Make Karma Account Bound
I’ve suggested multiple times to make Karma and SP shared between all alts.
Gold should also be easily shared without having to use the bank. (like in Diablo 3)
Definitely no. Karma is awarded and spent based on your characters influence in the area. A new character doesn’t have that influence because it has not done anything in that area. The most stretch i’d see being useful would be like buying account bound karma tokens so you can transfer say 500 karma at the cost of like 1000 karma.
“brokeit: Definitely no. Karma is awarded and spent based on your characters influence in the area. A new character doesn’t have that influence because it has not done anything in that area. The most stretch i’d see being useful would be like buying account bound karma tokens so you can transfer say 500 karma at the cost of like 1000 karma.”
I don’t see how karma has anything to do with “areas” at all. I can earn 100000000000000 Karma in the starter zone and go spend it in the level 80 Zone if I want to. The only requirement is that you’re able to physically get to the Karma vendor.
Karma is awarded and spent based on your characters influence in the area.
yeah, I definitely have influenced the area when I did a lot of events in the zone before..
it’s a currency like any other, you just accumulate it via events only (so much for gaining karma helping people with their personal story). having to grind it with one char only to buy stuff that’s ACCOUNT BOUND makes absolutely no sense.
Totally agree. Make karma account-bound.
It would be very helpful for rerolls. For example, when you want to buy a level 40 karma weapon, you never have the required karma on your level 40 character. But you have hundred of thousands of karma on your main.
Plus, the class you play the most because you enjoy it, is not necessarily the one with the most beautiful armors.
posted twice about this and i agree karma should be account wide no reason not to
My point was karma by its basic definition is a reward for your good deeds. That is YOUR good deeds, if you do something good your friend/relative/alt does not get the same reward. Sure its treated as a type of currency but has a different meaning that gold.
My point was karma by its basic definition is a reward for your good deeds. That is YOUR good deeds, if you do something good your friend/relative/alt does not get the same reward. Sure its treated as a type of currency but has a different meaning that gold.
You can already buy a Karma item and transfer it to another character, so why are you personally against making Karma account bound, as well?
And it’s still YOU behind the character. An analogy such as the one you’ve used doesn’t work, because it has no place here, it’s apples to oranges. Not to mention, if you do a good deed and get rewarded, you can choose what to do with that reward — including giving it to a friend/relative.
And it’s still YOU behind the character. An analogy such as the one you’ve used doesn’t work, because it has no place here, it’s apples to oranges. Not to mention, if you do a good deed and get rewarded, you can choose what to do with that reward — including giving it to a friend/relative.
That is the error in your thinking. From the perspective of the game….you are not being rewarded, your character is. The key element in this type of game is “Roleplaying”. And again think of the basic definition of karma, I know no one in history has ever said “I have just done a good deed, I wish you to have all rewards tangible or otherwise bestowed on you instead of me”.
No, from the perspective of the game and its mechanics, YOU are being rewarded, not your character. This is reinforced by the fact that many Karma items are account bound, rather than character-specific.
As for the bit about roleplay: yes, the game is a fantasy RPG and MMO, but not everyone who plays the game plays it for the story or to roleplay, and mechanics will trump roleplay every time. Roleplay, I’m afraid, has absolutely no bearing on the Karma mechanic unless you want it to, but please don’t try to enforce that on everyone else.
@brokeit.8346 what does it cost you if they make karma account bound ? u can still RP that only that character your playing is earning it.
it was a silly move of anet to make it soul bound like dungeon tokens they seen their error on tokens so fingers crossed karma is next and there is no advantage in it as your still need to be the required lvl to use/wear the gear so whats the issue ?
This is reinforced by the fact that many Karma items are account bound, rather than character-specific.
Aside from me never having said that all Karma items were account bound (note my wording above and in the bit you quoted), this is something solved, again, by Karma being account-wide, and it has the same general effect as gifting a reward to someone else.
Maybe I’m in the minority, but I don’t think of myself as being rewarded. I may have been telling my character what to do, and where to go, but ultimately, if my Norn is awarded 40,000 karma, it’s hers’… It’s not like in the real world I can actually use that 40,000 karma.
I would not want my karma to be account bound. Other people can, but I’d rather there be an option to have it stay with each character because this would bug me if each character’s karma was being deposited into my account.
My point was karma by its basic definition is a reward for your good deeds. That is YOUR good deeds, if you do something good your friend/relative/alt does not get the same reward. Sure its treated as a type of currency but has a different meaning that gold.
to achieve that a reputation system per zone would be necessary. karma can be gained by doing events. which events doesnt matter. my character doesnt become the world greatest hero by killing centaurs in kessex hills for a week although he has more karma than a level 80.
you still have to do the hearts (the deeds) to actually access the karma vendor, so it’s not like you suddenly have access to everything just because karma is shared.
I get your point, but karma is a separate currency so people do events, as simple as that. just because it’s called “karma” doesn’t magically turn it into something character specific imo. and a lot of stuff is already per account, not character, there’s no real reason the be stuck with per character currency as long as you follow the failed logic “separate currency means people will farm it on separate chars! yay artificial longevity!”.
you can’t always follow game logic for game mechanics.
Gee, I have never seen this suggested before. It’s a good thing someone finally made a thread with this suggestion.
God yes please. My thief has farmed up a lot of this useless currency, I want to use it to buy the 80 armor for my alts who could actually use it.
Gee, I have never seen this suggested before. It’s a good thing someone finally made a thread with this suggestion.
Gee, I have never seen complains about repeated threads before. It’s a good thing someone finally made a post with this complaint.