Looking For Group Tool

Looking For Group Tool

in Suggestions

Posted by: CriusTheSecond.4890


First post here, so “hello”.

Okay, presentation done.
I know, I know.
LFG tool reminds a lot of World of Warcraft but in terms of utility it’s a very useful tool. Especially for the nature of the avarage player of pve in GW2, which is a casual, that means to me, do not have a lot of time to spend into the game.

I begin to see a lot of “LFM/LFG” into the general chat and it’s not “nice” neither “funny”. It’s just annoying, for whom is searching and for who is just not interested.

I’m not a game programmer but i “simple” web developer.
So i don’t want to sound arrogan while i say that it should not be difficult to implement:
Mainly cause GW2 doesn’t implement the classic triad (tank/dps/healer).
Maybe it’s enough to check for a good variety between ranged/melee in a first version.

Hope this happen soon
Keep up the good work Anet

Looking For Group Tool

in Suggestions

Posted by: Skylord.9702


there is already post about this

Looking For Group Tool

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gizzox.7491


I agree. Such a tool would make things much easier. I am trying to get into a group quite a lot. Often i have to travel to cities and write in /map to find people who want to join. And teleporting as we know costs money. After a day traveling here and there u can lose up to 1gold just to find people to do something u like. And with the gold reward from dungeons being nerfed it got even worse.

Looking For Group Tool

in Suggestions

Posted by: CriusTheSecond.4890


there is already post about this

A link please