Limit effect of group speed buffs in WvWvW

Limit effect of group speed buffs in WvWvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Obed.7629


I love WvWvW. But I don’t like the fact that my character, who has no speed buffs, can never outrun a group if they decide to get me.

I think we’d have a better game if sharing speed buffs was limited to a small number of recipients in addition to being ranged.

Limit effect of group speed buffs in WvWvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Saulius.8430


but it is limited. only 5 nearby players get speed buff. with the only exception being mesmer’s temporal curtain (tho it doesnt stack with other speed buffs! so its not that overpowered)
anyone know any other mass speed buffs? (mass like – affecting more then 5 players)

afaik thieves or elementalists have no problem running away from group.
and if you think you are supposed to run away from 5 players with any class.. well then thats too bad. btw, what are you doing in wvw all alone anyway?

P.S. heard anything about centaur runes?

kill all ze thingz

Limit effect of group speed buffs in WvWvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Obed.7629


but it is limited. only 5 nearby players get speed buff. with the only exception being mesmer’s temporal curtain… anyone know any other mass speed buffs? (mass like – affecting more then 5 players)…

All I know about speed buffs is that when I’m in a zerg, I can get them. As a recipient,
it looks like one type of speed buff is a shiny line that you can get by running across it; there does not appear to be any limit on the number of people who can get that, as long as they get to it in time.

Limit effect of group speed buffs in WvWvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Abigor.4952


What stops every person in group of using swiftness and catching you, it’s basically your loss that you don’t use any speed buff or run around alone=) because same you could do with your partner/group.

Limit effect of group speed buffs in WvWvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

The only times I get caught by a zerg are when I’m not paying attention. Every class has some sort of escape mechanisms, only some of which include moving faster: stealth, clones, snares, other buffs, etc.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Limit effect of group speed buffs in WvWvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Obed.7629


What stops every person in group of using swiftness and catching you, it’s basically your loss that you don’t use any speed buff or run around alone=) because same you could do with your partner/group.

If every person uses a buff, then they’ll use the buff and have to wait for the CD. But in a zerg, the folks who can apply buffs chain them together.

It’s just not true that an individual can maintain the same speed of a zerg.

Limit effect of group speed buffs in WvWvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Obed.7629


The only times I get caught by a zerg are when I’m not paying attention.

Good for you!

Every class has some sort of escape mechanisms, only some of which include moving faster: stealth, clones, snares, other buffs, etc.

If you say so. I don’t have stealth, clones, or snares (although, truth be told, I don’t think snares would be much help against a zerg), and as configured I don’t have any speed enhancements other than a shot of adrenaline, which seems to have a lot more effect on sword swinging than running.

My character is a warrior; I imagine that I’ve turned my nose up at some speed improvements to focus on power and toughness (e.g., I think a warrior with a horn can buff speed, but I’m equipped with a great sword and a rifle.)

I have no problem with other professions and configurations being faster than me. Nevertheless I think that zergs can maintain a higher speed than single or small groups of characters, and i think the game would be improved if this effect were reduced.

Limit effect of group speed buffs in WvWvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: neon.4863


You can always waypoint away before someone hits you or, worst case scenario (though this is frowned upon) alt+f4 to leave the game with no penalty (other than +1 to death count if you’re down). I get caught by groups when I’m in WvW too (and I normally go in for monthly kills or for exploration, not for fighting) – it’s frustrating but that’s sadly part of being in a massive PvP zone.

Limit effect of group speed buffs in WvWvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Obed.7629


You can always waypoint away before someone hits you…

Good point. I don’t do that enough.

FWIW, I’m not complaining about being slow. This is the “Suggestions” thread. I think WvWvW would be marginally better if zergs were slowed down just a little, but I’m having a fine ol’ time the way things are.

Limit effect of group speed buffs in WvWvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: TrueHonor.4953


The advantage of running in big groups is the ability to use the advantages of everyone in the group. I would think lessening the speed of big groups would defeat that advantage. As for you personally, if the warrior you sign with is the character you’re referring to, Signet of Rage is a life saver if you see the zerg first, or at least soon enough.

Junric – 80 Guardian
Northern Shiverpeaks

Limit effect of group speed buffs in WvWvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Taldren.7523


The issue is not speed buffs … the issue is how small the WvW zone are. They really need to take a better look on how DAoC got it right after 11 years.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

Limit effect of group speed buffs in WvWvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Obed.7629


The advantage of running in big groups is the ability to use the advantages of everyone in the group. I would think lessening the speed of big groups would defeat that advantage.

Honestly, that is the exact intent of this suggestion. A big zerg already has a numerical advantage; a speed advantage on top of that overly promotes zergfest style WvWvW, which is not to my taste.