Lover's System?
I like it! My husband and I would have more reason to play together…. And that would be nice.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
honestly cant think of anything against it, except potential exploits that will get fixed anyway. the issue is probably going to be this: not a lot of people would want this..
i would not mind this being in game, but i probably will not use it.
Personally, I would not like to see this implemented in this game, mainly because I don’t want to receive a load of unwanted marriage requests from 12-year-old boys who seem to think that the fetching level 35 human female elementalist is actually being played by a girl (I’m a bloke and my characters are both genders).
Also, I don’t see why people who enter a virtual relationship should be put at an advantage (boons and bonuses) over those of us who have absolutely no interest whatsoever in forming a relationship, virtual or otherwise in an MMO unless it’s for RP purposes (even then, there should be no bonuses that can’t already be gained in a party group).
Finally, if such an option was made available, then it should include same-sex relationships. A lot of these games that include a lover/marriage system currently do not do this.
I think it would be really cool; have your own Wedding instance where parties can be invited & you have to fight something that tries to crash your wedding.. like a past enemy from your personal story.
If anything, you should get a “clouded judgement” debuff for being lovers – like, man, I played the Tiachren and Ysvelta storyline and love’s gonna mess you up and leave you a sad husk of a sylvari in need of a lot of therapy. I don’t even care if you’re a charr it’s still gonna happen, you’re gonna be empty sad leaves rustling across the cold, dead ground.
I could just barely see it as an RP thing, but it seems like RP people already have those kind of things covered and don’t really need an in-game system for that. They might like it yes – but it’s already covered by “brain space”, doesn’t really need to take up server space, too.
I could see something like a “wooing” mini-game for Valentine’s or something silly like that – along the lines of Belcher’s Bluff where you play against NPCs and other PCs. I could get behind that – it’s silly and fun and everyone could play (and you’d have to woo a burly male Norn regardless of race or sex, duh) and there would be no real material bonus to doing it except maybe a title or whatever.
I think for a game to be able to really use a mechanic like you describe, it would need to have been built around that type and level of player interaction. Not a coding issue, but a “character of the game” issue, to me at least. Just my rambling opinion.
Sorry no . Why should you get a bonus for being in a virtual relationship while others who dont bother with the system get boned?
NO to bonuses, it would cause players to form ‘relationships’ for no good reason.
YES to the system without bonuses. Another line under your name that indicates who you’re ‘married’ to. Another possible thing is to track your ’lover’’s position on the map. Party is blue dot, friendly is green dot, offensive is orange dot. Give lovers a pink dot on the map they can always see regardless of whether in the same party or not.
Then charge like 20-50g for the privilege in the same way that Commander tag users have to pay 100g. It needs to have a cost so that people won’t overspam it, and having another gold sink always helps in this age of inflation – but it should be cheaper than Commander tags since only the lovers can see each other, as opposed to tags which everyone and their cat can see.
For RP purposes this should be a soulbound trait handled similarly to character names, not an account-dependent one.
Also, if implementing, do make sure same-sex marriages are allowed. I mean, Caithe and Duchess Faolain clearly have something going on already, so it’s not exactly out of place…. and this will help greatly people IRL who use characters of alternate genders.
[Shinigami, NEC, WvW Condinuke] [Rekka, ELE, Fracs] [Tora, PS WAR] [Kageoni, THI] [Hayako, ENG]
(edited by Hayashi.3416)
Mhhhh … all in all I’m not really for it. But if then a “divorce” should be costly! grin
Seriously though, I don’t think this is a very good idea and will just either lead to a certain pressure of “getting a partner” or as already mentioned lots of “invitations”. I guess there could be an “always ignore lover invites” …
How about we just make it a title with no benefits and on top of that a “Happily fantasy world Single” or something for the others.
By all means I am for adding options for the RP crowd out there, they always do amazing stuff and organize things. Could even be used for machinimas.
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”
As an RP element I’m fine with it I enjoy a good RP every now and then but once you add bonuses that’s where I’m against it .
