List of monsters that need review
I thought they did have an animation before jumping on you? I haven’t done AC for about a week, or any dungeons for that matter, but I don’t recall having any problems in AC, other than path 3 of course.
No thanks, scavengers are just fine. They have a nice big leap animation that is very easy to spot and dodge out of. You should try using blinds, knockbacks, roots, and all the other beautiful options ANet has put to your disposal.
Technical Strength – Engineer
Dungeon Master – FotM 46
Thaumanova Reactor fallout and the flying mobs around there.
They chain cast a stream of AOE with no cooldown and they will follow you with it. They also have a high tendancy to knockdown the player and when they knock you down, you are dead. By the time you try and break out of it, you are already dead.
After they knock you down, they instantly cast AOE on you as well as a direct strike that will one-shot the player. There is no "breaking out of it with abilities and determination and superior player skill.
You can take 1 mob if you are skilled, dodge, weave, sprint, kite, dodge, stun mob etc… you can beat 1. Except there is a whole room of them that will agro and their respawn is …. swift.
Sometimes just entering the room will earn you a knockdown, AOE and direct damage that will kill you outright, nevermind the downed state. You get killed outright.
I believe all mobs should put up a neon signboard saying they are about to use a combat mechanic, before they can make an attack, saying:
“I am about to make a very avoidable attack on you, I beg you to dodge away!”
Then again, people would just stand stock-still anyway because they are so deluded into thinking they are playing some WoW-clone instead of GW2. Can’t possibly fathom the need to kite around to avoid damage, I mean, pfftah, who needs that sort of sissy thing right? Just need to stand in one spot, dps as hard as possible and flex electricalegosausage comparing dps meters. Or in this case, how fast one drops dead compared to a smart player kiting and snaring mobs like he should.
yes because all mobs always show you what they are about to do right? /s
Don’t be ridiculous. Some mobs give no warning or the warning signs are so miniscule you can’t see it or it’s easily covered up by the player’s own abilities. In fact, you can’t even turn on player effects (I’ve tried) which do cover up some mobs animation before they do a special.
In my post above, those flame mobs. It’s just a blob of flame with wings. There is no animation before they knock you down and insta kill you. They just pop you even if you’re sprinting.
The only problem with Thaumnova is that it is in a level 16 area. Once you actually get a stun break or get your kungfu dodge on, the encounter becomes great fun I mean they do put down a big red circle, so maybe move out of it. Sure some bad timing and bad luck can still get you killed, but after you have a stun break if you are still getting killed over and over again in a knock down you need to look at your build or your reaction time. Or just stop going in.
This fight is some of the single most fun I have had in the game. To see it nerfed would make me sad inside.
Also to point out the Embers dont spawn by themselves they are part of an event with the Fire Elemental a boss who when killed spawns a chest with 5-7 pieces of equipment around your level. So It sort of feels like it shouldn’t be a walk in the park.
Melanessa-Necromancer Cymaniel-Scrapper
Minikata-Guardian Shadyne-Elementalist -FA-
I think all they need to do is remove the CC and up the timer between ground target and its effect. The timing between the ground target being placed and the actual effect is way too short atm. that means if you’re playing with anything but perfect ping, it’s nearly impossible to roll out of it. If I compare with say the Frozen Maw shaman “raid event” in Timberline falls, there is about a 2-3 second time between placing ground target and effect. Well more than enough time to dodge out even with bad ping.
Then of course, there is the questionable decision to have the circle effectively 1-2 shot players. Frozen Maw is again a good example. If you stand in the circle, you will get hit by a DD, which won’t kill you outright but it hurts. Instead, it will punish you for being in the circle with a high damage DOT. But it gives the attentive player the opportunity to survive if he is on the ball (or his ping is bad). Thamnova ember ground targets are a death event by comparison.
IMO the only issue is the lack of visual warnings on alot of abilities.
While it’s admirable trying to do away with cast bars and just having it be purely based on watching animations, they need to make sure they are obvious enough. Alot are but alot aren’t especially in cluster F situations where it’s harder to notice subtle animations.
If they can’t get to changing most of those skills it they can always try to give a stylized subtle warning like a particle effect on the mob’s head or something like that.
lol kitten fanboys.
the main point is why are mobs hitting harder than bosses and with such a small warning with major cc. Alot of these bosses are jokes compared to trash. Dodging yes, room full of them, k u wasted both dodge , one turns and pins you u break free from stun using skill just to roll to another mob who just pinned you.
Risen Acolytes have a beyond ridiculous aggro range in my opinion.
Risen Farmers/Fishers could use some tweaking as well. Having a knock-back/knockdown and also a 2 second knockdown makes it ridiculous when aggroing even 2 of them.
Those are the only things that I find a bit exaggerated. Everything else might be easy or hard sometimes, but nothing that can’t be overcome.
Honestly? Destroyer crabs. =P
I dunno what it is but they put burning conditions on me constantly and I have no idea when they are doing it or how to avoid them. Fighting one is ok but it seems I’m always fighting around two to 3. My heal will clear one condition and my signet will clear one every ten seconds and my pet can even clear one if he isn’t dead or the ability isn’t glitched but….if I don’t kill them fast they will….they will do horrible things to me that I can never forget and have nightmares about and have to seek counseling about.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
IMO the only issue is the lack of visual warnings on alot of abilities.
While it’s admirable trying to do away with cast bars and just having it be purely based on watching animations, they need to make sure they are obvious enough. Alot are but alot aren’t especially in cluster F situations where it’s harder to notice subtle animations.
If they can’t get to changing most of those skills it they can always try to give a stylized subtle warning like a particle effect on the mob’s head or something like that.
I actually found DC Universe mob special abilities better executed than GW2. As far as I can remember, when a mob winds up a big attack or a special, it does an animation as well as has a distinct particle effect.
I understand why Anet went this route but at the end of the day, it must be practical for the end user. When 1/2 the time player effects completely cover the mob, even with an animation, it’s not always easy to see. I see a lot of players (and I’m guilty as well) just randomly dodging just in case we missed the queue. the problem with this is, when it comes time to dodge (or sometimes, double dodge), you’re screwed.
The mob cast bars may not be elegant but functionally they served the purpose.
I find DC U to have done this well without using a cast bar.