Mac and OSX users
Also, if you have Windows you could install BootCamp on your Mac as well. I believe that they would have to re-write their whole graphics engine for OpenGL to support the Mac specifically, so they targeted Windows. I am primarily a Linux user but keep a Mac Mini running Windows hooked up to my TV for games like Guild Wars 2 since that works nicely for me. Using Guild Wars 2 through Wine on Mac OS X, your mileage may vary. I tried it on my netbook running Linux using Wine and it was terrible but that probably says more about my netbook than Guild Wars 2.
As far as I’ve understood they’re not going to make any OS X client any time soon. They would have to do an excessive amount of programming to convert it to OS X, but I think it would be worth it for them.
Blizzard have understood that the constantly growing market share of Mac users are going to have an impact on gamers. I for one would love to say goodbye to Windows as I just don’t like the OS, but for now I have Windows 7 installed via Boot Camp on my Mac.
I think it’s a cheap and lousy way for developers to just say: Install win7 via BootCamp on your Mac and you’ll be able to play our game. The developers should not put the responsibility in the hand of the users, they should take action themselves and create an OS X client.
I’m not asking for a client any time soon as it would take some time to create one, and I know GW2 is in an early state, and right now they should focus on sorting out the bugs and balancing the game.
In time I would love to see a client for my Mac.
Today you have gotten your answer… it is here!
Server: Ehmry Bay
Guild: Raiders of the Four Lakes [ROFL]