet really is new to all of this; true MMOs, official community forums, etc. Perhaps scared even. My word of advice: lighten up. Things don’t have to be nailed down and tried so hard at to make work. And in particular, ease up on the forums a bit. I can almost guarantee that people that are usually very active, positive, and social on forums are being scared away from ever posting here.
Not even Guru is/was this anal. Thank you.
Chris “Dawnheart” Aerinoh — Revenant, Guardian — Blackgate