Loadout Slots

Loadout Slots

in Suggestions

Posted by: PolishSausage.1279


GW2 is a game that allows for a myriad of playstyles, with numerous gear possibilities to help support this level of freedom. So it surprised me when I keep being reminded that there aren’t even any loadout slot options for gear, considering how many people (including myself) like to switch between gear setups and trait loadouts.

I think having this option in-game would be a serious boon to convenience, as not only could it allow players to keep better track of the gear they need for a specific layout, it’d make switching to them after respeccing a much easier task. Obviously this would be something that you’d have to do when out of combat, and it would only really effect gear (still would need to pay for respecs), but it would make carrying around different sets of gear an easier task.

Loadout Slots

in Suggestions

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


It is even more surprising since this was in GW1 although not at launch.