Lowering the T3 Cultural Armor set cost

Lowering the T3 Cultural Armor set cost

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blizt.3086


I find it real ridiculous that every T3 Cultural Armor pieces cost at least more than 10g each.

T1 was relatively cheap, T2 was a bit more expensive, but even then T2’s price is only about 2.5 times that of T1’s price, it was still reasonable and acceptable.

Then when you tried to get the T3, T3’s price is about nearly 17 times of T2’s price! What the heck’s with the sudden skyrocket increase??

Let’s say today’s gold/gem exchange rate is 1:250, a full set of T3 armor set is 117g, that roughly equals 29250 gem. 800 gem = $10, so a full set of T3 armor set would be worth about $365…seriously? On a SINGLE set? I could like purchased 5 copies of Guild Wars 2 and still have some leftover!

Here’s some other comparisons:

A full set of Dungeon’s lvl 60~80 Exotic equips currently cost 1380 tokens not counting the weapons. Say the players acquire 20 tokens per run, so they would need to do 69 runs. And say each run costs about 20s on repairing, that would be roughly 13.8g.

Even if we took in the situation that players can sometimes failed the run and wasted money, and we doubled the cost, that’s still only 27.6g for the FULL SET, and we’re talking about Exotic, while the T3 Cultural Armor set is only Rare.

Right now, it just costs way too high. I don’t know if we would be able to make that kind of money around lvl 60~80, so you thought it was “ok”. Right now I’m only lvl 30 slowly enjoying the game while acquiring cool looking item, if I must and can only make good money when I’m that high level, feels like I’m being forced to rush to 80.

Something like 5-7g a piece would sounds more reasonable…

P.S. Oh, and I forgot to mention, I bought it for the look, not for the stat, I have already transmutated a few pieces of T1/T2 armor on my lvl 30 ones.

(edited by Blizt.3086)

Lowering the T3 Cultural Armor set cost

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeivu.3615


They are supposed to be an ‘Elite’ Skin. That’s the stance the team has taken to heart since GW1 – Rare Skins, not stats.

Lowering the T3 Cultural Armor set cost

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blizt.3086


Dungeon sets not only have good stat, but they also have rare skin, where are their stance on that then?

Not to mention recently they just announced they’re gonna increase the amount of tokens given to let players acquire the item more easily, what’s up with that? I don’t think Dungeon’s skin are any more inferior than Cultural’s, I just happened to have Cultural set as my aim and goal right now.

Lowering the T3 Cultural Armor set cost

in Suggestions

Posted by: Banewrath.5107


They are supposed to be an ‘Elite’ Skin. That’s the stance the team has taken to heart since GW1 – Rare Skins, not stats.

I could see if you had to go into a hard dungeon and kill a tough boss for them. But there isn`t anything “elite” about trying to make enough coin to get these sets.

To the op, take your time getting to 80. There isn`t a rush. Just playing through the storyline and doing events and hearts to 80 will only get you around 23 gold or so for all that playtime. You might be lucky if you make 10 gold off all the mats you aquire along the way. So that`s 33 gold toward the set. Enough for almost 3 parts of 80 set. The other 50ish gold you`ll need will turn out to just be a grindfest in which you will lose interest in pretty quickly.

Lowering the T3 Cultural Armor set cost

in Suggestions

Posted by: Joanna.6589


I must say i agree Tier 3 isnt even exotic…. kinda stupid :P

Lowering the T3 Cultural Armor set cost

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crica.1503


OP is mad he can’t buy a set of gear as soon as he decides he wants it and is throwing a tantrum – nothing to see here…

PS: so what if it takes 6 months to buy the set of gear, OP, are you afraid the GW2 servers will shut down before then or something?

If I don’t like it, I won’t do it.

Lowering the T3 Cultural Armor set cost

in Suggestions

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


price is fine, it would be useless if anyone could afford it in an eyeblink. If you farm 5g a day you can buy it in less than a month.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Lowering the T3 Cultural Armor set cost

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bravix.3497


I like the price for them, so long as they team doesn’t drop the price later. I’d hate to buy it and then have them lower the price.

Lowering the T3 Cultural Armor set cost

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adine.2184


T3 Cultural is like FoW armor in Guild Wars 1 in my opinion . It’s the "look at me im rich " armor and is uber expensive for a reason

Lowering the T3 Cultural Armor set cost

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blizt.3086


price is fine, it would be useless if anyone could afford it in an eyeblink. If you farm 5g a day you can buy it in less than a month.

