List of Suggestions for Quality of Life Improvements

List of Suggestions for Quality of Life Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rehk.6574


Need more detailed tooltips for stats on the character screen.

(Defense = number does not really tell us what it does. We need information on what is mititgated and by how much, so us the formulas)

Add a show detailed tooltips mode / hide detailed tooltips mode

Add detailed tooltips for skills, and tactics

(The problem here is that say one skill will say….10% chance to proc _________. Then gives no description of what ___________ does.)

*Pets in general need their own window to moniter health, of course, give us the option to hide it for those that dont want to use it. *

Allow the linking of skills and traits into chat

Please give us weapon slots for all possible weapons we can use on our character.
Instead of the “R” button swapping between one and two, have a Dial that pops up on mouseover and lets us Switch between All available weapon loadouts

Shadowstep for Theives and teleports in general need to be actual teleports, and not just “instant run to that spot abilities”. Theres needs to be a little bit of grace on the Z axis given so that we can shadowstep and teleport over small holes in the terrain and over short obstacles.

Currently +crit% on weapons does not show if its working on not on the character stat screen, no way to tell if its a visual bug or actually not working at all.

Lastly, I’ll just say that certain item and skill descriptions, need to be more descriptive in general. Obviously some people might not like to be bogged down with “too much” information. But the option needs to be there for the sake of understanding game mechanics.

An ingame “Game mechanics and formulas manual” would go along way to helping people find this kind of information to determine what specs to use, what stats to get, what things stack, what doesnt, etc etc. gw2 Wiki is a good source for some of this, but it sure would help to have it also there in game somewhere.

Currently, Im not sure that I can Structure PvP with a group of friends and not be split up when the game starts. This is annoying, please find a fix. (I want to play with my friends, not against them) [I understand tournament mode allows for this, but we shouldnt have to resort to tournament mode to play together all the time in spvp)
This is just a wish, and obviously would take some work, but please consider adding in Battlegrounds with a larger variety of player team sizes. Example


This could be done with the same maps, just allow for different modes and more players, or done with all new maps. Either way. I really beleive this is somewhat needed as some people have computers that can easily handle Spvp, but not handle World vs world at all. Some type of balance between the two to give an option to participate in “large” battles while not having the possibility to be overwhelmed by HUGE amounts of players slowing performance would be AWESOME.