Limit stealth to out of combat only

Limit stealth to out of combat only

in Suggestions

Posted by: aaron.4317


right now thieves can stealth for an unlimited amount by using certain skills that have no real cool down.

Perma stealth is dumb.

Implement a flag so that you can only enter stealth with certain long cooldown abilities if you are combat flagged.

This does two things. It first prevents exploits where a player can be permanently stealthed and interfere with normal game mechanics. And it also gives a reasonable counter to stealth. If you could manage to place a thief into combat they wouldn’t be able to offensively use stealth.

Stealth currently has no direct counter, this would give it one. And also make the game reasonable.

Limit stealth to out of combat only

in Suggestions

Posted by: Auesis.7301


No. Stealth is a core combat mechanic for Thieves. There is literally no point in stealth existing if it is non-combat only, and what you are basically asking is for the Thief profession to be deleted from the game. Not to mention that Mesmers also have offensive stealth utilities and you’d break them, as well.


Gnome Child [Gc]
Resident Thief

(edited by Auesis.7301)

Limit stealth to out of combat only

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


ARE YOU KIDDING ME? troll much? stealthig is the core to thief. You honestly wana eliminate an entire profession? You say perma stealth is dumb, I agree but…. We don’t have perma stealth. Its at max 4-5 seconds excluding Shadow refuge which we have to stay in the circle to get. Your suggestion, I’m sorry, but is god aweful.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Limit stealth to out of combat only

in Suggestions

Posted by: Killface.1896


Yeah perma stealth is kinda joke,but use it in combat is fine but it need literally 500% longer cooldown on all stealth skill´s in this game so you cant get perma stealth..

Limit stealth to out of combat only

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


There is no perma stealth… Maybe the cd between stealthing needs a longer cd but its not like thieves can tank in any way. They are glass cannons so they die easily without some sort of defensive mechanic. If they get a longer stealth cooldown they deserve a 1-3 second longer stealth time. Just because you can’t learn to counter thieves doesn’t mean they should uber nerf them.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Limit stealth to out of combat only

in Suggestions

Posted by: Auesis.7301


ARE YOU KIDDING ME? troll much? stealthig is the core to thief. You honestly wana eliminate an entire profession? You say perma stealth is dumb, I agree but…. We don’t have perma stealth. Its at max 4-5 seconds excluding Shadow refuge which we have to stay in the circle to get. Your suggestion, I’m sorry, but is god aweful.

I think what he means is quick successions of C+D keeping a huge stealth uptime. That would be a problem, but you’re not doing anything productive in combat if that’s all you’re doing. Also, if the enemy is stupid enough to hang around while you do that for hours on end, that’s their fault. The moment that stealth cycle stops, you have the chance to CC them to death. This is a non-issue.

Gnome Child [Gc]
Resident Thief

Limit stealth to out of combat only

in Suggestions

Posted by: aaron.4317


You can stay in stealth permanently using certain skills.

At the very minimum there should be a timer that prevents ANY stealth taking place for 3 seconds after the current stealth skills ends.

Being able to chain Stealth skills over and over to never actually be out of stealth is broken, and must be removed.

I play a thief. Its stupid. The class is ridiculously imbalanced currently.

Limit stealth to out of combat only

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


You dont play thief, otherwise you would notice the little boon that pops up not allowing you to restealth for X seconds. If you wana coward in stealth for the whole time thats your problem and you get nothing out of it. But there is no way(I’ve tried) to premanetly stay in stealth unless you plan to waste every single cd to do so which leaves you at nothing. You obviously are flaming at thieves because they have a mechanic you can’t adapt to counter which is extremel easy.

Ps. Dont stay still when they stealth, how about run away and dodge since they kinda added that to the game :s )

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Limit stealth to out of combat only

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


You can’t be stealthed permanently.
- First, if you attack, you get Revealed and become Immune to stealth while it lasts so you can’t re-stealth.
- Second, no matter what you do, even if you bring all stealth skills available to a thief, they will simply not last enough time to remain cloaked permanently.
- Third, stealth doesn’t really protect you from anything. It only makes it easier to avoid being killed by inexperienced players. I can’t count how many times I’ve killed a silly thief who though they could get away from me with a bit of snaring, some AoE and just a pinch of guessing where they are. They never get far.

Anyone who says a thief can maintain permanent stealth either lags badly and don’t see the thief while it’s revealed, or never ever played as, with, or against a thief.

No exceptions!

(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)