And care to share how you earn 5g a day? I could barely made 3g from selling a crap load of materials I saved up over the weeks…

And in what way would it be useless if people can get it fast? I don’t really care if others are wearing the same stuff, as long as I’m happy with my own look.

Lowering the T3 Cultural Armor set cost

in Suggestions

Posted by: Banewrath.5107


price is fine, it would be useless if anyone could afford it in an eyeblink. If you farm 5g a day you can buy it in less than a month.

I fail to see your logic really. The armor is pretty much useless. It`s only there for cosmetic purpose.

Tier 1 Breastplate – 80 Silver
Tier 2 Breastplate – 2 Gold
Tier 3 Breastplate – 30 Gold

Pretty big jump in price for a game that is supposed to be all about fun and no grind. I could farm for 8 hours straight and not even make close to 5 gold per day. Especially not on a server where 99% of the orders for items are listed for below vendor value and the other 1% are wanted for 1 copper over vendor value.

Lowering the T3 Cultural Armor set cost

in Suggestions

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


if you cant make 5g in 8 hours you are doing something wrong.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Lowering the T3 Cultural Armor set cost

in Suggestions

Posted by: Animatus.6197


if you cant make 5g in 8 hours you are doing something wrong.

please enlighten me to this secret of yours, I have magic find gear and just hit 80 and would love to know where you do this

Lowering the T3 Cultural Armor set cost

in Suggestions

Posted by: Banewrath.5107


if you cant make 5g in 8 hours you are doing something wrong.

Yeah really, I hit every node I see and save every drop till all my bags are full. Then I open up the tp to sell and see what I can make. This is what I see.

Normal blue item
Vendor price 46 copper
46 normal blue items ordered by 6 buyers for 20 copper a pop
4658 normal blue items being sold on the tp for 47 copper a pop

Mithril Ore
Over 1000 in stock for 20 copper a shot
Multiple orders ranging from 5-10 copper a part

Ori Ore
Over 1000 in stock ranging from 3-99 silver per.

The only thing you make decent silver on is yellows since they sell for 15-50 silver if someone needs them. Consider yourself lucky if you find one per day. High lvl scales, bloods, sacks,bones go for decent coin and are pretty rare drops so you might be lucky if you find a few per day. Since the antifarm coding you get less drops now. But 3/4 of all the stuff you do get is worthless because its overflow and nobody wants it or wants to pay a honest price for it.

What exactly is your secret to making 5 gold a day though. I`m sure plenty of people want to know as well.

(edited by Banewrath.5107)

Lowering the T3 Cultural Armor set cost

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crica.1503


if you cant make 5g in 8 hours you are doing something wrong.

this is a troll…

do not feed the trolls…

thank you

If I don’t like it, I won’t do it.

Lowering the T3 Cultural Armor set cost

in Suggestions

Posted by: Echo.7634


I kinda agree. The costs are pretty outrageous.

I can’t make 5g in 8 hours. Please share!

Lowering the T3 Cultural Armor set cost

in Suggestions

Posted by: ounkeo.9138


if you cant make 5g in 8 hours you are doing something wrong.

this is a troll…

do not feed the trolls…

thank you

well, the way he put it is pretty trollish. Playing normally as designed, you’ll be lucky if you can make 1 gold. Likely your balance will be effectively flat.

However, you can make 5G on average per day by Event farming in Orr, sell everything to the NPC vendor. Sell any yellow items to trading post.

For example, on Saturday, i played 14 hours and made somewhere around 2.5G. Gathering nodes (and selling it to trading post), crafting a bit, playing the trading post a bit, went to help my wife in the low level zones a bit, died a lot to overtuned low level events and doing roughly about 80 events (admittedly, normal players aren’t going to be doing 80 events per day).

On Sunday, I logged into Orr at 4pm till midnight (8 hours) and from trash loot, event coin and random yellow drops, I made about 5G. But that was farming the event every time it came up, speed to the next event etc… It’s also mind-numbingly boring even by my standards (I like to farm).

It’s also not realistic to expect normal people to do this to make that kind of money. It means you forgo everything else just to earn money. Even your crafting material go up to the trading post, if you can find the time to gather nodes in between events. Most people playing as designed, will take about a year to earn 100G, if even that.

the cost is pretty dissappointing considering the type of game this is supposed to be.

