Magic find and keeping the user base.
“I run high magic find on my characters but I also balance them for excellent damage potential.”
You can have an even higher damage potential if they don’t swap out a useful stat for a selfish one.. and do even more damage
MF is a stupid reason to quit GW2 if it’s purely that reason then I’m sure you don’t love it as much as you think
Unfortunately there is no legitimate way to gauge that. The best they could do is give people who have MF gear at X time, in which case everyone would make as much MF gear as they can and buy as much as they can fill their bags with to get them.
That’s not ok.
I mean these as suggestions.
They are going to have to convert every item. During the conversion they could just keep a tally for items changed. That is simple.
For the runes, easy, just give the option for runes being used on current armor when they change over.
I run runes for magic and armor for damage. This is balanced. I also use consumables to spike better condition than anyone else I run with in game.
As for my love of the game. Love is subjective. If a love in your life keeps changing the parts you have fostered over time love can turn sour.
Magic items equipped at time of the update for determining bonus Magic find to your account.
Runes equipped at time of the update to give option for new soul bound runes for each previous magic find based rune.
These are simple implementations that would go a long way to making a fair change to the system.
what you’re saying is kinda silly…
a. if they simply just said they would make it so that w/e MF u have right before you logout of the game before the update will become the new MF you have accountwide…because then EVERYONE would just buy cheap MF gear and start with a 150%+ MF, and completely ruin the system. By letting people chose the rune of their choice is silly..they’re already gonna let you chose the stat of your choice for your gear, and all it would mean is that people would buy cheap MF runes nows, so that when the update comes, POOF, suddenly they can chose to have full divinity runes or the such for 1/10 of the price. We’re all sorry that you won’t be able to farm invasions, or dungs or w/e with high MF gear…but it’s the way of games. If you leave the game because you’re ability to farm exotics is reduced slightly well…shows how much you really loved the game.
I dont think ppl are going to leave just because magic find is changed.
Your here DEMANDING things instead of suggesting a alternative.
Dont be so self intitled the world does not revolve arounds you…
I invested plenty of time into magic find and ive always hated the concept.Now here wat you should be asking for.
For those of use who have invested countless hours into, the soon to be out dated magic find system, we would love to see some sort of compensasion.My suggestion
A consumable be given that boost magic find for a certain amount of time for each piece of gear we spent time on to get. Or something along those lines.Ppl that go around saying ‘YOU OWE ME’ well you deserve nothing.
I am going to agree with this statement by Alamore. All the developers have done is removed magic find, which has 0 benefit in combat, from the combat system and allowed us to use it without compromising. The truth here is this thread is a rant because someone invested a lot of money into magic find. I invested a lot of effort to get the Golden Lotus and the associated magic find infusion. But, you know what? Logically your complaint is a bad one. I am willing to give up my 20% infusion for something better, the ability to use other stats without the magic find. Me, I play support and always have, I was monk all the way in GW1. I loved using skills that were different, had utility, and could do something other than kill with. That’s why I made a Giver’s set of exotics, so I could have boon duration buffs and play a boon build. Its not ideal, and won’t win me friends, but its unique. I was really agonizing over the golden lotus, and now I don’t have to anymore. I can focus on boon duration now. My hope is that the new platinum doubloons will let me push boon duration higher than 2% on an accessory, to like 3-4% per piece so I can actually feel equal to players running “optimized” builds.
So, my final word: thank you ArenaNet for making my decisions easier. No complaints from me, the mild effort required to replace runes is miniscule compared to the enhanced gameplay this offers.
I’m pretty new to the game, and don’t know enough about this system to truly discuss the details, but as I read through the latest notes about magic find, I can’t help but respond to:
“There is a wide range of opinions on the best way to go and what’s acceptable in a group….”
The reason I left UO, and DAoC, and WoW, etc. is because the prevailing attitude of the game developers is that a difference of opinion on the best way to go is a bad thing. One by one, each option in each game was removed, each different opinion was quashed, until everyone had the same opinion on “the best way to go.”
And then everyone went the same way, played the same way, and the playing field was perfectly level. And boring. A sad illustration is in DAoC, where a ranger tries to fire an arrow too quickly, and is greeted with “you must wait to cast that spell again!” Devs actually admitted that they just copied/pasted the entire spellcasting system into the ranger system. Way to make a player feel unique.
I REALLY hope that doesn’t happen here. I REALLY hope that Guild Wars continues to offer more and MORE possibilities, differences of opinion, multiple “ways to go.” Let those of us who see challenges as opportunities to succeed do exactly that.
The idea of providing soulbound runes instead of open ones was so as to not affect the auction rate of the items. Perhaps offering unbound copies of any other dungeon rune would be a better option. I had to grind CM for these runes. I wouldn’t say it was fun but I did it for the betterment of my character. There is no reason to punish players by arbitrarily changing restricted items from the game.
Magic Find is for some of us how we afford even the most basic of gear. It takes a lot of in game currency to craft the armor you want and the weapons you need. People like my self had to balance combat effectiveness with the requirement to have good gear. The game did not suffer for having magic find as it is. They could simply stop making any new magic find items and leave the old ones as are but account bound so the people who want it could keep it. Instead they decided to TAKE from the players and remove the choice many of us have made.
That is wrong at this stage in the game. Many of us have worked very hard to get our gear. It is not a selfishness issue, it’s a what is right issue.
All I am saying is they really should have other options for those of us who don’t have the time or ability to reacquire the items we will now need. I hope beyond hope that the devs will offer more appropriate compensation for the trouble they are causing fixing a problem that was in every way not an actual problem. I maxed my dps on conditions and still had very high MF and others could have also found a balance to their builds, this type of overhaul is just damaging in every way to the community.
They could simply stop making any new magic find items and leave the old ones as are but account bound so the people who want it could keep it. Instead they decided to TAKE from the players and remove the choice many of us have made.
Leviathan, I disagree with you because of one simple point: Advantage. Lets say having an all magic find gear gives you 100 magic find. You combine this with 300 for the account and another 100-150 for consumables in the more extreme cases. At the end of the day, no one who wasn’t there early on gets those things.
Its just like with the mystic forge conduit. It was a formula item that was available for about a month after release. Most of us weren’t even aware you could MAKE your own permanent mystic forge conduit that could be used again and again. Since then, those who made them have profited hugely from lack of supply and insane inflation. I hold hope that this will be fair later when they re-add this item to the game. Gem store or farming for ingredients, I am cool with either. But see, in the case of magic find, this is different; never again will people be able to acquire that armor. Down the road, it would be an extremely beneficial item providing imbalanced benefits to those few who kept theirs over those who don’t get the “good drops” as often. The conduit I am confident will come back, otherwise that would be an unfair quality of life benefit to conduit owners; magic find armor would absolutely be unfair. That’s why we can’t keep it. Stop thinking short term Leviathan. Developers have to look at whats fair to a community, not to the individuals that are hurt. Thats why they call the shots at the end of the day.
Good point.
Simple. Limit total non consumable MF to 300. Gives incentive to old armor ppl to raise their account rating so as to free up armor stats and won’t give them an unfair advantage.