Lost Shores Compensation (skins)

Lost Shores Compensation (skins)

in Suggestions

Posted by: neon.4863


Disclaimer: not a QQ topic

Okay so a friend and I spent half an hour debating what we think would be ANet’s best course of action in response to this entire Lost Shores mess and we were just about ready to agree to disagree when suddenly we were enlightened.

We were talking about how we like skins and everyone else likes skins (probably) and we think poking fun of all the failures would perhaps not be an ideal solution, but it would at least be something cool to come out of all of it, and a way to apologize to players for all the mess without affecting the economy or… anything, really.

Therefore, we propose ANet give everyone two free shirt skins:

- A t-shirt called “I participated (or didn’t) in the Ancient Karka event and all I got was this lame t-shirt”


- A consortium shirt that says CITIZENS
(probably with a description containing Blingg’s full speech or just COMING SOON THE NEWEST AND MOST UNIQUE RESORT DESTINATION IN ALL OF TYRI—CITIZENS)

(or a single skin that combines both of these ideas)

No, really.

I mean, okay, I know this will probably actually never happen, but I would seriously have taken those over the actual prizes I got from the Ancient Karka Chest. The shell I can buy, the precursors I can get, 20 slot bags I can craft, but these would be completely unique and they would make me smile after the trainwreck that the event itself was. And it’d be something positive amidst all of the issues the event had. It wouldn’t really erase all the frustrations and mistakes, but honestly? I would love it. And I would take that as compensation, any day.

(edited by neon.4863)

Lost Shores Compensation (skins)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ish.9726



As someone who followed that discussion in game, I also support the idea

Lost Shores Compensation (skins)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


lol. i like this idea.

Lost Shores Compensation (skins)

in Suggestions

Posted by: CO Raptor.2951

CO Raptor.2951

As the other side of the conversation, I heartily endorse this idea. An unintrusive but fun gesture, something current players can appreciate without future players feeling left behind—similar to the pre-order’s GW2 cap.

I particularly enjoy the though of the Consortium apologizing for the “inconvenience” they caused with an obnoxious t-shirt advertising their stuff. Seems to fit right into the lore :’)

Lost Shores Compensation (skins)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lyonard.3706


I was fairly disappointed with the Lost Shores as a whole, to the point where I just logged out for the rest of the weekend and found other things to occupy my time. I just got too fed up to care somewhere amid all the bugged sections, so I didn’t even get to open the big chest at the end. I honestly wouldn’t be adverse to some kind of t-shirt compensation like this, especially if I could still get it for only taking part in half the event.

Lost Shores Compensation (skins)

in Suggestions

Posted by: neon.4863


I figure if it were to happen it could be a free gem store item like the devil horns were during the Halloween event? It is a silly inconsequential item, so I don’t see why not make it available to everyone, or at least everyone who had an account when the event was taking place.