List of very wanted, simple features

List of very wanted, simple features

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blue.7256


OK so after testing out the new patch I came up with the list of rather simple small features that would improve WvW feel. Please keep posting them up and I will be refreshing the list with good stuff as we go. Also I’ll delete the bad stuff obviously. Culling is gone and I believe Anet will be happy to get players feedback.

- Option to turn off titles.
- WXP for more activities: building/destroying siege, repairing walls/gates, killing guards and NPCs(very small XP, like 1 or 2), escorting dollies, breaking the wall/gate
- refundable WXP
- WXP visible on UI while playing (similar to sPvP)
- Orbs with gold/karma buff
- Ascended items achievable via WvW

Please bare in mind I mostly think of simple stuff, that’s easy to implement.

[RL] Bluel
Royal Legion – Polish MMORPG Guild

(edited by Blue.7256)

List of very wanted, simple features

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shifted.6912


Not receiving WXP for destroying/building is a stupid idea.
How is it less beneficial than stomping a single player?
Anet fix pls.

List of very wanted, simple features

in Suggestions

Posted by: Atmos.8105


Seem like mostly acceptable suggestions except for ‘refundable WXP’ on the basis that then there is a limit when you can just keep swapping your build around depending on what your doing and there is no specialisation.

The other thing that is never going to happen is Option to turn of titles, anet said they were trying to make titles more wanted and if every1 can just turn them off, then why would anyone bother to go for them. Please don’t quote it’s the journey not the destination or some variation at me, some people grind titles for the titles much the way W3 will now be grinding WXP for the 1st few weeks

Just occurred to me that you could turn off your own title (assuming you have one), then one less person would be running around with a title,

(edited by Atmos.8105)

List of very wanted, simple features

in Suggestions

Posted by: tagnut.8621


Why all the fuss about wxp?

Theres a handfull of abilities that range from utterly pointless to pathetic.

List of very wanted, simple features

in Suggestions

Posted by: Swamurabi.7890


Just occurred to me that you could turn off your own title (assuming you have one), then one less person would be running around with a title,

I’d rather put on the longest title I could. It would confuse anyone trying to count the number in the zerg.

List of very wanted, simple features

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blue.7256


I think it’s possible to convince them to make that an option. We managed to change their mind when they wanted to reset rankings. With enough feedback from the community it’s possible they will reconsider.

[RL] Bluel
Royal Legion – Polish MMORPG Guild

List of very wanted, simple features

in Suggestions

Posted by: SilencedScream.2167


- Option to turn off titles.
- WXP for more activities: building/destroying siege, repairing walls/gates, killing guards and NPCs(very small XP, like 1 or 2), escorting dollies, breaking the wall/gate
- Ascended items achievable via WvW

These are my top wants, and the last one’s the least I care about.

Henge of Denravi – [SAS]
Duct Tape Applied [Charr Ranger]
A Roll Of Duct Tape [Human Guardian, Commander]

List of very wanted, simple features

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nak.8315


What needs to happen is have more WXP given to player kills so its doesn’t promote ignoring the othersides and looking for undefended places and doing the PVD Thing. Warhammer did that and look where it is now.

Call of Fate[CoF]
Ehmry Bay

List of very wanted, simple features

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


- WXP for more activities: building/destroying siege, repairing walls/gates, killing guards and NPCs(very small XP, like 1 or 2), escorting dollies, breaking the wall/gate

I disagree with the building siege because it could get abused way to easy.
Destroying siege on the other hand serves a purpose for your team and is therefor worth to be rewarded – same goes for repairing of course.

also, WXP would have been a great chance to boost the job of dolyak escorting, give that task the highest reward of any and people would finally start doing that :P

List of very wanted, simple features

in Suggestions

Posted by: WIGZ.8245



Would support said changes. Except any that can be abused(ie: building siege etc…)

[BT] Wigz – Blackgate – 80 Engineer & Warrior

List of very wanted, simple features

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadow.3475


Am not sure how the point is given but i hope the better upgraded a Supplycamp/Tower/Keep/Castle is the more point you get for defending and taking that place.

List of very wanted, simple features

in Suggestions

Posted by: GrandmaFunk.3052


I disagree with the building siege because it could get abused way to easy.

Same, there’s already enough problems with griefers maxing out siege cap, we don’t need even more ppl building dozens of rams at a supply camp just to farm points.

GamersWithJobs [GWJ]
Northern Shiverpeaks

List of very wanted, simple features

in Suggestions

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


More usefull and effective wvw abilities.

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

List of very wanted, simple features

in Suggestions

Posted by: Codata.2019


Yea, there should be an option to turn off titles. Its really annoying.

List of very wanted, simple features

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


More usefull and effective wvw abilities.

but, but, they just started ; ;

They said they will release more wvw abilities and already have ideas on some from the little news post they put up on the main page. I would like skins for seige weapons as seperate upgrade. Using WXP to unlock different skins like a [Makeshift Arrow Cart] or a [Candy cane ballista] or a [Party catapult] that shoots out disco balls instead of rocks. Some cosmetics exclusive to wvw would so some good ^^

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

List of very wanted, simple features

in Suggestions

Posted by: HTF.7602


Great list.

A save/export button for the combat log would also be simple to do and be useful for many wanting to make a WvW class but not being really sure how effective they are personally as in a big zerg it is really hard to tell just by looking.

List of very wanted, simple features

in Suggestions

Posted by: Goatjugsoup.8637


Thought this was a general gw2 simple features but I will post mine anyway

F12 > C to go to character select.
Badges of Honor and Dungeon Tokens to get bank slots

Most wanted in game additions: Beastiary, readable books

List of very wanted, simple features

in Suggestions

Posted by: Razak.5604


What about turning achievement titles completly off in WvW and only show the Rank titles?
Because it´s really annoying counting 30 ppl with eg. “God walking among mere mortals”…

List of very wanted, simple features

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kane Fire Blade.7482

Kane Fire Blade.7482

I don’t say turn them of just make it more like guild wars were hovering the mouse over there name and the title shows as well