One way or another, I’m gonna bet that adding a marriage system would just incur a lot of spite from players – bonus or not.
Human population can’t be trusted to take something respectfully and maturely. Some yes, but more than enough that it might be best to avoid this altogether.
As one half of a married GW2 couple; I approve of this idea. I would love to have the ability to use a lover-summon or lover-port skill with like a 10 minute cooldown or something.
I loved this in Ragnarok Online and even with all of the young players in that game, no one sat around spamming you with marriage requests for in-game benefits. It really had no bad side effects to the game and was super cute, but very expensive – and if I recall, the divorce even more so. I’d love something like this sort of in-game partnership in Guild Wars 2.
yay this thread again…..
sec let me get my copy paste ready
Couple of Questions:
1) How do you address those who believe in Polygamy
2) How do you address those who wish for same sex marriages
3) What about divorces?
From a company stand point it would be very thin waters for anet or ncsoft to walk down. Any how way this would be implemented, you would end up alienating a section of the player base. Those who are in the LGBT community would be enraged if it was just man & woman. Those who are traditional or moderate will be upset for same sex marriage. Those who are raised in a polygamy culture will want to have 2-3 partners rather they be the same sex or different. Which may tick off the LGBT and the traditional community.
Anet and ncsoft would almost be forced to take a no stand until things smooth out in this heated debate. Dont get me wrong, i love your idea. Just with the current situation going on, I dont think there would be a way to pull it off without trashing a portion of the community.
Fort Aspenwood
I loved this in Ragnarok Online and even with all of the young players in that game, no one sat around spamming you with marriage requests for in-game benefits. It really had no bad side effects to the game and was super cute, but very expensive – and if I recall, the divorce even more so.
I’d love something like this sort of in-game partnership in Guild Wars 2.
RO marriage system is expensive, that’s why.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
yay this thread again…..
sec let me get my copy paste readyCouple of Questions:
1) How do you address those who believe in Polygamy
2) How do you address those who wish for same sex marriages
3) What about divorces?
First and foremost, this would only really function as an “account pairing” procedure. You link yourself to your lovers account, not character-to-character.
1) None of the races in game believe in Polygamy, and even those who do would most likely neither expect it or complain about it not being included. “I have 5 wives in real life therefore I think I should be able to have 5 wives in the game, cater to me!” I don’t think this is a realistic setback.
2) Why would they disallow same sex marriages in the game? I play female characters, as does my wife – but you would not know by looking at our chars which one of us was male/female if either of us were either gender. To add to that, the lore even supports same sex marriages. Marjory & Kasmeer are human lesbian lovers, and Caithe/Faolain were Sylvari lesbians. There are enough instances of same-sex couples in the lore and NPC dialog to suggest that ANet wouldn’t have an issue with it. Remember, this isn’t about whether players will be offended by it or not – otherwise they would not have included skimpy armors for the potential super-prude players.
3) What about divorces? Put them on a 1 month cooldown, require only one accounts permission to cancel, and go about your un-married way. No reason to make it a big deal.
Even though I don’t really RP myself, anything that adds to the RP aspect of the game I am in favor of.
Personally, I would not like to see this implemented in this game, mainly because I don’t want to receive a load of unwanted marriage requests from 12-year-old boys who seem to think that the fetching level 35 human female elementalist is actually being played by a girl (I’m a bloke and my characters are both genders).
I get enough guild invites on a daily basis. Bring on the marriage invites!
Goobersword Destroyer has invited you to join his guild!
Superdude Daman wants to marry you!
Legolas Unoriginal has invited you to join his guild!
Single Lonelymale wants to marry you!
gfeuygewnfgwf wants you to buy gold and lose access to your account!
Someguy Noname has invited you to join his guild!
Reallyreallyugly Charrface has invited you out to dinner and a movie!
You are now invisible.
(made up names)
I’m def. in favor for the lover’s system.
i know this is a bit of topic, this remind me of Gwen and Keiran Thackeray wedding celebration, in Guild Wars.. it was so beautiful and wonderful.
