It’s easy enough to get around.
I love mounts and I bet Anet would make the most awesome looking mounts ever. However, I don’t think they would fit into this game because in the high level areas, there are way too many mobs to ride past. You would get knocked off non-stop.
-Mike Obrien, President of Arenanet
We already have waypoints to get around faster making mounts obsolete
As much as I like the idea of mounts in MMOs generally, I don’t see a need for them in GW2 and the resources required to implement them would be better spent elsewhere.
There is already thread about this
please go there to discuss.
“The best defense is a strong offense.”
I know some ppl like them and some do not. If you dont like them then dont use them and let those that like them use them. Some ppl dont like something and they think no one should use it. Thats selfish. Read sentence 2.
good god stick to one of these sleezy topics and stop bringing up new ones.
Pro Tip: Type Mounts in forum search bar and you’ll find the dozen or so topics on this. Post there…
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
No. Hope it never happens.
we already have tons of waypoints even if mounts were introduced they wouldn’t be used for travelling at all maybe only for looks I’d say.
travelling costs are not really that high and tbh why would I ride a mount for 5 minutes when I can instant travel there via WP.
Implementing mounts would make people fat and lazy WoW players.
No ty.