Make Guild MoTD actually editable
I second that suggestion.
It is rather annoying that you cannot edit the MotD to correct either typos, or content.
Further / alternatively an option to delete a MotD would be really helpful e.g. for dealing with inappropriate posting that will show up in the MotD history ad infinitum otherwise.
Yes, this is very important +1, as it is suggested many times before.
This STILL remains something that needs to be done. This is a feature of about every triple-A MMO, and something that increases guild-cohesiveness; in turn increasing player retention. How about rolling out 1 less “exciting” content update some month, and making some necessary changes to the interface? Heck, make it a pay option and I’ll toss you $5-10 to get it. I wager just about every other guildleader would as well.
Please fix this a-net! I posted about this the other day, saw this message just now, and the original post is 8 months old! End this!
at the very least let the “new message” window be movable around the screen so I can see what is behind it. >_<