As a Guildwars 1 veteran I am becoming increasingly more disappointed and discouraged. In the past 6 months almost all of my Guildwars 1 friends quit Guildwars 2 and are moving onto other games. But this doesn’t have to be this way. We can bring these players back if we just make some changes. I will now bring up what I think needs some work in this game and suggest changes. I would love to see what other people say about these issues:
1) Lack of farming ~ When Guildwars 2 was introduced they claimed it would not be a “high grind” game. However the more expensive “nicer” weapons and armor in the game require HIGH grind, without means of farming. The introduction of champions and champion farming is fantastic. I would like to see more of this as well as more ways you could get t6 mats. Maybe have an option at the end of dungeons to get daily t6 mats and/or gold for various paths. Or maybe do a tiered daily where if you completed all daily tasks you could get t6 mats.
2) Lack of end game content. ~I don’t know about anyone else but after I hit 80, geared up my character, and completed my story (which had an ending that made me say “lol this is?”) I had nothing left to do. It would be nice if we could have some raids or maybe some repeatable quest lines that would give t6 mats or maybe even a precursor. I know that WoW had quest lines that led to legendary weapons of sorts and it was a great idea. This is a great implementation of time-gating.
3) RNG System ~ Everything nice in this game is pretty much dependent on RNG. Why is it that some people have gotten 8 precursors from the forge within 3 months of playing and others who have played since beta haven’t gotten any? I don’t mind some RNG but when everything is RNG its not fun. I don’t know how to fix this at this point but if anyone else has any ideas id love to hear them!
4) Lack of a community ~THIS Is by far the BIGGEST let down. I was so excited when Guildwars 2 was announced because it seemed like it would foster a great community. But not players are being banned for “selling gold” when they give guildies and loved ones expensive items or t6 crafting mats. I think that the system needs to be worked on so that these gifts aren’t flagged and maybe bring back a trading screen like there was in guildwars 1. I also think it’d be great if Anet would hire a community manager person who would hold events on various servers ever month or once a year. There is so much potential for community events with the way cities and maps in general are set up!
5) The gem store PROMOTES Gold sellers. Where to start with this….Well I will start from the beginning. In the beginning A-net said that the Gem store would not put players who didnt spend rl money on the gem store at a disadvantage. But thats whats happening. Because Anet is selling gold to their players in a game where this is the only means to get gold fast for these really expensive weapons, players who spend rl money on the gem store have a leg up in getting these really nice weapons. Now to the part where this promotes gold sellers; this is a game and people are competing for the best price and they don’t really have means to “farm” money so they buy money from other players. Ordinarily I would say, yes this is a horrible thing, but I am feeling as though they aren’t doing anything wrong when they could be buying gold from the game makers themselves. I think Anet should make a constant gold to gem and gem to gold rate or remove it entirely. There could be better ways to make it so people didn’t feel the need to buy money or that they were at a disadvantage for not doing so but I am not quite sure how else one would fix that.
6) I don’t feel as though gw1 vets are cared about or even matter ~ I was a bit hurt by the fact they made the process of getting zodiac weapons involve the gem store. It would be nice if we could get crafting recipes for these by doing quests or missions. Maybe not of the weapons but at least some of them. I really hope that anet doesn’t throw tormented weapons into the gem store.