Lowering the T3 Cultural Armor set cost

in Suggestions

Posted by: mokaiba.4169


if you cant make 5g in 8 hours you are doing something wrong.

Yeah really, I hit every node I see and save every drop till all my bags are full. Then I open up the tp to sell and see what I can make. This is what I see.

Normal blue item
Vendor price 46 copper
46 normal blue items ordered by 6 buyers for 20 copper a pop
4658 normal blue items being sold on the tp for 47 copper a pop

Mithril Ore
Over 1000 in stock for 20 copper a shot
Multiple orders ranging from 5-10 copper a part

Ori Ore
Over 1000 in stock ranging from 3-99 silver per.

The only thing you make decent silver on is yellows since they sell for 15-50 silver if someone needs them. Consider yourself lucky if you find one per day. High lvl scales, bloods, sacks,bones go for decent coin and are pretty rare drops so you might be lucky if you find a few per day. Since the antifarm coding you get less drops now. But 3/4 of all the stuff you do get is worthless because its overflow and nobody wants it or wants to pay a honest price for it.

What exactly is your secret to making 5 gold a day though. I`m sure plenty of people want to know as well.

I make an average of 1g (1-2hrs) doing this when I want to make gold:

Very important —> Ignore dungeons and events; run around 1-15 zones and 15-25 zones. Do not stay in any particular zone for more than 30 minutes. When in a zone, just run a straight line killing everything in sight until you reach the end of the zone then run in another direction.

1. Cut down every tree and gather everything you come across. When you have a stack of an item or you’re done for the day, sell them to buy orders on the trader.

2. Salvage everything except Masterwork and above then sell the mats you get at the end of your game day (when inventory is full just do deposit collectibles). When you get a masterwork and above, check the trader and if you cannot get more than 1s for it then salvage it, otherwise sell it to a buy order.

(edited by mokaiba.4169)

Lowering the T3 Cultural Armor set cost

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tehownya.3580


I Rushed to the T3 Human set Vendor at 80 going “oh Boy, Oh Boy what can i get with my 4g earned from 1-80” only to have my jaw dropped on the prices and then decided “The Order Of Whispers Gear Looks just as Cool, and the stats are roughly the same” then bought me The OoW Chest piece and Boots and still had 75s for my Way-pointing and Repairs!

Lower The Darn Price or Make the Gears Stats more worth it!

(edited by Tehownya.3580)

Lowering the T3 Cultural Armor set cost

in Suggestions

Posted by: Turial.1293


Am I the only player who doesn’t want level 80 in my first week of playing, who doesn’t want all dungeon armor in 2-3 weeks and who doesn’t want my legendary after 4 weeks? Why is everyone rushing, enjoy the game.

EDIT: The problem is that you were all spoiled by having servers that level you to max in an hour cough WoW cough

“Some of my best friends are heterosexual”

Lowering the T3 Cultural Armor set cost

in Suggestions

Posted by: ReinoudM.5931


The amount of gold sinks are too high…

Lowering the T3 Cultural Armor set cost

in Suggestions

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


I dont know, I easily make 5g+ a day farming dungeons. Sometimes even 10g if anything rare drops.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Lowering the T3 Cultural Armor set cost

in Suggestions

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


I dont know, I easily make 5g+ a day farming dungeons. Sometimes even 10g if anything rare drops.

Not everyone likes to do the same dungeon over and over.Money found from mobs should also be inreased,repeating the same dungeons over and over was what made me quit other mmo’s.The armor should be available to all,not to the people that obviously have hours more to play then other people that could never have a chance at getting a piece of armor like that due to them just not being able to make enough since they cant play that much,and while they do play they dont want to farm theirkitten off all the time but actually want to have some fun.Coming home from work to have some fun in a game,ending up farming,doing something Job like,isnt my way of relaxing.

Lowering the T3 Cultural Armor set cost

in Suggestions

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


There are enough armors avaible which are easy to get. This is an MMORPG. Do you expect everything to be easy to get? If you dont want to save up a measily 120g go for another armor set. Noone forcing to get that specific set.
Whats next, complaining legendary weapons cost 500g+ 1mio karma worth of materials EACH?
There have to be some goals you cant reach in a handful of days, especially if you dont play much.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Lowering the T3 Cultural Armor set cost

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tehownya.3580


Am I the only player who doesn’t want level 80 in my first week of playing, who doesn’t want all dungeon armor in 2-3 weeks and who doesn’t want my legendary after 4 weeks? Why is everyone rushing, enjoy the game.

