Magic Find %

Magic Find %

in Suggestions

Posted by: FaMiNE.1930


Should be implemented underneath your stat line to tell you your magic find %.

Attack; 2033
Critical Damage: 2033
Defense: 2033
Armor: 2033
Magic Find: 140% ?

Magic Find %

in Suggestions

Posted by: poe lyfe.5879

poe lyfe.5879

agree why the hell is this stat never displayed

Wintersday is for the Charr, also Meatober.

Magic Find %

in Suggestions

Posted by: DarkWasp.7291


The stat is there, you just need magic to find it

Actually no, yeah I agree

^ Uses Guild Wars 2 character screenshots for desktop wallpapers.

Magic Find %

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yarrmor.8406


I don’t see a big problem on both sides. It’s only a simple adding. On the other hand. That wouldn’t make it to hard to implement. I’m fine as it is now, but wouldn’t mind having it added.

Magic Find %

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nox Aeterna.2965

Nox Aeterna.2965

Well , it is a stat , so i think it makes sense it should get a display like the others.

Gear Grind: Confirmed – Searching New MMO: Found – Changing MMO: Waiting Launch

Magic Find %

in Suggestions

Posted by: Squirrelbane.2510


It’s not a core stat, so no.
They’d have to put condition damage etc in their too. Too many numbers and too confusing.

Magic Find %

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alyssa.3419


Condition Damage is already there, hover the cursor over Attack.

There’s been some speculation from a statement in the strategy guide that there are hidden bonuses to magic find by partying, but it’d still be nice to at least see the cumulative magic find bonus from equipment/food/nutrition/banner buffs anyway.

Magic Find %

in Suggestions

Posted by: powercore.7021


agreed- if the gear gives you magic find, i feel it should be listed as a stat .. even if its not a combat effective stat.
and how is a stat that says magic find too confusing?

Magic Find %

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nappychappy.7046


MF is a boring stat to start with. I mean we all play these games for different reasons, but I feel that a lot of us rather be surprised by good ’ole fashioned RNG, rather than stacking gear that sucks so we can enhance our odds, I use Pirate, and a +.6% sigil and make out just as good, or better than my farming partners who stack as much as possible. I honestly think MF is a poor attempt to sell gems, so people can convert it to gold and make bigger bags, buy more bag slots and more bank space.

Between all the crap you get (boosters ect) from chests, plus the chests, food, gathering, salvaging, extra weapons and of course another armor set.

It’s fine having a tank set and a dps set, but a set for MF… /smh

You are using 21 of 100 infractions ermm, PMs.

Magic Find %

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ponytales.7264


It might be a boring stat for some, while it’s an interesting stat for others.

I would also like to see a % stat in my stat line.


Magic Find %

in Suggestions

Posted by: cholera.3560


Magic Find is not a “normal” stat used in “normal” gameplay. It’s more like a bonus one.
Besides you can sum up your mf without a problem anyway.

Magic Find %

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arcanorum Ignis.9218

Arcanorum Ignis.9218

I agree.

Also, some more info on what MF actually does… Some numbers or figures of chances would be nice.

Magic Find %

in Suggestions

Posted by: theerrantventure.9185


+1 This stat should be listed.

Trolls are like stray cats.
Feed them and they multiply.
Please do not feed them.

Magic Find %

in Suggestions

Posted by: Quillaia.7823


Of course this should be listed. Pls.

Magic Find %

in Suggestions

Posted by: BobbyK.9730


I agree that it should be listed.

And I for one like being able to decide whether to gear for it or not. I have a farming character that stacks a boatload of it, then I have other characters that are pure dps.

And to Nappychappy, I guarantee I get way better loot than you, sorry bout your friends luck and assumptions not based on statistics.

Magic Find %

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adine.2184


I don’t see a big problem on both sides. It’s only a simple adding.

i don’t think it is additive actually .

Magic Find %

in Suggestions

Posted by: Archmortal.1027


I agree.

Also, some more info on what MF actually does… Some numbers or figures of chances would be nice.

Magic Find seems pretty clear already:
Base Drop % + (Base % * MF ) = New Drop %
+ (10% * 50% MF) = 10% + 5% = 15%

I agree that the base magic find given by Armor should be displayed somewhere on the character sheet. No need to get messy with it and show hidden bonuses from partying/events or the buff from sigils (though sigils could stand to show the value when the buff icon is moused over – all sigils, not just MF). Just show the fixed amount given by armor, runes and trinkets.

If they’ve programmed Magic Find as a background stat across the board though this might be difficult and not worth the time.

I don’t see a big problem on both sides. It’s only a simple adding.

i don’t think it is additive actually .

If it weren’t additive there would be no sense in numbers like Major Rune of the Pirate. 13% bonus and 7% bonus that sum to 20%. If the bonuses aren’t additive this would be needlessly messy and obtuse.

(edited by Archmortal.1027)