Lower the cost of Tier 3 Cultural Armor

Lower the cost of Tier 3 Cultural Armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

It needs to be reverted back to karma like it was at the beginning. There was no reason to ever change it and was a very big mistake on their part.

~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

Lower the cost of Tier 3 Cultural Armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Twaddlefish.6537


When was it karma? In all the betas it was money.

Lower the cost of Tier 3 Cultural Armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kreslin.6832


119 golds for T3 armor, which is not even exotic, and has only one type of stats, is unfair.
It isn’t prestige armor, it’s racial armor, nothing more.
But will devs do something about it? I don’t know. I think, if they wanted, they would have done it already.
By the way, the karma price, would be much better.

Seize the day.

(edited by Kreslin.6832)

Lower the cost of Tier 3 Cultural Armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sonja.7951


I agree, lower the cost, 100 gold is way out of line. I am lvl 35 atm and i have been saving gold since i started playing, i haven’t spend a single copper on anything and i have almost 4 gold. I asked my lvl 80 friend how much did he menage to earn since he started playing (4+months) and he said around 30-ish, so 100 gold is insane price!

Lower the cost of Tier 3 Cultural Armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kreslin.6832


I’ve been playing since release and if I hadn’t spent money on different stuff, I would have had 40-50+ golds, which are a way, way too far from 119 golds. I could earn much more, than that, but I am a casual player. Only few of our guild mates have 100, 150, 200+ golds, but they are not casual, they were farming Fractals every day. My friend who have 200+ golds, running in 40 or 45+ fractals.

I’m not him, I’m a casual. I do several runs on dungeons in a weak, that’s it. And for me the price for t3 armor is a way to expansive. And it’s not even exotic, and have only one type of stats.

Gaining T3 armor set looks like typical grinding. Which is not right, GW2 is suppose to be without typical grinding.

If you have way earning money for T3 cultural armor, without grinding. So it wouldn’t be hard for us, casual players, please, share it with us.

Or at least, let Arena make T3 exotic with all types of stats we have in the game. In that case I would agree with difficulty. In that case, the price for T3 will be far enough.

Seize the day.

(edited by Kreslin.6832)

Lower the cost of Tier 3 Cultural Armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adine.2184


Im a pretty casual player and ive got a fair amount of cash on hand simply by salvaging the yellows and selling the ecto i get from them .

Lower the cost of Tier 3 Cultural Armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bishop.2690


I question the validity of some of these “casual” player claims. Personally I’ve logged over 1000 hours in 7 months (roughly 5 hours of gameplay per day). That to me is hardcore gaming, but I’ve approached the game very casually. I don’t farm, don’t play the TP, and just do fractal/dungeons as the mood strikes. In all that time I would say I have spent about 50g, and currently have about the same amount on hand. I would define a casual player as spending less than half that, maybe 2 hours or less per day on average in game. So that being said, its hard for me to believe that earning and saving the 119g you need for a full cultural set without resorting to farming or Trading Post arbitrage is within a true casual player’s reach.

And frankly I think looking good is most important to people who play casually, those Moms and Dads out there that can’t devote the time and energy into their gaming. Hardcore players, myself included, are normally about the raw stats and perks. There are many other ways players with gold, time, and expertise can distinguish themselves, cultural sets don’t have to be one.

I’d lower the price on tier3 by around 50% to 60g, announce it a month in advance and not refund players who have already purchased theirs (maybe offer them “feats”, titles, points, or whatever to assuage hard feelings). That still is a jump of about 8-9 times the price of a full tier2 (7.1g) for people who feel tier3 must remain a luxury. Moreover, you can buy the big ticket items at 15g or smaller ticket items at 6g, a month or two of work for casuals in my opinion. Result: many more players feel more engaged and motivated to save and complete their sets.

Time and effort still needs to be made, but you avoid the dissuasion from seeing the half year you spent in game adding up to less than half of your needed gold. Take that from personal experience. I gave up on cultural armor when I hit like 25g. Happier for it, but will always regret I couldn’t get one (though maybe not, the tier3 human male medium set is pretty meh).