Long time MMORPG player suggestions

Long time MMORPG player suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Casey.9185


First off let me introduce myself: I am a hard core gamer who started MMOs when Everquest came out. I have tried many mmos, and I have likely missed a couple great ones entirely. Guild Wars 2 seems like an mmo with a lot of potential, but feels very unfinished in many areas. So without further ado, here are my suggestions for the two primary game modes:

Waypoints: scaling in cost as you level is somewhat understandable, but it is a little too much cost imo.
Exploring: The rewards are nice for fully completing a map, but I think it should have some impact on waypoint travel.
Renown hearts: There should be an option to redo/re-complete renown hearts (with the restriction that the map has to be completed first and you can only do them once every few minutes or something). Some have neat events that you cannot enter once you complete the heart. Also this would encourage players to return to areas to complete them with their friends (even if it was just for currency).
Difficulty: Based on what I hear dungeons are super hard, and normal pve just seems like a boring grind. I would prefer pve be a little more difficult in more areas, with greater rewards to compensate.
Dungeons: Currently I have yet to get into a dungeon group. It seems the way to do this is go to the zone and advertise, but I am also a necro, which seems to be a basis for not inviting me as well. A dungeon finder/auto grouper would be nice, or a world wide lfg function (there may be one of these but no one uses it). The fact is dungeons are usually passed over by many players because the rewards are not worth it and they are very difficult (not saying make it easier, but make the rewards match the difficulty to make them more appealing).
Events: Once you get out of the starting zones these seem few and far between. I would love to see more pop up in the higher level areas.

Groups: It is difficult to group with friends and enjoy pvp. I know it would be imbalanced to allow large groups to queue for solo pvp, but you should at least be able to group with a couple friends and queue. We want to play with our friends, but pvp does not offer many options for that.
Formats: The formats seem very limited for small-scale pvp atm. You have capture and hold points and… wait that’s it. What about 2v2 or 5v5 death-matches (each player is eliminated as they are defeated unless revived by an ability or some well coordinated cc, no re-spawning). Capture the flag is a time tested classic for pvp as well, and dueling (many people have suggested these options from what I am reading). If I could have one it would be the death-matches though, I love that kind of combat where last man/team standing wins.
Balance: I realize a lot of data is still being collected here. However, a few things should be quickly evident. Pistol whip does a little too much damage, and chain cc by a single class should be more limited than what it is currently (looking at hammer warriors mainly…).
Rankings: Yeah the armor rewards are neat, but there are not many ways to distinguish yourself in pvp. What about a leader-board or titles based on ranks/tourneys won. Pvpers love a way to gauge their skill versus others.

Long time MMORPG player suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nibbler.6130


Dungeons: Yeah I know ArenaNet doesn’t want GW2 to be like the other MMOs but i think a game must have an endgame. I am now nearly 3 weeks on lvl 80 and don’t know what to do. I want one of those legendaries but i need lots of coins. How do i get them? Grinding the same easy dungeons over and over? That is kinda lame. Some high-end dungeons like the old FOW/UW that you can’t clear in 30 minutes would be nice. Dungeons that are hard to do but that give you a nice reward.
Pvp: Well there are a lot of titles, but they are not pompous. I like the finishing emotes, but you can only show them while finishing in pvp. Think there should be emotes like in gw1 (HA) which you can show in every pvp area through the command /rank.
Also there should be more formats. The GW2 pvp is fun, but 5v5 all the time is boring. I want big epic battles. Please learn a lesson from WoW. It’s pvp is nice: There is a lot of alternation: 10v10, 15v15, 40v40, capture the flag, this point capture mode like in gw2 and this siege weapon-conquer stuff. WoW’s 40v40 battles like in alterac valley or isle of conquest are so amazing and they never got boring.

(edited by Nibbler.6130)

Long time MMORPG player suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: roqoco.4053


Dungeons are too long, people leave and stuff. That was a direction they were heading in Eye Of The North that I really didn’t like and has got even worse in GW2. The best PvE content by far IMHOP is the mini dungeons that are scattered around the world. With a small group these can be quite challenging and are a total blast. Just wish they’d add more of this kind of PvE – the open world mobs and events are (mostly) way to easy especially when zerged – can count the ones that have failed on one hand.

Long time MMORPG player suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Banewrath.5107


Filthy necromancer, you play with corpses and then wonder why nobody wants to play with you. Just kidding. I too started with eq back in 02 and there hasn`t ever been another game like it since. I agree with what you say about the pve. The orr maps are more challenging when you get to those. You can`t go 3 steps without aggroing something it feels like. Some of the events can be extemely difficult as well and feel like a plane of sky wipe. I have still yet to kill the champion risen megladon, the thing is a destroyer!

I`d like to see some kind of aa system implemented for pve or be able to use accumulated skill points to be invested in traits past 80. Or anything that gives you incentive to play besides grinding gold for armor skins. I still have a huge % of the map to explore, but because I have everything I need right now, the incentive isn`t really there to push me towards the places I haven`t been yet. I just explore the places more slowly and try to focus on making some coin ofr my set.