(edited by Burnfall.9573)
Now I want those wedding outfits, all of them …. but I don’t see the need for an extra “lover’s link.” Not with actual game play bonuses, anyway. Cosmetic things, sure.
In my guild we did a wedding last month, and a name change contract did all the linking needed.
A big, big +1 to a relationship system. This is something that almost every good MMO has, because it helps involved people enjoy the game better, and for uninvolved people to well, become involved. :P
However, please, no bonuses, unless it is something simple like being able to trade account bound items between you. Also, NO gender limits. I’ve seen some games with great relationship systems (like LUNA Online) that restrict by gender, kind of ruining the whole point of the system to begin with for half the player base. I mean, its a roleplay game afterall, not a political/religious ethics convention.
I’m usually really sweet… but this an internet forum and you know how it has to be.
/i’m a lesbiab… lesbiam… less bien… GIRLS/
. Also, NO gender limits. I’ve seen some games with great relationship systems (like LUNA Online) that restrict by gender, kind of ruining the whole point of the system to begin with for half the player base. I mean, its a roleplay game afterall, not a political/religious ethics convention.
While this may be true that wont stop the left or right wing nuts from going on CNN/FOX and any other platform they can think of the to trash the game industry for unfairness . If a kid eats a pop tart the wrong way its gonna be the game industries fault after all .
yay this thread again…..
sec let me get my copy paste readyCouple of Questions:
1) How do you address those who believe in Polygamy
2) How do you address those who wish for same sex marriages
3) What about divorces?First and foremost, this would only really function as an “account pairing” procedure. You link yourself to your lovers account, not character-to-character.
1) None of the races in game believe in Polygamy, and even those who do would most likely neither expect it or complain about it not being included. “I have 5 wives in real life therefore I think I should be able to have 5 wives in the game, cater to me!” I don’t think this is a realistic setback.
2) Why would they disallow same sex marriages in the game? I play female characters, as does my wife – but you would not know by looking at our chars which one of us was male/female if either of us were either gender. To add to that, the lore even supports same sex marriages. Marjory & Kasmeer are human lesbian lovers, and Caithe/Faolain were Sylvari lesbians. There are enough instances of same-sex couples in the lore and NPC dialog to suggest that ANet wouldn’t have an issue with it. Remember, this isn’t about whether players will be offended by it or not – otherwise they would not have included skimpy armors for the potential super-prude players.
3) What about divorces? Put them on a 1 month cooldown, require only one accounts permission to cancel, and go about your un-married way. No reason to make it a big deal.
on #2, ANET has flipped-flopped on their stances on this more times than Florida Gator fan living in Tallahassee. One week it’s all “ya they are lovers” next week its “no no, they aren’t lovers, sylvaris don’t have that type of romance”
You are still neglecting that same sex marriage is highly illegal in some countries which means that ANET would have to censor their game even more for those countries.
There is a reason that GW2 china is taking so long to develop…. they have to go back and remove everything that is socially and legally not allowed. (WoW Lich king anyone?)
As cute and cool as it is, and i support the idea, there is just no logical way that anet can pump this out while filtering the content to be legally acceptable in other countries.
I guess anet can ignore:
Russia 143.5 million people (anyone notice how upset the international community is that russia won’t allow homosexual athletes to participate in the olympics?)
Middle East 212 million people (beheading for being homosexual anyone? it is a capital offense punishable by death)
“but but but but its hinted at in the lore”
Can make the same technical argument about incest, but you don’t see me demanding content that allows me to have a romantic affair with a “family member”.
It’s too much of a grey area for anet to be messing with atm.
tdlr: Anet doesn’t have the time to fix small cosmetic bugs that have been in the game since launch, why do you want content added to the game that would have to be censored in order for other players in other countries to be able to play GW2?
Fort Aspenwood
in the end, the issue always come up. but Same Gender Marriages will cause issues with people. Simple as that.
thats why most developers leave such a feature out, or leave it in private instances.
I love this idea!!!!
The same sex marriage thing, anet has made a statement with it already, with Caithe at least and one Rata Sum female Asura npc who talks about her girlfriend.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.