Mail System needs 2 BIG changes

Mail System needs 2 BIG changes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cichard.6108


First stop changing the sending to name. If i type in a name and then go to inventory and click items Mail to it will change the name to people near me. This is horrible i accidently sent 5g worth of stuff to the wrong person. I know why this feature is there so you can target someone and do Mail to for easier time with sending items. But if a name is already typed in it should not over write that.

Second if you are going to have such a suppression on mails to combat gold spammers(which is good idea) You need to let us have more item slots when mailing stuff. Im a crafter and I am able to make every piece of armor. Which takes 3 mails to send everything. Armor rings earrings amulet weapons water weapons runes sigils. By the time i send half of that im suppressed and cant mail anything more. Give us at least 20 slots to send stuff to people.

Thank you!

Mail System needs 2 BIG changes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Druu.9604


+1, I hope that these changes will be made.

Mail System needs 2 BIG changes

in Suggestions

Posted by: curtegg.5216


Echo Cichard’s recommendations.

Mail System needs 2 BIG changes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Beast.9516


I clicked the +1 button, what does that do? But I totally agree big time.

Beast [Beastess Isdottir][Meilikki Isdottir][Kaunista Illusio][Savant Bixxie]
Aspiring Brotherhood [PACT]
Fort Aspenwood

Mail System needs 2 BIG changes

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


I tried to send a mail to everyone in my guild and I ran into a time limit/repeat message issue. Stop this! I know you think that somehow you are foiling spammers, but all you are really doing is annoying your paying customers. I know I am not the only one who feels this way, because I have read it before in this forum.

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Mail System needs 2 BIG changes

in Suggestions

Posted by: CaptainOok.1048


First stop changing the sending to name. If i type in a name and then go to inventory and click items Mail to it will change the name to people near me. This is horrible i accidently sent 5g worth of stuff to the wrong person. I know why this feature is there so you can target someone and do Mail to for easier time with sending items. But if a name is already typed in it should not over write that.

Didn’t quite understand what you did. Sounds more like a bug. Should be fixed.

Second if you are going to have such a suppression on mails to combat gold spammers(which is good idea) You need to let us have more item slots when mailing stuff. Im a crafter and I am able to make every piece of armor. Which takes 3 mails to send everything. Armor rings earrings amulet weapons water weapons runes sigils. By the time i send half of that im suppressed and cant mail anything more. Give us at least 20 slots to send stuff to people.

Agreed. People should only get suppressed when they are reported. And I could definitely use more item slots per mail.

Mail System needs 2 BIG changes

in Suggestions

Posted by: arumenn.6985


I agree!

I sent mats to one of my friends so he could craft me bags and it was lost in mail.