EDIT: The problem is that you were all spoiled by having servers that level you to max in an hour cough WoW cough

I Didn’t Rush to 80, I Rushed to the vendor. Jeez man read things right.

Lowering the T3 Cultural Armor set cost

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kyma Grey.9410

Kyma Grey.9410

Did you also calculate how much you have to pay for a legendary weapon, in $ or €?

1 x legd. weapon will cost you (if you farm/grind everything yourself) about 400gold + hours of enjoyment, that´s about 1400€ (1 ingame gold = 3€ 50(ca. 5$) , 800 gems 10€ = worth 2g 84s).

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Lowering the T3 Cultural Armor set cost

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

Price is fine if it’s an elite skin. But why is it rare and not exotic? If you spend 100g, I think you deserve level 80 exotic armor…

Lowering the T3 Cultural Armor set cost

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bravix.3497


Price is fine if it’s an elite skin. But why is it rare and not exotic? If you spend 100g, I think you deserve level 80 exotic armor…

If you can afford the armor, you can afford to transmute it with something better

By the time I have the full set of Seraph armor, I’ll have enough Orich to make a exotic draconian set. Then all I gotta do is transmute!

Lowering the T3 Cultural Armor set cost

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ox See Sox.3687

Ox See Sox.3687

What i believe we lack is “Normal” Cultural skins. I played all chars so far. And the human one is the only that seems “human”.
If u notice the NPC’s all have their normal/ugly/beauty/elite armor but it is Cultural related.
U create a Charr, for example, and wear Coat, Pants and Gloves. GW1 and GW2 ALL the NPC chars arent like this. They have normal cultural stuff.
We can trasmute cultural skin to our exotic indeed. But just 2 “fair” transmutes are available.
With human u have TONS of Cultura skin in the whole game.
The other races just dont.
Norn/Charr dont wear cloth. Neither Sylvari, they wear PLANT, not metal.

VOTE: More “normal” cultural skins. Available at least once by 10 level. So u can feel any progressing while u play the game. And IF u want elite, u save the 30g thing.

Brains > Brawls
So Much Blur

Lowering the T3 Cultural Armor set cost

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ox See Sox.3687

Ox See Sox.3687

If u will trasmute every armor u get using T1/T2 u MUST be rich lol.
So, only RICH ppl can suit up like its RACE??
Normal cultural stuff please.

Brains > Brawls
So Much Blur

Lowering the T3 Cultural Armor set cost

in Suggestions

Posted by: ExTribble.7108


Can we please keep cultural armor as the shiny, super-expensive-armor-of-doom for those of us who care to have long-term goals? As Adine said, this is the GW2 equivalent of GW1’s FoW armor. To be honest, I thought the OoW/Vigil/Priory gear would also be priced this way (prior to release), but I guessed wrong.

But, I must agree the fact it’s only “rare” quality is kind of a bummer and makes it only worth transmuting with your better gear. If there are any changes to be made, its making the change from rare to exotic quality so that it’s a useful set on its own. Not cheapening the price.

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Lowering the T3 Cultural Armor set cost

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shard.4791


Compare the cost to commander book. Plenty of people have those already. Come on. It’s tier THREE. The final tier. One of the best looking armor sets in vanilla GW2. I’m happy the price isn’t any higher.

Mm. I like turtles.

Lowering the T3 Cultural Armor set cost

in Suggestions

Posted by: SHM.7628


Even though the prices are insane, I don’t mind it beacuse its a skin item. If people want to farm for skins then let them. Would I buy it? Hell no. Still, I understand why it is there.

On the other hand, They could halve the price (or more) and it would still be a heck of a grind to get

Lowering the T3 Cultural Armor set cost

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


The only GOOD looking Med Armor for Males is the T3 Cultural Ninja armor.. :/ and the berserkers one…

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Lowering the T3 Cultural Armor set cost

in Suggestions

Posted by: Derek.9254


i legit make 10g+ a day from just farming i dont know how you guys are having trouble making 5g. Just salvage items and sell ecto……
